Saturday, September 4, 2021

EVERY Kind of People...

...remember the days when most Americans had jobs?

They don't teach much about those days in the history books...
...but if Slavery deserves chapters devoted to it in the history books of American children, doesn't the "Cave of the Negroes" incident also deserve more than a "footnote" in the chapter on American-Japanese Internment Camps?  How about the story of the American middle class before the elite "Great Society" programs designed by "experts" solved all of America's social problems except for 'racism' which turned out to have been "systemic" (aka - originating in elite opinion itself) all along?


  1. ...remember the days when most Americans had jobs?

    Thanks, Dotard! If he had taken the pandemic seriously (and not politicized masking and getting vaccinated) we could be out of this already. Instead republicans have decided they want the pandemic to continue.

  2. Can bats in the United States get the virus that causes Covid-19, and can they spread it back to people?

    Other coronaviruses have been found in North American bats in the past, but there is currently no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 is present in any free-living wildlife in the United States, including bats. In general, coronaviruses do not cause illness or death in bats, but we don't yet know if this new coronavirus would make North American species of bats sick. Bats are an important part of natural ecosystems, and their populations are already declining in the United States. Bat populations could be further threatened by the disease itself or by harm inflicted on bats resulting from a misconception that bats are spreading COVID-19. However, there is no evidence that bats in the United States are a source of the virus that causes COVID-19 for people. Further studies are needed to understand if and how bats could be affected by COVID-19.

  3. No, just info that proves how full of shit you are.

  4. Says the guy withholding vaccines from Chinese bats

  5. Above comment also proves how full of shit Beamish is.

  6. Says the guy wearing a mask because he's afraid of infecting the unvaccinated or being infected by other vaccinated.

    "There is no evidence that bats in the United States are a source of the virus that causes COVID-19 for people." But there is evidence that vaccinated people are asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19 for bats and people and every other kind of animal. Keep your viral load to yourself, sicko. Make the vaccinated wear masks and keep them away from healthy people.

  7. I'm not afraid of infecting the unvaccinated or being infected by other vaccinated AT ALL. I wear a mask in public because it's what the CDC recommends. I'm FOR following rules put in place for the public good. I'm minimally concerned about being infected by an unvaccinated person not wearing a mask, given that breakthrough infections are rare (though they do happen).

  8. If we started shooting people in the face that required masks / vaccinations / both, how long would it take for America to acquire herd immunity against unlawful mandates?

  9. Will the abortion ban in Texas save more lives than the jockstrap on your face?

  10. Who is "we"? You and the other members of the cult you belong to? If "we" do start shooting people in the fact, the police will shoot you and your cult members dead. Any murders you commit will have no effect on LAWFUL mandates. I don't wear a jockstrap on my face.

  11. The CDC recommends you wear a mask because you injected mRNA into your body to become an asymptomatic carrier bat.
