Monday, August 9, 2021

Welcome to the Crossroads...


  1. Cops should just shoot people not wearing masks and use the "fearing for life" defense.

  2. btw - Cops are merely acting like Democrats would in a world where everyone not wearing the "blue" is a Republican.

  3. I listen to facts over Russian disinformation. I don't give a f*ck that you consider that a bad thing.

  4. Gladwell says COVID-19 pandemic has one notable 'winner': science. (excerpt) If there are any bright spots coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, author and journalist Malcolm Gladwell said it's got to be the public's growing faith in science. ...the rapid pace of development for treatments and vaccinations for the novel coronavirus ... "is a scientific accomplishment without precedent in the history of mankind", Gladwell said.

  5. "Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts" -Richard Feynman

    That you are for censoring dissenting scientific theories as "disinformation" from the oficialista line prove just hpw anti-science you are.

  6. ...and if you bothered to listen to Gladwell's piece, the science talked about was rejected by the oficialistas for years...

  7. was literally the "misinformation/ disinformation" of its' day.

  8. I was expecting Derv to point out that we've never seen Malcolm Gladwell and Sideshow Bob in the same room

  9. ...and if you bothered to listen to Gladwell's piece.

    I listed to it. I don't know what the f*ck Sideshow Bob has to do with the discussion. Gladwell isn't a villain because he agrees with you. Because I haven't heard him say squat that suggests he does. Just the OPPOSITE. He says (as I previously quoted) the covid vaccinations are "a scientific accomplishment without precedent in the history of mankind".

    Wait, I got it. The Sideshow Bob thing is because of his hair. That's your racist-sounding observation, not mine.

  10. Yes yesterday's "misinformation" is today's "scientific accomplishment without precedent in the history of mankind". Good thing Zuckerberg wasn't around to censor it off the internet.

  11. Oh boy... Derv thinks cartoons are real people. 🙄

  12. I know Kelsey Grammer is a real person. I'm not sure about "Thought Criminal". Re Mark Zuckerberg, you'd think trumpers would be appreciative of the huge assist he gave Dotard by allowing Russian propaganda on Facebook in the lead up to the 2016 election. As well as the help Facebook provided Dotard in the lead up to the 2020 election.

    Facebook executive: we got Trump elected, and we shouldn't stop him in 2020. (excerpt) In a memo obtained by The New York Times and publicly posted, a Facebook executive says the company's platform was responsible for electing Donald Trump president in 2016, but he warned employees against using the company's power to stop Trump's reelection in 2020. In the memo, Andrew Bosworth, one of the most prominent voices at the company... [says] that the company should not use its enormous reach to block Trump's reelection in 2020...

  13. Republicans campaigned against Hillary Clinton for 25 years. The only path to losing against her in 2016 would have been if Bernie Sanders was the GOP candidate

  14. Republicans campaigned against Hillary Clinton for 25 years. The only path to losing against her in 2016 would have been if Bernie Sanders was the GOP candidate

  15. Hillary Clinton won. Maybe Democrats should have stormed the capitol to STOP THE STEAL and the installation of an illegitimate president.

  16. If that would have happened in 2016, Trump would be exactly like Biden. Too big of a left wing pussy to put the insurrectionists to death and stack their bodies in the ocean next to Osama bin Laden.

    Hillary lost 2016. Trump lost 2020. Move on.

  17. Biden should give the guy that blew Ashli Babbitt away a Presidential Medal of Freedom at his next State of the Union address.

  18. Give me a break. Your "move on" should be directed at Minus. He'll never accept that Dotard lost. It's the rightwing's justification for passing even more restrictive voter laws. Democrats stopped the steal this time. republicans are working on making it easier for them to steal the presidency the next time.

  19. Huh? Voting should be easy. republicans are continually working to make it harder. Buying (and owning/carrying) a gun should be hard. republicans are continually working to make it easier.

  20. Is it racist that I have to show ID to buy a gun?

  21. Does forcing a woman to wear a mask for Covid violate her body her choice?

  22. Hey, forced sterilization was always the ultimate goal of the birth control/ eugenics movement.

  23. "We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. . . . Three generations of imbeciles are enough" - Buck v. Bell, 1927

    Progressive leftism

  24. Comparing "forcing" someone to wear a mask (not forced, you can stay home) to taking away a woman's bodily autonomy is moronic. It is also moronic to compare showing ID to buy a gun to showing ID to vote. The Joe Manchin "compromise" contained a voter ID provision. Several republicans rejected it, stating the reason was because Stacey Abrams endorsed it. Though, of greatest significance is the fact that voter fraud is statistically insignificant. Shootings aren't.

  25. "not forced, you can stay home"

    Not all of us funded right wing radio stocking up on nuke-resistant dehydrated pop tarts. This Bud's for you Mr. Disaster Prepped Motherfucker

  26. If you want to enter privately owned businesses to stock up on supplies you might encounter some rules. Never heard of "no shirt, no shoes, no service"?

  27. Yep. I've even heard of you have to wear a mask to go buy a mask.

  28. There was a plan to send everyone a mask in the mail. Dotard said no. I have several masks. I didn't buy any of them. I got 2 free when I was vaccinated.

  29. Hoarding free masks when the vaccinated need them the most.... Shame on you.

  30. "the vaccinated need them the most".

    I'm vaccinated. Though it is the unvaccinated that need them the most. They're the ones making up the vast majority of the diers and ICU bed hoggers. LOL.

  31. Meanwhile you have to wear a mask to try to stop emitting your viral load from the spike protein factory you turned your lungs into.

  32. I'm not sure wtf you're talking about. Vaccine shedding? That's bullshit. btw, Minus has confirmed that he is vaccinated.

  33. What you really need to worry about is why no bats and pangolins are being masked.

  34. Vaccinated people have to wear masks, but unvaccinated pandemic vectoring animals don't?

    Y'all stupid.

  35. Says the guy who won't mandate masks for the super spreading bats
