Thursday, August 12, 2021

Birth of the American Gulag

David Zukerman, "January 6 political prisoners deserve much more outrage than they're getting"
How long would it have taken rabid, radical leftists to respond if the Trump Department of Justice had held Antifa defendants in jail for seven months without trial? Half a millisecond?

Hundreds, yes hundreds of Trump-supporters at the Capitol have been held for seven months without trial. Other than a timid protest by a few conservative House Republicans, this writer is unaware of demands that these political detainees — how otherwise explain their detention by Biden's attorney general Garland (and thank the Almighty he was not put on the Supreme Court) — be given a fair and speedy trial?

Following a story in The Washington Post that a federal judge has constitutional concerns about one case involving a few of the detainees, The New York Times recognized, in its August 11 print edition, that the constitutional right of the detainees to a speedy trial is going by the boards, as trials are supposed to begin within 70 days of indictment.

Here it is more than seven months after January 6, 2021, the date of the Capitol incursion.

Isn't this an occasion for the filing of habeas corpus writs? What is going on here — political justice of the sort that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan imposed on Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, maintaining a prosecution that the government sought to be dismissed? And by the way, the Times article on the absence of a speedy trial for the "Jan. 6" detainees ended with the writer, Alan Feuer, quoting political judge Sullivan:
"[Judge Sullivan] suggested that the fault [for the delay in bringing the cases to trial] lay not [with the government] but in the number of rioters who breached the Capitol.

"'The problem,' he said, 'started on Jan[uary] 6 itself.'" (This writer doubts that the judge said "Jan. 6.")
Consider the clear implication of Judge Sullivan's gratuitous comment: a judge may disregard "due process of law" and "equal protection of the laws" (see the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution) "if he considers the charges an unacceptable affront to his political mindset." Judge Sullivan would strip the blindfold from the statue of Justice and tilt her scales way over to the left.

Where is the attorney to cite this from the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution? "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury[.]" Detention for seven months without trial seems a prima facie violation of the Sixth Amendment.

Further, Article I, Section 9, Clause 2 of the Constitution states: "The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public safety may require it." Could it be that defense counsel fear that applications for a writ of habeas corpus would be denied by courts regarding the January 6 defendants as rebels? Or could it be that defense counsel fear retribution from the DOJ or the federal judges if they protest the repressive treatment of their clients too zealously?

The rabid, radical leftists made it a practice to accuse President Trump of undermining our democratic institutions and imposing authoritarian rule on the country. That was a false claim. But behold the treatment given citizens who are not even charged with insurrection or sedition. The main charges seem to be obstruction of an official proceeding, which, as the Post article reports, may be an unconstitutional charge — and, get this, trespass. Where else but under a totalitarian-minded regime would more than 500 detainees be held seven months and counting for trespass? Good heavens, why hasn't the government detained for months on end the Antiifa protesters in Lafayette Square, June 1, 2020, who vandalized and set on fire St. John's Church?

The Biden administration is trashing due process and equal protection of the laws — and not a word of outrage at this trashing of the Constitution is heard. James Madison must be deeply dismayed that the American spirit of liberty he extolled in Federalist No. 57 is fading away. ACLU, Alan Dershsowitz, Jonathan Turley, please copy.


  1. Calling the Jan 6 insurrectionists "political prisoners" is pure stupidity. Dotard sent goons to snatch people off the streets and you FULLY supported it. You supported shooting people if Dotard had successfully cheated his way to a "win" and protestors took to the streets. QED you can shove your BS framing.

  2. I'm not "a person belonging to any of certain groups of Slavs living chiefly in the southern part of Russia in Europe and forming an elite corps of horsemen". And I don't know (before you added "dumb") why that was an insult.

  3. I would have went with "vestigial strain of homo floriensis but Derv already has problems grasping that intelligence is genetic.

  4. I don't subscribe to scientific racism. But I am not (unlike Minus and the thought guy) a White Supremacist.

    Re "I call em as I see em"... there was nothing to see that would cause you to believe I am a Cossack. Not sure what that has to do with this discussion, in any case. Just another of your moronic non sequiturs.

  5. Scientific racism? Who said anything about progressive leftist ideology?

  6. So what you're saying is that actual science is "progressive leftist ideology" while pseudoscience is "regressive rightist ideology"? Generally speaking I would agree with you on that.

  7. Except that scientific racism was (and is) a product of progressive leftists.

  8. for BLM is simply moral licensing to assuage the DNC's conscience for inventing scientific racism.

  9. long as the Denisovians don't burn down their abortion clinics.

  10. The DNC didn't invent scientific racism. "Scientists" like Charles Murray boost it by publishing flawed research.

  11. lol. From your link...

    Sanger did support eugenics and did once speak to a female group associated with the KKK words, true, but images false.

  12. Bullshit denial. That really is a picture of scientific racists.

  13. You said a picture is worth a thousand words. The picture is fake. The words below it are false. Sanger never spoke at a KKK rally. And her views concerned poor people. As per her Wikipedia page, "After World War I, Sanger increasingly appealed to the societal need to limit births by those least able to afford children". You including her name in this discussion is a non sequitur.

    One would imagine that Conservatives would be all for eugenics, given their hate for the poor. Yet they illogically defend the "rights of the unborn", then stop caring about babies very soon after birth. I would have written "immediately" except I remembered republicans suffer from delusions involving infanticide.

  14. There's more truth in any photoshopped picture than in any amount of words.

  15. "There's more truth in any photoshopped picture than in any amount of words".

    Bullshit. As for killing the poor, "the song is a scathing satire of the elite who would rather eradicate those in poverty instead of giving them the education needed to make a living". Though Beamish likely takes it literally (and wholeheartedly agrees).

  16. I'll wait for you to find where progressives wanted to educate the poor rather than sterilize them.

    Smh at the ironic misunderstanding of punk rock, Derv. Try harder.

  17. republican eugenics = opposition to single payer.

  18. Democrats support a woman's right to bodily autonomy. republicans view women as either sex objects, mothers or uggos. Woman who don't want to be sex objects or mothers are lesbians and/or feminazis. And "lying whores" when they object to being sexually harassed or assaulted.

  19. ^^Demands women be required to get Covid vaccinations^^ much for for claims for bodily autonomy.

  20. He demands vaccinated women wear masks. He treats women worse than Chinese bats.
