Saturday, August 28, 2021

On Deep State Tyranny

"The Liberal State is a mask behind which there is no face; it is a scaffolding behind which there is no building."
-Benito Mussolini

"Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless we have a tyranny withoput a tyrant."  
- Hannah Arendt

"Lying for the sake of necessity appears as something sublime; and a man who does not submit to the machinery, though submission may mean his death, is regarded as a sinner against some kind of divine order."
- Hannah Arendt

Your Identity and Autonomy is Given to you by your Capitalist Master... much as your " Authentic Identity" is a Pitiful Attempt by your Ego to Pretend at Self-Agency.

There is No Free Will in a Society where Everyone is "by necessity" self-assigned their particular role to perform.
"We think that we have the freedom to exercise out will only by forgetting that power is exercised not simply by delimiting our freedom, but by confining our will to power's own operation and perpetuation. The more we exercise our free will, the more power proliferates." 

 -Dimitris Vardoulakis

Now all you Kafkaesque cockroaches, go get your vaccination, because it's not about "truth"... it's about "necessity."!


  1. What's next Dervy. Blame the Jews for Hitler?

  2. No, I blame White Supremacist Hitler admirers. aka people like you who voted for the "autocratic outsider". Liars who try to paint the other side as the bringers of tyranny. We narrowly avoided the tyranny you voted for.

  3. If Libertarian voters had gone for Trump in 2020, he'd still be President. You're welcome.

  4. According to Minus it was massive voter fraud that resulted in Dotard getting the boot. Also according to Minus, Biden got few real votes. Which must mean Libertarians went bigly for Dotard (just as every real/actual voter did). Anyway, did Libertarians vote for Joe Biden or Jo Jorgensen? btw, if non voters would have gone for Dotard he would have won by the biggliest margin in history. Maybe we should thank them?

    1. It's possible some Libertarians smoked a ton of crack and voted for Biden. It's possible some Libertarians smoked a pound of meth and voted for Trump. But if you look at states where Trump contested the election results, those that voted Libertarian completely outnumber the margin Trump lost by. Libertarians mostly handed the election to Biden by voting Libertarian.

  5. Libertarians didn't hand the election to Biden. That's BS. If Libertarians didn't want Dotard to successfully steal a second term they'd have voted for Biden. By voting for someone who had no chance they risked a second Dotard term. Same as people who didn't vote.

  6. That's a lot of crack smoking you're asking Libertarians to do.

  7. Smoking crack doesn't facilitate time travel. Unless you're saying you think the next election is going to be a choice between tRump and Biden again. Though I think crack smoking would lead to not voting at all. Apparently you believe smoking crack leads to the smoker making good decisions? Is that why you smoke it?

    1. I believe smoking crack would lead to bad decisions, such as voting for Biden.

  8. The choice was to vote for someone who could actually win, not vote, or vote for someone who couldn't win (virtually the same thing as not voting). Apparently you -- despite saying you aren't a trump fan -- voted for someone who had no chance of winning -- and therefore risked a second tRump term. That's a very bad decision. Still you believe you can credit Libertarians for Biden winning. That's incredibly faulty logic. But what I'd expect from a Libertarian. Given the fact that all Libertarian logic is faulty.

  9. It wasn't enough to make me laugh about your ignorance of logic. You just had to tack on a tautological fallacy on the end, didn't you moron lol

  10. So you're illiterate too? If Jorgensen voters had voted for Trump in all the states he launched lawsuits in to try to overturn the election, he would have won them (and Biden would have been the one running to court)

  11. They didn't. They wouldn't have. As you pointed out. btw, you don't know the definition of "illiterate" either? Both you and Minus believe you could communicate (on a blog via the written word) with an illiterate person. Another clue that points to you being his sockpuppet.

    And why would Biden have went running to court? Elections are decided by The People, not the courts. Why Dotard failed. Also his (and his lawyer's) claims were BS. Biden didn't/wouldn't have hired lawyers as dumb as Giuliani, Powell and Wood.

  12. "They didn't. They wouldn't have."... LOL! :P

  13. wtf? Did you link to the wrong article? The article you linked to doesn't have anything to do with how Libertarians voted in 2020.

  14. My "they didn't. they wouldn't have" was in response to "If Jorgensen voters had voted for Trump". Not "Biden would have been the one running to court". He was prepared. Lawyers were standing by. And HRC (in the article you link to) is correct. Dotard was illegitimately installed. Dotard LOST the popular vote. BOTH times. Fighting back against voter suppression isn't comparable to fighting imaginary voter fraud.

  15. The "popular vote" has nothing to do with electing the President of the US.

  16. It's a math problem, and leftists can't do math. JoJorgensen got more votes in Pennsylvania than Trump lost by in Pennsylvania... And so on. High IQ Elitist should stick to eating paint chips.

  17. Winning the popular vote is proof that more people wanted the Democrat to be elected president. Both in 2016 and 2020. And I've never eaten even one paint chip. Beamish clearly gobbles them up by the handful. Explaining his autistic-like obsession with masking and vaccinating bats.

  18. Democrats should try to win the popular vote in each state. Move somewhere where the reds are struggling to feed all those inner city blues that pay all the taxes lol

  19. Blue states do indeed pay to support the red taker states. And people in the red taker states absolutely should be voting Democratic for that reason. But White racists would rather harm themselves than see everyone treated equally. Why Democrats can't win their votes.

  20. "white racist" is Dem Speak for anyone with a brain.

  21. The link he referred to shows that Dervy's ideas vis "white racism" haven't progressed since 1919, when Democrats and the Klan were purging the federal work force.

  22. Between being the recipient of 3/4s of all the federal welfare dollars, a major military basing hub, and all the federal contractors in technology and defense with corporate headquarters there, is there a bigger taker state than California? Like, which dollar in that shithole didn't come out of a Republican's pocket?

  23. Re: 1919... Dead people have always been the Democratic Party's largest voting demographic

  24. BallotPedia: Voting in the name of a deceased person is a form of vote fraud in which someone casts a vote under the name of a deceased person, whose name remains on the state's list of registered voters.... According to the Brennan Center for Justice, a law and policy institute ... "The consensus from credible research and investigation is that the rate of illegal voting is extremely rare, and the incidence of certain types of fraud – such as impersonating another voter – is virtually nonexistent".

    Although, in 2020, there were a number of republican voters who cast multiple ballots. Usually republican men voting for tRump under their dead mother's names. Still statistically insignificant.

  25. Lack of brain activity = dead.

    My point about Democrats stands.

  26. It doesn't. And it's republicans who suffer from a lack of brain activity. Though they aren't dead, just stupid. Stupidly voting against your own interests can lead to death, but we aren't talking about people who are currently deceased.

    btw, You think zombies vote? Even zombies have brain activity (explaining why you have to kill the brain to stop a zombie).

  27. Not sure what's more hilarious, that you believe in zombies or that the largest blue states have the highest illiteracy rates
