Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Who's Side is America On?


  1. The Daily Caller is using excerpts from MSNBC? After Pitbull speaks, it's Andrea Mitchell's voice narrating next. And later there is an excerpt of Jen Psaki saying (on behalf of the Biden administration) that Communism is a failed ideology.

    Even though (according to a comment on WYD by The Political Chick) Democratic Socialists, and Progressives [want to] trash the greatest Constitution in history, and throw away all those freedoms, and rights, and free speech, & switch to Communism, just like they did in Cuba...

    And according to Mystere (posting as "Qanon") "al-Dervish pooped his diapers when he saw that [citizens protesting in Cuba]". Presumably because he believes I am a fan of Communism.

    Apparently you disagree with this bullplop about Democrats being pro-communism (given that you posted this video that includes MSNBC excerpts and Jen Psaki speaking against Communism on behalf of the Biden administration)?

  2. The Russians commanded their debt-slave Trump not to get involved in Venezuela. It's probably the same fear keeping Biden from messing with Russia's other debt-slaves in Cuba.

  3. Why would the Daily Caller quote Dems spouting "taqiyya"?

  4. Why would YOU post a video by the Daily Caller quoting Dems spouting "taqiyya"?

  5. Democrats oppose communism. "taqiyya" is you projecting. That's what you do re White Supremacism.

  6. Hmm. So what you're saying is that, unlike in Cuba, the Chinese people love Communism? Who knew?

  7. I don't think that the leaders of the CCP could give a cr*p about what the Chinese people love.

  8. So what you're saying is that, for a system to be successful, the consent of the governed is irrelevant. As a Dotard supporter, that makes total sense that you'd believe that. And view voter suppression as a legitimate tool to impose a system upon a citizenry that doesn't want it (republican White Supremacist fascism).

  9. Meh. Nobody on the planet secured China's future as an economic superpower on the express lane to surpass the United States more than Donald Trump. He literally removed every obstacle to their rise.

  10. It's called capitalism w/Asian values (the three represents)... the people come #3 and don't properly understand what's "good for them".

  11. 'Quite generally, what grounds are there for supposing that those whose claim to power is based on knowledge and technique will be more benign in their exercise of power than those whose claim is based on wealth or aristocratic origin? On the contrary, one might expect the new mandarin to be dangerously arrogant, aggressive and incapable of adjusting to failure, as compared with his predecessor, whose claim to power was not diminished by honesty as to the limitations of his knowledge, lack of work to do or demonstrable mistakes.'[

    Sounds like the forward to "The Deep Stater's Bible", don't it?

  12. "...the Party must always represent ... the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people".

    What the republican party has in common with the CCP. They both lie about whose interests they serve :P

  13. There's more to the "people's interest" then the legalization of sodomy.

  14. It's currently legal. And eliminating/reducing hate and discrimination IS in the interest of a majority of the people.

  15. Not when it's your 13 year old getting sodomized. It just makes 'em mad.

  16. I don't have a 13 year old. And rape remains illegal. Despite your attempts to ignore it most of the time/discredit women by calling them "lying whores".

  17. ...only when the lying whores come forward twenty years after the deed.

  18. Minus didn't include the word "alleged" because he thinks if a rape isn't reported immediately there was consent ("silence implies consent"). Excepting when Democrats are accused many years later (Tara Reade).

  19. My comment doesn't say I have any idea who Tara Reade voted for. Your illiteracy must be acting up again. If she voted for anyone for president, it was third party or Dotard. A vote for Dotard wouldn't surprise me. There were several Clinton accusers who supported Dotard. And that these women go from being (they say) sexually assaulted or harassed by a Democrat to supporting a known republican sexual offender? That strongly suggests to me that they are hypocrites and likely liars.

  20. Just like Brett Cavanaugh's accusers. Good to know.

  21. Absolutely not. 4500 tips suggests guilt. The fact that none of the tips were followed up on strongly suggests guilt. I say the preponderance of the evidence says he's a sexual assulter and harasser by nature (just like Dotard). Why none of the tips could be investigated.

  22. 4500 tips suggest there are a lot of liberal haters out there.

  23. Andrew Cuomo is a victim of false accusations from "conservative haters"?

  24. He had 4,500 sexual harassment complaints filed against him? Who knew?

  25. He has less than the 20+ Dotard Donald has. And he is saying he is going nowhere. Which must mean he's going to complete his term. Unless his fellow Democrats hold him accountable. The opposite of what Dotard's fellow republicans did. And there weren't 4500 complaints against Boofing Brett. It was 4500 tips. Maybe if they'd have been looked into (instead of being ignored/swept under the carpet) that would have resulted in more accusers coming forward. But any victims who might have gathered the courage to speak got the message loud and clear... republicans don't give a crap about sexual harassment or assault. PROVEN by the fact that Dotard faced zero accountability.

  26. As JC and FJ can tell you, I'm no Trump supporter by any stretch of the imagination. I consider Trump to be the worst President America will ever have, even after studying such scumbags as Woodrow Wilson and LBJ. I turned my back on the Republican Party during the right-blogosphere's "set your principles aside and vote for Romney anyway" phase of the 2012 election cycle. I'd hold my nose and vote for Romney now if it would make Trumpism disappear into the sewage treatment plant of history. But it wouldn't so I won't.

    Name someone allegedly sexually harassed by Trump that has not been paid money out of Trump's pocket to go away. I doubt you can. So, Trump compensated prostitutes. So?

  27. E Jean Caroll wasn't paid anything. There are many others.

    "I doubt you can" (implying there are none) = a lie. Or maybe you're willfully ignorant on the subject.

  28. You think Donald tRump bought her book? You think he told trumpers to buy her book? I very seriously doubt it.
