Friday, July 23, 2021

American Victimology Socialism


  1. Is this a post criticizing republicans for their attempts to scare voters with their "law and order" message? aka criminal illegals and criminal minorities are coming to get you?

  2. Try me. Legalize "open carry in all 50" and you can cut the police budget to zero for all I care.

  3. Reinstate the Militia Act of 1792. Make it mandatory for white people to own firearms. 😉

  4. Nope. But I'll be ready for your friends when they come knocking on my door. :)

  5. Typical republican fantasies about murdering home invaders. Though in this case Minus expands the definition of "invader" to include people who knock on his door. Just blast away, then make up a story about how the people at your door were there to rob you.

  6. As if Jehovah's Witnesses don't want your money

  7. Self defense requires imminent danger. If you caught an unarmed intruder in your house and shot them... that would be murder. If you shot someone for knocking on your door... that would be murder. Maybe the door-knockers are Cyber Ninjas who want to inquire about your vote in the 2020 election? Though those people wouldn't be friends of mine. aka not people Minus thinks should be murdered simply due to their association with me.

  8. "Purgers" aren't violent and self defense doesn't apply? Who knew?

  9. That's a fiction movie. Also (re my comment) I was saying you'd be on the side of the purgers. I didn't know you were calling the (fictional) purgers my friends. They'd be your friends. Given that they (in the movie) are White Supremacists who want to kill minorities.

  10. Sorry, I don't follow purge fiction. I don't need to invent enemies to fear, I need only fear your stupidity.

  11. White Male Supremacy is real. Despite your taqiyya on the subject. btw, you do invent enemies to fear (deep state). Why you rail against "cancel culture" when Dr Seuss wasn't canceled. And fear an imaginary version of CRT being taught to kids. When no version of it is.

  12. They are products of YOUR (and James Lindsay's) stupidity :P

  13. James Lindsay invented CRT? Who knew?

  14. You can't lose something that was never there.

  15. When is CRT going to tackle the idea that ancient aliens never helped white people build anything because only brown people needed help?

  16. MLK: A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro.

  17. Think if you give a wino some change he'll buy himself a meal?

  18. ...or are you planning to outlaw Colt 45 like you did menthol cigarettes?

  19. "MLK: A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

    How many free rides back to Africa do they want?

  20. Minus = White Supremacist.

    Thought Criminal = White Separatist.
