Thursday, June 17, 2021

Happy Juneteenth, America!


  1. "The racial issues we still face today" = White people being discriminated against. Right, Minus?

  2. No, it's white people attempting to glorify themselves and become "White Saviours" again by convincing black people that they're still being oppressed by events which ended 150 years ago when 600,000 white people unlike them died to free blacks from slavery.

  3. That Black people are dumb and falling for lies of White liberals is your denialism narrative. But Black people can see for themselves that White Supremacy is alive and well and they are still being oppressed. Racism didn't end 150 years ago. The "GOP" is still loyal to their racist leader, Dotard Donald.

    FYI, 600k white people died in the Civil War because White Supremacists didn't want to stop enslaving Black people. Also, it is interesting that now you admit you were lying when you ranted about "cultural genocide". Did you tire of people laughing at you?

  4. "The club has no such restrictive policy", said Whitehouse senior spokeswoman Meaghan McCabe in a statement to The New York Post. "The club has had and has members of color … The senator has dedicated his entire career to promoting equity and protecting civil rights, as his record shows" :P

    Reality teevee "star" Dotard Donald on the set of the Apprentice, "There's no way I can let this black f-g win". This was in regards to selecting Kwame Jackson as the winner (which he did not. Kwame Jackson lost).

    Kwame Jackson: Trump is a racist :P

  5. lol! Prove it. Name a member of colour... and it had better not be "Elizabeth Warren".

  6. I know nothing about this club. I only cut and pasted what Whitehouse's spokesperson said. You're the one making the allegation. Prove that it is the official policy of the club that they will not accept Black members. And Elizabeth Warren is clearly not Black. Nor has she ever claimed she is Black. I also doubt she is a member of this club.

  7. How incurious the Left get's when the racists are Democrats... tsk-tsk.

  8. You haven't proven any racism. Also, the issue isn't going away. Democrats (unlike republicans) hold their own accountable.

  9. You've EVER proven anyone's racism? lol!

  10. lol! He's got more black friends and admirers than you'll ever have.

  11. LOL! Anyone (of any race) who admires Dotard Donald is a fool. Anyone (of any race) who considers him a friend is an even bigger fool. He is a narcissist who cares only about himself.

  12. Wikipedia/I'm not racist, I have Black friends: "I'm not racist, I have Black friends" (variant: "Some of my best friends are Black"[1]) is a tu quoque fallacy often used by white people in an attempt to justify that they are not racist towards African-Americans. The phrase, which gained popularity in the mid-2010s has since sparked many internet memes and debates over racial attitudes. ... A 2004 study in Basic and Applied Social Psychology listed the phrase as a "common [claim of] innocence by association". A 2011 study published in the Journal of Black Studies suggested that African Americans were rarely impressed by whites claiming to have "Black friends", and that the claim was more likely to make African Americans think that the person making it was in fact more, not less, prejudiced. The phrase is cited as an instance of "resistance to antiracist thinking", and some suggestions for dismantling the logic of the phrase include "it is like saying there is no such thing as sexism because we all have a close friend or family member who is a woman".

  13. Are you trying to compensate for the fact that you have no black acquaintances, let alone, "friends"?

  14. "...African Americans were rarely impressed by whites claiming to have Black friends, and that the claim was more likely to make African Americans think that the person making it was in fact more, not less, prejudiced".

  15. I went on a date with 10 of them right after they stepped out of the cloning machine. She is very light-skinned, so why didn't Dotard marry her?
