Friday, June 18, 2021

Election 2016, The Year American Democracy and Politics Jumped the Shark, and the Spectacle's Audience Began to Tune Its' Politics Out

The End of the Political Solution


  1. So you're anti-Dotard now? Or did someone hack your blog and post these videos? btw, that people are tuning out politics (supposedly) explain why a record number of people voted in 2020 (giving Joe Biden the win)? Anyway, I will agree with you that Dotard was (and continues to be) terrible and that his presidency was an embarrassment.

  2. Record voter fraud was support for Biden? Who knew?

  3. There wasn't record voter fraud. It was minuscule, as usual.

  4. Asserted but unproven, as with all liberal fantasies.

  5. "Record voter fraud" is what is asserted but unproven. As with all magamoron fantasies.

  6. An accurate count is what was asserted and unproven.

  7. The multiple recounts proved the first count was accurate.

  8. lol! Did they do any full recounts including ballot "forensics" (ala -"hanging chads")?

  9. The "hanging chads" situation had to do with voter intent. I'm pretty sure no punch type ballots were used anywhere in this election. As for the recount not being "full", you asserted this multiple times but I've never seen a link. I think I'd have heard it they were only counting samples. Yet I've only heard it from you. You'd think Rudy Giuliani would have brought this up during one of his many dismissed lawsuits.

  10. Must have been a full recount every time they recounted the ballots. Proof positive Joe Biden won and Dotard Donald lost. Obviously the only point of the Cyber Ninja fraudit is to justify the passage of voter suppression laws. So the next time they can stop a Democrat from winning legitimately. Or just throw out a Democrat's legitimate win.
