Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Election Integrity


  1. "Election Integrity" is code for voter suppression.

  2. You obviously failed again to watch the video.

  3. I was only commenting on how republicans use the term "election integrity". At the time I made my comment I wasn't able to watch the video. Are you now (truthfully) arguing that cheating benefited Dotard Donald?

    Yesterday (in the morning) you wrote "Trump won the actual legitimate vote. The election was stolen from him". Yesterday (in the evening) you posted the video attached to this post. In between you changed your mind about the election being stolen from Dotard Donald?

  4. I've been arguing all along that Dems and Reps of the Uniparty are in on the Dominion vote flipping scam.

  5. There is no "Dominion vote flipping scam". Why Dominion has filed lawsuits against various parties who have been spreading this lie. Also, Dominion flipped Joe Biden votes to Dotard? Why the f*ck would they do that, if the goal was to steal the election from Dotard Donald? Your conspiracy theories don't even make consistent sense.

  6. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a small mind.

  7. You are consistently foolish. Are you admitting to having a small mind?

  8. Only if you'll admit that it's still much larger than yours.

  9. mind [dictionary.com definition] (in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.: [end definition]

    Given that your reasoning is bullplop, I'm going to say no. Though maybe you make up for that in judging. Judging others inferior to yourself is something you do a lot, I'm guessing.

  10. There's being right, and being righteous. Big difference.

  11. "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
    -Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" (Zarathustra on “The Spirit of Gravity”)

    "Some among the great goods cannot live together. That is a conceptual truth. We are doomed to choose, and every choice may entail an irreparable loss.”.
    ― Isaiah Berlin, "The Proper Study of Mankind"

  12. That doesn't cut both ways? The Left shouldn't have it's way, because it isn't the right way (according to you)? I can't make the same argument in opposition to what you believe to be the "right way"?

    btw, when it comes to taking the life of another, Inmate Chauvin chose the wrong way. Why he is going to be spending a long time behind bars.

  13. Chauvin made a mistake that you will never permit him to learn from or correct. Great job!

  14. And yes, the Left's way is the wrong way. It doesn't trust the people and so requires totalitarian control. "No "free hands of the market" for you!

  15. There a VAST difference between negative liberty and positive liberty.

    Positive liberty can justify "anything" in the "name of the people".

  16. The entire policy basis of the Cold War came from George Kennan... "For anything undertaken in response to the will of the collectivity (in this instance the Party), no matter how distasteful, no matter how unattractive from the standpoint of individual morality, there could be no guilt, no questioning, no remorse." - George Kennan

  17. How convenient for you. There is (for example) overwhelming support for gun regulations (even among republicans), yet you can ignore this because of "negative liberty". You walked back your "the correct way, and the only way... does not exist" pretty quick.

  18. Totalitarian control is what you want. By your own admission.

  19. lol! Your example is one of negative liberty. It is by definition incapable of totalitarian control. :)

  20. It defines and sets aside a space "outside" the totalitarian's (your) control. A "second amendment" space. :)

  21. ps - And as you can see from this example, there are "other" ways. Are you saying that we, as a society, should choose totalitarianism as that "correct" way?

  22. The American people (by electing Joe Biden) rejected the totalitarianism you strongly desire. Why you voted for the "authoritarian outsider" (your words).

  23. China Joe isn't serving up America to China on a silver platter? Who knew? Certainly not Hunter or Joe's brother.

  24. No. Who knows? People who are paying attention and not believing lies.

  25. BWAAAH!

    "In his first 100 days, President Biden has generally overseen a continuation of his predecessor's China policies..."
