Saturday, October 17, 2020

The "curious incident of the dog in the night-time"

 "The Adventure of Silver Blaze", one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is one of 12 in the cycle collected as The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle ranked "Silver Blaze" 13th in a list of his 19 favourite Sherlock Holmes stories.

One of the most popular Sherlock Holmes short stories, "Silver Blaze" focuses on the disappearance of the eponymous race horse (a famous winner, owned by a Colonel Ross) on the eve of an important race and on the apparent murder of its trainer. The tale is distinguished by its atmospheric Dartmoor setting and late-Victorian sporting milieu. It also features some of Conan Doyle's most effective plotting, hingeing on the "curious incident of the dog in the night-time":

Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?

Holmes: To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.

Gregory: The dog did nothing in the night-time.

Holmes: That was the curious incident.


The Associated Press Finally Talks About The Hunter Biden Emails, But…

Thus far, it’s been a Sisyphean task to get anyone in the mainstream media outside of Fox News to talk about the Hunter Biden email story, but some cracks in the wall that they’ve thrown up to defend Joe Biden are starting to show. That doesn’t mean that America will be getting the full story, however. The latest example of this phenomenon showed up yesterday when the Associated Press finally decided to offer some coverage. It’s a rather short report and you won’t find the word “China” mentioned anywhere in it. Nor will you see any references to Ukraine, Burisma or any suggestions of influence peddling. Russia is mentioned quite a bit, however, but only in reference to whether or not Rudy Giuliani is a peddler of kompromat.

The FBI is investigating whether emails that were published by the New York Post related to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, are connected to a possible Russian influence operation to spread disinformation, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The newspaper said in its story Wednesday that it had obtained a hard drive from Rudy Giuliani containing the emails, and that the messages were found on a laptop that had been left last year at a Delaware computer repair shop for service but never retrieved.

The unlikely account of how the emails surfaced raised immediate questions about Russian involvement, particularly because U.S. officials have warned that Russia — which backed Trump’s 2016 campaign through hacking and a covert social media campaign — is interfering again this year.

As you will see, there isn’t a single reference to any of the actual content of the emails or Joe Biden’s involvement in the alleged activities. Without offering any evidence whatsoever, the AP suggests that the material may be part of a Russian influence operation. They describe Giuliani’s story about how the hard drive data was obtained as “unlikely.” They describe the authenticity of the emails as “unclear,” again suggesting without evidence that they might be hacked or possibly forged or both.

All of this ignores several pertinent details that have already been established. First of all, neither the Biden campaign nor Hunter Biden himself has attempted to deny the authenticity of the emails. If they were forged or tampered with, that would be the easiest thing in the world to do, particularly since the FBI is looking into them. Further, Fox News has now confirmed the authenticity of the emails with two different people who were copied on some of the email chains. If you haven’t read John’s full coverage of that story from yesterday, you should do so now.

In addition, it’s also been confirmed that a sweetheart deal for a group of Chinese Communist Party members to tour the White House (with suggestions that a meeting with Joe Biden was included) in 2011 actually took place. Hunter Biden was out of the country at the time, but his business partners were able to set up the arrangement for him after he was asked.

The dominos have been falling for some time now in terms of the authenticity of this material. Is there any other plausible explanation for Hunter Biden’s incredible good fortune in his business dealings in Ukraine and China? How else does a guy who speaks neither language and has zero background or experience in the businesses concerned and spends his time smoking crack with strippers wind up with business opportunities of that magnitude? He had nothing to offer beyond access to his father.

Does this mean that way the laptop’s hard drive wound up in Rudy Giuliani’s hands is 100% on the up and up? That’s yet to be established and there are definitely some questions that the FBI should be seeking to answer about the computer repair shop where they originated. Those details should be sorted out and any required action must be taken. But none of that changes the story about the contents of the emails which, at this point, should at least be close enough to total confirmation for legitimate news outlets to be covering. And yet all they can do is throw suspicions about the laptop’s origin out to muddy the waters. This is nothing short of election interference at the highest level and it’s not being done by the Russians. It’s coming from our own social media giants and mainstream news sources.

Here’s some bonus information for you to chew on in case you missed Tucker Carlson yesterday. In the tweet and video below, it’s noted that Hunter Biden told his family, “Don’t worry, unlike your grandfather, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” Unless he’s just making up lies to trash his own father, surely there must be some financial records if that kind of money was changing hands, don’t you think? And Uncle Joe certainly seems to have done well for himself for a guy living on a government salary, hasn’t he?


  1. So I guess you're just going to ignore the fact that these emails are fakes and go with your BS Russian disinformation anyway. Nothing new, in other words.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing Rudy being sent to prison :).

    Hmm. The laptop was supposedly dropped off by a drunk Hunter Biden on 4/12/2019. Along with an external hard drive that was manufactured on 4/18/2019. He must have come back (when he came back to give them a keyboard for no reason). He wanted to sure they had a hd with some (fake) incriminating evidence on it.

    This story is so stupid. Your response indicates to me that you know it is but simply don't care.

  3. No longer sourcing their material... how you know when someone's full of sh*t. :)

  4. btw - Your favorite source has an interesting articlre thats bound to fire up the QAnon crowd...

  5. "Tyler Durden" is a fictional character from the movie "Fight Club". His stories are as fictional as he is. Is "John Paul Mac Isaac" fictional too? If not, he and Rudy should both be arrested. btw, why would he "believe" the man who dropped off the laptop to be Hunter Biden? People just drop off tech to be fixed and maybe they will return to pick it up (and pay)? He doesn't get their names and phone numbers beforehand?

    The media isn't covering this story because it's bullshit. One of Putin's employees must have gotten the idea from the laptop situation that cost HRC votes in 2016. Chanel Rion is a liar.

  6. There you go, not a single sourceable or even cogent argument. Just a rant...

  7. Meanwhile in a leak from CHINESE intelligence sources...

  8. LOL. You're the one without the cogent argument as to why this should not be immediately disbelieved. Given the source.

    National security adviser warned Trump in December 2019 that Giuliani was target of Russian disinformation campaign
    . (excerpt) In early December 2019, national security adviser Robert O'Brien conveyed to President Trump concerns that his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was being targeted by a Russian disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting Joe Biden, current and former administration advisers familiar with the situation told CBS News. [end excerpt]

    Hunter Biden email and laptop ruction spotlights Giuliani as Trump risk factor (excerpt) A New York tabloid's puzzling account about how it acquired emails purportedly from Joe Biden’s son has raised some red flags. One of the biggest involves the source of the emails: Rudy Giuliani. ...the FBI [is] investigating whether the emails are part of a foreign influence operation. [end excerpt]

  9. The DNI says there's no evidence of a foreign intel link to the laptop. Who should I believe, the current official Director of National Intelligence or anonymous "current and former administration advisers familiar with the situation..."? It is a puzzlement, but this time I'll side with the people willing to go "on the record"... something the Biden campaign refuses to do with an "official denial". :)

  10. I trust common sense over a Dotard stooge. Also More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter that say this is almost certainly Russian disinformation.

  11. You mean they signed a letter that emphasized they they hadn't a clue... LOL!

  12. "We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case."

  13. Former intel people don't get access to look at FBI evidence. They're talking about what their experience tells them. Experience that gives them LOTS of clues.

  14. Because every intel crime is just like the last one... e-r-r-r.

  15. Kiddie porn addicts are all Russian FSB agents or dupes? Who Knew?

  16. Nobody. I don't know wtf you're talking about. The FSB frames people with kiddie porn. They aren't themselves "addicts".

  17. Then why does Hunter have naked pictures of his 14 year old niece. The FSB?

  18. Is she the FSB agent.

  19. Fake news. Which will be confirmed when Hunter Biden isn't arrested.

  20. ...or confirmed when she show's up pregnant with a paternity suit ala Hunter's 'stripper' friend.

  21. Since Rudy says he filed a police report, the arrest should be happening soon... right? If not it will surely be because the "deep state" came to his rescue. Even if Dotard steals a second term. aka I don't expect you to ever admit you were wrong.

    If you have naked pics of some girl, that doesn't mean you've had sex with said girl. I didn't see that alleged in the article you linked to. If these pics even exist I say they're of some girl who looks like his niece.

    There will be no pregnancy or paternity suit. Also no arrest. For the same reason nobody involved in the "pizzagate" scandal was ever arrested (except for the idiot who shot the place up). It was all fake.

  22. "Then why does Hunter have naked pictures of his 14 year old niece".

    You've seen them? I say there are no pictures. Why there hasn't been an arrest. Occam's razor.

  23. Hunter dated Beau's wife. My bet is that they had a threesome and THAT is where the pictures came in. Eventually, Beau's widow cam to her senses and realized that Huunter was only interested in her daughter, and so she broke it off... :)

  24. from Hunter's laptop...

    She [Hallie Biden] told my therapist I was sexually inappropriate with [name redacted- NATALIE] when she says that I face time naked with her and the reason I can't have her out to see me is because I walk around naked smoking crack talking [redacted] girls on face time. When she was present she said that [redacted-NATALIE] never said anything like that but the bottom line is that she I create and caused a very unsafe environment for the kids. If it stopped there I would let it go but then [redacted] friend [redacted] sober coach.

  25. The chain of custody is REALLY broken if Hunter Biden's laptop was in your possession. Did you get it from the Delaware shop owner?

  26. Then the case will be tossed. If it is even brought.

  27. Not much time left to make an arrest that will affect the election.
