Saturday, October 3, 2020

Multiculturalism Breakthru - White Supremacist Organization Leader is Also the Afro-Cuban Leader of Latinos for Trump!


  1. They made him an "honorary White" because he's ready to stand by and "f*ck up" some minorities for voting Democratic.

  2. He probably hates Black people more. Given that over 90 percent of Black voters support the Democratic Party. We know for sure he hates women. Given that their misogyny is something the Proud Boys proudly proclaim.

  3. ...since you claim, with your mind reading abilities, to know him better than he knows himself....

  4. He tells us what his beliefs are by being a member of the Proud Boys. Zero mind reading necessary.

    The Jerusalem Post: ...the Proud Boys, is a far-right, "western chauvinist" fraternal organization founded by Gavin McInnes that supports Trump and has engaged in street violence. Antisemitism is not core to the group's ideology, but according to the Anti-Defamation League, the group has allied with white supremacists, and McInnes has made a series of antisemitic statements. ... McInnes went on an antisemitic rant in 2017, in which he defended Holocaust denial and repeated antisemitic stereotypes. The rant came in a video he originally titled "10 things I hate about the Jews". [end quote]

  5. Then by Joe Biden's former anti-busing statements, all contemporary Democrats are segregationists. Good to know...

  6. Joe Biden has no former anti-busing statements.

    Joe Biden: "I did not oppose busing in America. What I opposed is busing ordered by the Department of Education. That's what I opposed".

    In any case, that was decades ago. You assert that the Proud Boys USED to be antisemitic and are no longer? The PB founder's antisemitic rant was less than 3 years ago.

  7. Joe Biden, "What I'm opposed to is slavery ordered by the Department of Labor.". lol!

  8. Joe Biden is opposed to slavery ordered by anyone. btw, it is Dotard's SCOTUS nominee that wants to get rid of the 14th amendment. According to her it is "possibly illegitimate".

    Quote: The idea of the "illegitimate 14th Amendment" is simply not a serious legal argument. It is white supremacist mythology that has gained supporters within the Republican Party specifically because it presents the basis by which all Civil Rights legislation can be undone. [end quote]

  9. He isn't opposed to segregation though. :)

  10. Joe Biden is 100 percent opposed to segregation. Dotard supports it. Why he and his daddy didn't want to rent to Black people. Their apartments were segregated "whites only".

  11. Money doesn't contribute to segregation without counting segregationist beans? Trump only builds condo's for the 0.01% Oprah and Kanye are probably the only black people who ever enters Trump Towers. Trump has no use for the government interventionism known as segregation. He's got the markets to do his segregating dirty work for him. Biden, on the other hand...

  12. Dotard wrote "C" for "colored" next to the names of Black people who wanted to rent apartments from him (when he worked for his daddy). They didn't care about whether or not the person looking to rent from them had good jobs and could pay. They simply did not want to rent to African Americans.

    As for Kanye, he is a useful idiot. And Oprah is a Democrat. Although they are both very wealthy. If you're very wealthy Dotard will overlook the color of your skin. Wealth and fame being slightly more important to him than his prejudices.

    Biden, on the other hand, was significantly boosted in the primaries when Jim Clyburn endorsed him. Then he selected an African American woman as his running mate. And he also supports reforming the police.

  13. Trump's niece says she heard him use "N-word" and "anti-Semitic slurs". "Oh yeah, of course I did, and I don't think that should surprise anybody given how virulently racist he is today", Mary Trump said...
