Thursday, October 1, 2020

Joe Biden's Boy Hunter...


  1. The useful idiot Jimmy Dore REALLY wants Dotard to steal a second term. He's a willing dupe on purpose. He isn't telling his viewers the truth but feeding them Russian disinformation. Shame.

  2. Who's feeding who Russian disinformation (Steele dossier's primary subsource)?

  3. Rudy G got some from a Russian agent and took it to Senate Democrats -- in addition to sharing it on OAN (a Putin disinformation network).

  4. Are you saying that Rudy needs to register as a foreign agent? LOL!

  5. Rudy should be arrested and charged as a foreign agent :)

  6. ...but NOT Hunter Biden. LOL!

    You hypocrisy is ASTOUNDING!

  7. If Hunter Biden is guilty of something he should be charged or pay a fine. But, unlike Rudy, he never met with spies to convey disinformation to our government. I believe the law should be applied equally. I fail to understand how that make me a hypocrite, let alone an "astounding" one. btw, Michael Flynn also was an unregistered foreign agent, but they did not charge him with that crime. They gave him a deal and let him off easy. In response to this good treatment you say he was "framed". Ridiculous.

  8. How is the agent of a foreign government any different from a spy?

    Did the spies that Rudy met with have their "I'm a Spy" badges on?

  9. Rudy feigns ignorance, but he'd have met with Andrii Derkach even if he had been wearing a "I'm a Russian spy" badge. He just couldn't resist the (fake) Hunter Biden dirt. trumper politicos are all Putin's willing agents.

  10. He's not the President's hired agent? Who knew?

  11. Who? Rudy? No, he isn't. As for "who knew", apparently not you. I say he's being paid (indirectly) by Putin.

    ABC News: Democratic Sens. Jack Reed, Tammy Duckworth and Kamala Harris asked who is paying Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, whose legal work for the president is unpaid.

    Reuters has reported that Giuliani's indicted associate Lev Parnas paid Giuliani $500,000 for consulting related to Parnas' firm. Parnas and another indicted associate, Igor Fruman, worked with Giuliani in Ukraine as part of his efforts there.

    Schiff said, "I don't know who's paying Rudy Giuliani's fees", but "if other clients are paying and subsidizing his work in that respect, it raises profound questions". [end quote]

  12. Rudy hasn't met a legal requirement to disclose his bills and client fees. Why doesn't someone take him to Court? lol!

  13. What lawyers are currently representing Joe Biden? Enquiring minds wish to know...

  14. In what matter? There are lawyers fighting Dotard's attempt to suppress voting. And there are lawyers preparing for a fight after the election. None of them are being paid by Putin.

  15. Nope. They're being paid for by the former Mayor of Moscow's wife.

  16. Hunter Biden's attorney George Mesires: Hunter Biden had no interest in Rosemont Seneca Thornton and was not a co-founder. The claim that he received $ 3.5 million is false.

  17. Sell that 'fake news' story to the London Times.
