Sunday, September 20, 2020



  1. I'm not ready. Neither is Baltimore. She is going to lose.

  2. Looks to me like she wants to be a rightwing pundit-babe. Apparently there is lot of money selling out to become a token Black rightwing pundit-babe. I'm thinking of Candace Owens. Maybe (unlike Owens) Klacik always has been a republican? I don't know. You tell me.

  3. Kissing Democrats asses is where the REAL money lies. You can't extort corporate brands with fake racism charges without Democrats.

  4. btw - In the runoff election to fill Cumming's seat last year, Kim got 25% of the vote in District 7 against former Congressman and NAACP President Kweisi Mfume (HUGE local name recognition). No past Republicans does much better than 10% in a District 7 election.

    Now imagine those same 25% of voters pulling the lever for Trump. Talk about your Blexits.... :)

  5. $0 is being extorted from corporate brands with fake racism charges. And imagination is what it would take to say everyone who voted for Kim! would also vote for Dotard. They're different people. If voters like her (an Black woman) that doesn't mean they will like Dotard (an orange White Supremacist).

  6. Kaepernick got his Nike gig because he was a good qb? LOL!

  7. ...or because the "woke" (Nike's) can't be accused of being racist if they be "down" with the brothers? The man is a multi-million dollar insurance policy against an Al Sharpton/ Jesse Jackson rainbow coalition boycott.

  8. $0 is being extorted from corporate brands with fake racism charges. Nike advertising executives went with an ad campaign to sell their shoes, not because of White Supremacist delusions concerning an imaginary "insurance policy".

  9. I am not a football fan, so I don't know if Colin Kapernick was a good quarterback or not. I've heard he was. And I don't know how he could have made it to the big leagues if he were not. In any case, Nike hired him because they wanted to appeal to the demo that agrees with the Black Lives Matter movement. Not as an "insurance policy" against some imaginary boycott. People boycott products because they don't like things manufactures do, not things manufactures don't do. LOTS of manufacturers haven't voiced agreement with BLM. I'm not aware of any boycotts. If I were thinking of buying some name brand tennis shoes, their Colin Kapernick ad campaign would make me more inclined to look for and buy Nike.

  10. An unsuccessful boycott from 30 years ago means Jesse Jackson runs Nike? LOL. How absurd. They saw the writing on the wall and wanted to let consumers know they are with them. Times change and (if they want to keep selling product to the public) companies change. There is nothing more to it.

    btw, I'd say bully for them if your conspiracy was true. But you have no idea why they decided to hire Kapernick. Unless you're a Nike ad executive. I simply go with the Occam's Razor explanation. While your White Supremacist hate for equality fuels your guesses as to motivation.

  11. You said it, yes. But it's bullshit. As is most things you say.

  12. The truth usually is just so much "B.S." to you...

  13. (that's your 'virtue signaling' "value over-ride" on 'truth' in action)

  14. ...but I can actually speak it. You.... not so much. :(

  15. My entire 'personality' doesn't depend upon the maintenance of a false idea.

  16. LOL. White supremacy is that false idea your entire identity is wrapped up in. I have no idea what false idea you think my personality depends on. Given it's high supposed importance, you'd think I'd know what it is.
