Thursday, September 24, 2020


  1. All you care about is how many Black people she can fool into voting for a White Supremacist. It isn't going to be many.

  2. I prefer to think of it as how many prisoners she's leading out of Plato's cave"!

  3. Dotard is a bigly liar. Anyone who supports him supports lies. Kim likes Dotard's lies and is trying to fool African Americans into voting against their own interests. Shame on her.

  4. ...and YOU, a white member of the KKK founding party, knows where their best interest lies...

  5. The "GOP" is the party of White Supremacy. Why you voted for the David-Duke-endorsed White Supremacist candidate. Black voters know you lie and that Dotard is a racist. Why 92% of them vote Democratic.

  6. lol! Funny, but ever since Richard Spencer endorsed Joe Biden, if you search on White Nationalists, his name no longer comes up in the search results...

    I guess he got "religion". The Cloak of Gyges treatment for the DNC elites.

  7. No, White Supremacist Richard Spencer Didn't Seriously Endorse Joe Biden. (excerpt) Spencer and other white supremacists have a long history of purposely adopting their opponents' causes and pretending to back them in order to undermine them. That's exactly what Spencer did in 2018 by pretending to support "Zionism", when he actually has a long history of hate towards both Israel and Jews, and claims that the Jewish state and its supporters control America. [end excerpt]

    Big surprise. Just as I suspected. And your "Google is biased against Conservatives" claim is BS.

  8. Who you going to believe, a fake newsman, or Richard Spencer himself on who Richard Spencer endorses?

  9. I don't believe Spencer. White Supremacists lie. As Dotard lied about not knowing who the Proud Boys are. Just like he did in 2016 when he laughably tried to claim he knew nothing about David Duke.

    Wikipedia: "Yair Rosenberg is an American journalist and a senior writer at Tablet magazine. ... Rosenberg covered the 2012 and 2016 U.S. elections, as well as the 2014 Israeli elections, and his work on these and other subjects has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, The Guardian, and the Wall Street Journal, among other outlets".

    AKA he's a real, not fake, newsman.

  10. Where's Joe's rejection and repudiation of Spencer's endorsement? Oooops.

  11. ps - No quoting some low level campaign intern. If it were serious, the repudiation would be mouthed by the candidate himself.

  12. Who has asked him about Spencer's fake endorsement? I'm sure he'd reject it immediately if asked. Otherwise why does he need to personally address it? It's bullshit -- as per the Yair Rosenberg article.

    Anyway... "Andrew Bates, the rapid-response director for Biden's campaign, tweeted that what Spencer stands for is "absolutely repugnant", adding, "Your support is 10,000% percent unwelcome here".

    fyi, Andrew Bates is not a "low level campaign intern". And unlike Dotard, nobody at the Biden campaign is pretending not to know who Richard Spencer is.

  13. Andrew Bates is the same spokesperson claiming that Joe Biden wasn't in on the Flynn framing. He's a paid liar who'll say anything about the candidate for a buck.

  14. There was no "Flynn framing". Andrew Bates is obviously a paid truth-teller.

  15. lol! That's why the REAL FBI absolved Flynn and wanted the non-political case CLOSED.

  16. Toady Barr's official position is Attorney General. He isn't the "real FBI". He has no power to absolve Flynn, btw. Flynn is guilty. What he told the judge multiple times. When President Biden selects his AG the Flynn case will proceed. I'm hoping additional charges will be added and he'll go to prison for years, not months.

  17. Wow, you REALLY hate the Constitutional separation of powers.

  18. How so? I'm not saying Joe Biden should be involved. The AG he appoints will take care of it. You hate the Constitutional separation of powers. If not you'd be criticizing Dotard for his noncompliance with House subpoenas (instructing people to not show up).

  19. Judges like Sullivan don't need prosecutors, they just appoint their own as "amicus".

  20. It is hilarious how you used to think he was on Flynn's side. Turns out he's on the side of the law.

  21. "He" who? Bill Barr? I think he knows it. He just doesn't care. He also should go to prison when this nightmare is over.
