Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Out of Control "Political Pandemic" is Killing Americans, Not COVID-19


  1. Dotard's incompetent handling of the pandemic is killing Americans. Although (as it turns out) it wasn't incompetence, but ON PURPOSE.

    Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says.

    Dotard and Jared = first president and SIL executed for negligent homicide?

  2. Mind reading Jared Kushner now, Dervy? lol!

  3. Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says.

    What f*cking "mind reading"?

  4. What bird so sings, yet does so wail?
    O, ’tis the ravish’d nightingale—
    Jug, jug, jug, jug—tereu—she cries,
    And still her woes at midnight rise.

    -John Lyly, "The Songs of Birds."

  5. "In a statement, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said, “The premise of this article is completely false.”

  6. Kayleigh McEnany (Dotard's equivalent of the "news babes" he sees on Fox and OAN) is a paid liar.

    FYI, the quack doctor in the first video you posted is an idiot. Some healthy people who contract covid will fully recover, some won't. Which means she is full of shit when she says the number of cases can be ignored.

    What We Know About the Long-Term Effects of COVID-19. (excerpt) "Some of the data that we're getting now from the China studies, one study that was just published in JAMA Neurology showed that 36.4 percent of patients had neurologic issues", said Dr. Sheri Dewan, neurosurgeon at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, Illinois. "One of the review articles that came out at the end of February discussed the possibility of virus traveling into the olfactory neurons, through the olfactory bulb, and into the brain".

    Dewan said one theory was that COVID-19 can affect the medulla oblongata (the brain stem), which controls our cardiorespiratory system. "So in that way, it’s not only related to the lungs, where the patients can’t breathe properly, but also the medullary neurons that control our breathing are also affected. This is one of the first articles pointing that out". [end quote]

    "Relatively harmless virus"... BWAHHH!!!

    Kayleigh McEnany's denials... BWAHHHHHHHH!!!!

  7. Dervish Sanders cries... BWAH-HA-HA-HA-Ha-Ha-HA!

  8. The second video you posted is 100% fake news (same as the first one).

    Hydroxychloroquine can't stop COVID-19. It’s time to move on, scientists say. (excerpt) An abundance of scientific data shows that the drug isn't an effective COVID-19 treatment. ... Hydroxychloroquine has been tested more than any other potential COVID-19 drug but has repeatedly fallen short of expectations. Although study after study has demonstrated no benefit of hydroxychloroquine for treating people with serious coronavirus infections, some people, including President Donald Trump, still insist the drug has merit. A viral video released July 27 that made the misleading assertion that hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19 spread like wildfire online.

    But the overwhelming majority of scientific evidence doesn't support that claim. It's time to move on from hydroxychloroquine to test other drugs that may have more promise against COVID-19, Schluger and other experts say. [end excerpt]

    Instead of simply dismissing the possibility that hydroxychloroquine could be used to treat covid, doctors have conducted many studies (including giving it to many patients) and found that it doesn't work.

  9. Handwashing alone won't prevent the spread of the virus either, genius.

  10. Although study after study has demonstrated no benefit of hydroxychloroquine for treating people with serious coronavirus infections

    ps - I hear that condoms are ineffective at preventing pregnancies too, if you put them on after having sex. They also don't relieve the symptoms of pregnancy. Funny that...

    btw - Hydrochloroquine is intended for use as a prophylaxis, not a cure.

  11. Stella Immanuel: "This virus has a cure, it's called hydroxychloroquin".

    Dotard: "I think it could have a very positive impact in the early stages".

    Early stages = already infected. aka it is a cure. btw, Dotard says he was taking it as a preventative -- why isn't he still taking it? Why aren't millions of people taking it? I heard the Dotard administration purchased millions of doses -- they just purchased them to have and not to use?

  12. Early stages of the pandemic (not "infection"), when few are infected but the many have a prophylaxis AGAINST infection.

    Why isn't anyone taking it? Becauses IDIOTS LIKE YOU CONTINUE TO VICIFEROUSLY OPPOSE ITS' (inappropriate) USES!

  13. BULLSHIT!!!!!! The "early stages" were December 2019 to perhaps April 2020. We are WAY PAST the early stages of the pandemic -- so there would be no point in talking about what should have been done. Not that that is what Dotard meant. You really have a talent for twisting people's words to mean what you want them to mean. If that IS what he meant, why buy tens of millions of doses (as Dotard wasted government money doing) only to SIT on them?

    The experts say it doesn't work. Dotard never took it (he lied). It was (and still is) claimed to be a CURE (as I pointed out with my Stella Immanuel quote). I'd have to go back and check, but I think you claimed it was a cure (and you're lying now by insisting you never said it was). I do know that you never previously used the word "prophylactic".

  14. "Doctor" Drew: People have got to separate politics from the practice of medicine.

    Hahahahah. Drew Pinsky was a HRC health truther during the 2016 campaign. His show was cancelled due to his partisan stoogery (on behalf of Dotard) in spreading lies about HRC's health. According to Pinsky, HRC had brain damage and possibly heart disease. Pinsky is an idiot and a liar.

    Anyway -- in regards to the 63 millions doses purchased by the Dotard administration -- what you're saying is that Dotard COULD have stopped the coronavirus dead in it's tracks (and guaranteed his reelection) but CHOSE not to? Why spend all that money and not use the doses? I've heard they go bad (so will probably end up being thrown out). If Fauci was the problem, why not replace him? He could have hired Drew Pinsky and started a trial in a Red city (prove hydroxychloroquine works by giving it to everyone in a Red city).

    Dotard must REALLY hate America and Americans. For there to have been an easy way to stop the coronavirus -- and him not doing everything in his power to prove hydroxychloroquine works as a prophylactic. That, or he's the best Russian agent ever. Or AND he's the best Russian agent ever. Putin will surely take care of Dotard after he flees to Russia (sometime after he loses the election).

  15. Did Trump get the virus? Prophylaxis works. Want to try it? Just get a prescription. The doses are available.

  16. I don't want to try it. Why would I? The experts say it doesn't work. I don't take unnecessary medications on the advice of morons. Are you or any of your family members taking hydroxychloroquin? If not, why not?

    Anyway, I see you ignored what I wrote about Dotard (in your view) having been able to stop the coronavirus but choosing not to. That, or he is simply too weak of a president to do his job (protect the American people). In which case -- what's the point of him? Time to replace him with someone who is capable of doing the job.

  17. btw, the doses aren't available. From what I've heard, Dotard pushing it has created shortages. And people who NEED it (they have Lupus) are having trouble getting it.

  18. You're the one wondering what to do with 63 million doses, not me.

  19. btw - He could have stopped it with you howling like a stuck pig over stopping travel to/from China? lol!

  20. Dotard never wondered what they were going to do with 63 million doses when they purchased them? Don't you usually have an idea what you're going to do with something before you buy it? btw, Dotard never stopped travel to/from China. That is a lie. LOTS of people returned unscreened.

  21. Securing the stockpile for the US was a smart move. Conservatives will survive the pandmic whilst all you liberals die waiting for an oficialista CDC vaccine. :)

  22. It was a unbelievably stupid waste of a huge amount of money.

    Goggle: What is the shelf life of hydroxychloroquine? Answer: 36 months.

    The clock is ticking before it gets dumped in the trash. Not to mention the fact that storage costs money too. But you'll probably blame Biden. It's his administration that will have to dispose of it.

    btw, the pandemic is currently hitting some red states quite hard. Lots of people dying in Florida. Why their governor's approval rating is plummeting. According to what I've heard, Dotard needs to win FL and it isn't looking good.

  23. How much money did they spend on ventilators @ 50k per? Hey, but at least they'll get a longer shelf life...(except for the rubber parts like "O" rings).

  24. Ventilators don't cost 50K unless you use the "art of the deal" to grossly overpay. Maybe Putin ordered him to waste as much taxpayer money as possible? Even if not, Dotard is definitely doing a fantastic job flushing gobs of money down the toilet.

    I JUST hovered on your link and see it's to the exact same story I just linked to. For which you use a smiley face. Indicating you are happy with Dotard's scheme to grow the debt as much as possibly under his administration. What happened to your defense of his claim that he was going to ELIMINATE the debt?

  25. Make up your mind. Do you want the debt eliminated, or Covid19?

  26. covid didn't disrupt Dotard's plan to eliminate the debt. He never had a plan. He lied. I think Dotard frequently says the exact opposite of what he means. When he said "only I can fix it" at the 2015 republican convention, what he really meant was "I will destroy it". The American people are suffering greatly as a result of Dotard's "election". Putin is undoubtedly extremely pleased with the job his puppet is doing.

  27. And Premier Xi is pouring millions into Sleepy Joe's campaaign.

  28. Did Hunter Biden receive an email that stated the Chinese government supports Biden's candidacy and offer dirt on Donald Trump? Has Joe Biden met with Chinese Nationals in his basement? Did Joe Biden solicit help from China on TV ("China, if you're listening")? Has China hacked the RNC and distributed stolen data via a WikiLeaks-like cutout? Are members of the Biden campaign meeting with Chinese nationals? Is the FBI monitoring Chinese nationals here in the US and wondering why they're meeting so frequently with Biden campaign officials?

    btw, Biden's campaign can't accept money from Xi or any Chinese national. Doing so would be illegal.

  29. Hunter Biden isn't on the ticket. Joe Biden won't bring Hunter with him to the White House as an advisor so he can push polices that benefit him financially. The situation with Dotard and Jared Kushner, in other words. Hunter Biden is clearly a f*ck up who traffics on his family name to make money. But he has broken no laws (re making money off his last name) and is an adult not under the control of his father.

    You don't hold Dotard responsible for Dotard's own corruption or care about his significantly worse nepotism issues. Why should I give a shit about Hunter Biden's unethical (though legal) behavior?

  30. He won't? He dragged Hunter to China and the Ukraine with him....

  31. btw - What great deals has Jared made on the public dime so far. You should list them and see if they match Hunter's billions.

  32. Jared's deals on the public dime are considerably more than zero. What tax breaks did Hunter lobby for then benefit from when his father was VP?

    Hunter's billions = another of your many delusions.

  33. Hunter didn't need them. He has other means of evading taxes, like claiming to be broke while driving Porsches and living in a $2.5m Beverly Hills mansion.

  34. Hunter puts the term "deadbeat" into "deadbeat dad".
