Saturday, August 1, 2020

Evidence of Russian Interference in Brexit Finally Emerges...


  1. So Boris Johnson successfully got a bogus report out that says Russia didn't interfere. Wow, that's surprising... not really. Aaron Mante? LOL. Another Putin lover.

    Dotard isn't Putin's only puppet.

  2. Seems Johnson's report was less bogus than Muellers...

  3. I don't get my information from sources who deliberately are trying to deceive me. As you do.

  4. Your deception, of course! It's the equivalent of talking a potential suicide off the ledge.

  5. You're the one being deceived. Also very intent on committing suicide. But I don't think I can talk you out of it, only prevent it by ejecting Dotard from the White House.

  6. we can ALL stop working and suckle off the government's welfare teat?

  7. Who wants that? You? Joe Biden surely doesn't. He's going to have to raise taxes a lot to pay for the massive debt being run up by Dotard. For that we need people to tax. Nobody working = no tax revenue. I'd fully support confiscating 100 percent of Dotard's assets, but that wouldn't amount to much. Both in comparison and in absolute terms (given that he's almost certainly lying about being a billionaire).

  8. He has a plan to put America BACK to work? lol!

  9. Will he keep working from his basement?

  10. Yes, Joe Biden DOES have a plan to get America back to work. By defeating the virus. A much better plan that Dotard's. Which is to surrender to the virus. aka get more Americans infected and dead. Or suffering from lifelong health problems. You may find Dotard's incompetence funny, I do not. Why I'm voting for the competent leader.

    And Biden will be moving to the White House. He can't do the job of president from his home.

  11. We're all going to live in Biden's basement? I cAn't wait!

  12. What does the possibility of Joe Biden renting out his home while he lives in the White House have to do with this discussion?

  13. Heck, if I'm going to be out of work and living in Joe Biden's basement, I want to know how much debt I'll be getting into, don't you?
