Saturday, July 11, 2020

Woke/ Cultural Capitalism 101: or the New Opium of the Masses

Capitalism Finds a Purpose to Disguise it's Nihilistic Core/ Void
And, of course, the ideal form of ideology of this global capitalism is multiculturalism, the attitude which, from a kind of empty global position, treats each local culture the way the colonizer treats colonized people—as ‘natives’ whose mores are to be carefully studied and ‘respected’. That is to say, the relationship between traditional imperialist colonialism and global capitalist self-colonization is exactly the same as the relationship between Western cultural imperialism and multiculturalism: in the same way that global capitalism involves the paradox of colonization without the colonizing Nation-State metropole, multiculturalism involves patronizing Eurocentrist distance and/or respect for local cultures without roots in one’s own particular culture. In other words, multiculturalism is a disavowed, inverted, self-referential form of racism, a ‘racism with a distance’—it ‘respects’ the Other’s identity, conceiving the Other as a self-enclosed ‘authentic’ community towards which he, the multiculturalist, maintains a distance rendered possible by his privileged universal position. Multiculturalism is a racism which empties its own position of all positive content (the multiculturalist is not a direct racist, he doesn’t oppose to the Other the particular values of his own culture), but nonetheless retains this position as; the privileged empty point of universality from which one is able to appreciate (and depreciate) properly other particular cultures—the multiculturalist respect for the Other’s specificity is the very form of asserting one’s; own superiority.
- Slavoj Zizek, "Multiculturalism, or, the Cultural Logic of Multinational Capitalism"
Diverse interests are created that view each other as greater enemies than they do foreign threats. Since the common civilizational enemy has been successfully repulsed, it can no longer serve as an effective target for and outlet of people’s sense of superiority, and human psychology generally requires an adversary for the purpose of self-identification, and so a new adversary is crafted: other people in the same civilization. Since this condition of leisure and empowerment, as well as a perception of external threats as non-existential, are the results of a society’s success, success is, ironically, a prerequisite for a society’s self-hatred. What Freud has called the “narcissism of small differences” (in Civilization and Its Discontents)—the urge to compete against others even through minor distinctions like a virtuous action or the newest gadget—becomes one motivation through which a particular interest expresses its superiority over others.
-Benedict Beckeld, "Oikophobia: Our Western Self-Hatred"


  1. I waited until the end to find out what his solution is. He never says. He only criticizes those who are trying to make the world a better place. Apparently the BEST slave master must be the one that is cruel to his slaves.

  2. The one who's not their post-modern boss/ "friend" who hides his "orders" and "authority" as friendly polite requests?

  3. I waited until the end to find out what his solution is. He never says. He only criticizes those who are trying to make the world a better place.

  4. You want solutions? First you must ask proper questions.

  5. I'll take your answer as confirmation that the cokehead you admire has NONE.

  6. How long has capitalism been around? Shouldn't you have asked the questions and formulated solutions by now? Or do you need a few hundred years? In the meantime both you and the cokehead can f*ck off.

  7. If you knew anything about the subject you'd know that capitalism evolves. It's not a "static" problem. Here today, gone to Maui.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. So, then shouldn't you have come up with a solution already and now be talking about how your solution can evolve? If you're not a part of the solution you're a part of the problem.

  10. Seems that China has solved the "problem". Just tThrow democracy into the trashcan of history.

  11. I thought it was capitalism that is the problem, not democracy. You think the US should emulate China? In any case, that seems to be your "solution" to a lot of our problems. Just pretend the problems don't exist. Or that those being harmed deserve it.

  12. Only Marx believed that capitalism was the problem.

  13. And you believe capitalism without a "Nihilistic Core/Void" is bad?

  14. Unlike your hero Zizek, I'm not a nihilist. Most people aren't. btw, I wrote WITHOUT. Apparently your illiteracy caused you to miss that word.

  15. I didn't miss it. It's capitalism's only redeeming quality. It doesn't care about your "intentions". "Plutus," as Aristophanes would say, "is blind". He doesn't need Chremylos', or your, eyeglasses.

  16. You did miss it. Otherwise you would have written, "yes, I agree it is capitalism's only redeeming quality". That you think that the evil at the heart of capitalism is a positive is some pretty solid evidence that you are a nihilist.

    tw, I've accused you of hating various groups of people in the past. I think I've discovered the reason for your denials. You aren't a hater, you're apathetic (a quality one would expect in a nihilist).

  17. "yes, I agree it is capitalism's only redeeming quality" nihilism as it's empty core. Nothing missed THERE.

    The Opposite of Love Is Not Hate, But Indifference" (aka apathy)

    Apathy the condition that preceeds love or hate. And I obviously love my country.

  18. Sure, you love your country. That's why you voted for the traitor controlled by Putin. As for your apathy, I was talking about your feelings regarding large segments of this country's population. The people you think deserve thumpings, African Americans and their continued fight for equality, anyone who doesn't think like you (people who actually do love their country and want to make it better -- instead of worse), etc.

  19. Your evidence for Putin's control of Trump has been proven false, and soon, those DOJ and FBI investigators will all be indicted, including your hero, Robert Mueller.

    Criminals deserve thumpings. I'd bring back whipping posts and brandings if I had any say. Colonial justice.

  20. Dotard's own words and actions prove the control. No DOJ and FBI investigators will be indicted, including Robert Mueller. Who isn't my "hero", btw. He let Dotard off the hook for collusion by upgrading the requirement for indictment to conspiracy (active, tacitly explicit coordination both ways).

    The Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, which whipping posts and brandings certainly are. In addition to being proof of your hatred for your fellow humans. The point of the criminal justice system is supposed to be rehabilitation. What would be the point of breaking people in that manner? Would you want these inhumane punishments televised so you could watch?

    As per the National Institute of Justice, "increasing the severity of punishment does little to deter crime. Laws and policies designed to deter crime by focusing mainly on increasing the severity of punishment are ineffective partly because criminals know little about the sanctions for specific crimes. More severe punishments do not chasten individuals convicted of crimes, and prisons may exacerbate recidivism".

  21. lol! What does the DoJ have to do with justice? They think it's simply "a process" from which one receives his "due".

  22. A name can NEVER smell as sweet as the thing in itself. That JUST IS.

  23. If you're a fan of capitalism with a "Nihilistic Core/Void" and therefore would oppose a company advertising that they support BLM, I assume you'd be equally opposed to a company advertising that they manufacture their products in the United States and employ Americans?

  24. Nope. But I would be willing to pay more for their products. :)

  25. Well. That's progress. You just admitted that you lied when you said you preferred a void at the core of capitalism.

  26. What if the company that said they supported BLM (and donated to them) and the company that advertised they employed Americans (for PR - "buy from us because we employ Americans") were the SAME company? Would you still pay more for their products?

  27. No, I admitting that having choices in the market was what was important.

    Nope, I wouldn't buy it. Just like I'll never watch or see another NBA, NFL or MLB game, go to a NASCAR event, or drive on a street that has BLM inscribed upon it.

  28. I prefer the "nihilistic" alternative.

  29. You said you weren't a nihilist. Obviously you lied. Just like you lied when you said your preference was a "void". A message of "we employ Americans" isn't a "void".
