Sunday, July 12, 2020

A Miracle! No One's Dying of Influenza Anymore!



  1. The second to the last column? There aren't any zeros. btw, if someone catches covid (and dies) because it is MORE CONTAGIOUS, I wouldn't call that a "miracle".

  2. 4 out of 330,000,000? That's .00000001. Pretty close to 0, if you ask me.

  3. btw - See the update for another Fauci miracle... a 2nd week w/o influenza deaths in the USA.

  4. covid is much more contagious. I'm not an expert, but I'd guess that's why people are getting covid (and dying from it) instead of influenza. Also, it's a pandemic. Apparently you haven't heard.

  5. It's not a pandemic if the death rate doesn't rise again. :)

  6. OK. But it is. Although the death rate isn't the only problem. Turns out covid-19 isn't a "relatively harmless virus".

    Scans Reveal Heart Damage in Over Half of COVID-19 Patients in Study. (excerpt) A study on heart scans of COVID-19 patients has revealed more than half had some form of damage. ... Of the total 1,216 patients, 667 (55 percent) had abnormalities in their scan and one in seven participants had what researchers described as "severe abnormalities", according to the paper published in the journal European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging. [end excerpt]

  7. So you're going to start counting all cardiac deaths as Covid deaths now? That's one way to get your desired numbers up. lol!

  8. Not all of them. Only those caused by covid. But I can see how your illiteracy would cause you to believe otherwise. btw, the DESIRED numbers are those which are the most accurate.

  9. So when someone has a heart attack 30 years from now, you're going to list that as a covid death... lol!

  10. Covid has been proven to cause heart damage. And your illiteracy is really quite annoying.

  11. Life has been proven to cause heart damage, too. Your "causation loop" is stuck on "stupid".

  12. The doctors/researchers who published the paper in the "European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging" determined the causal link (covid CAUSES heart damage). NOT me.

  13. Possibly. I'd think it would depend on how severe the heart damage it. Still this is a significant finding. Also proof that coronavirus is not "relatively harmless".

  14. How many heart attacks have been attributed to Covid so far? 1?

  15. Contact the European Heart Journal and ask them. I'd guess it is definitely more than 1. What's your point? Does the common cold cause heart damage? Why don't you tell me how many people with heart damage fully recovered (no heart issues after their bodies repaired the damage over time). YOU are the one who claimed the virus is "relatively harmless".

  16. Significance comes from numbers greater than 1. If you don't have them, they must be insignificant. So stop speaking of significance w/o any numbers to back you up.

  17. I already gave you the numbers.

    Quote (from my prior comment): of the total 1,216 patients, 667 (55 percent) had abnormalities in their scan and one in seven participants had what researchers described as "severe abnormalities"...

    One in seven of the 1,216 people tested had SEVERE abnormalities in their heart scans. btw, your claim that unknown numbers "must" be insignificant sounds like Dotard's claim that testing causes covid (the cases wouldn't exist if not found by testing for them).

  18. And I asked how many died? What are your numbers?

  19. erratum - How many Covid heart attacks?

  20. I gave you the relative and important numbers. I don't give a shit about your moving of the goalposts until you "win" the argument.

  21. ...and 115,000 of them would have died by now anyways.

  22. I don't know where you're getting that number from, but you are correct that Dotard's incompetence is responsible for a large number of the deaths. Although, instead of 34k, the actual number is 88,517 (as of the date/time of this comment).

  23. I can hardly wait until they tack all the Hurricane deaths in Florida onto the Covid count.

  24. That's another of your delusions. It will happen, though only in your imagination (aka it won't happen in reality). If there are any hurricane deaths. Though you might imagine that there are -- even if the hurricane peters out and kills nobody.
