Monday, June 15, 2020

Why Masculinity has become Toxic in the Post-Modern Anti-Authoritarian Age

Corporatism and the Society of "The Customer is Always Right!" Control


  1. None of the videos watched, but I'm guessing they consist of misogynist whining?

  2. Misogynist whining is one of the things magaturds are known for, so I'm going to confidently guess YES and move on.

  3. Sounds just like how you address most serious issues...

  4. Misogynist whining is a serious issue? To you I'm sure it is. To me it isn't. To creeps like you I say "get the f*ck out of the way or get run over". Progress is HERE whether you like it or not. The next big step will be to eject the White Nationalist squatting in the White House.

  5. Windmills are progress? Maybe 500 years ago, Dervy, before fossil fuels were discovered which had a MUCH greater energy density.

  6. wtf do dirty fossil fuels have to do with #metoo and BLM? Anyway, how's the Dotard promise to bring back coal going? LOL.

  7. You said progress was here whether I liked it or not. I embrace actual progress, like nuclear energy. And yes, even coal has a higher energy density than solar/wind.

  8. Make American Great AGAIN. It's right there in the slogan -- that magaturds believe we have to look to the past to find greatness. Specifically the past in which White Men hold all the power. Definitely not the present -- where that power is slipping away. And absolutely not the future -- where that power will have to be shared with women and minorities. Why #metoo and BLM frightens you so.

  9. White men are the one's funding BLM and #me2. They'll do what we tell them to do, when we tell them to do it. And it's election time... time to go crazy and "get out the sucker vote". :)

  10. Dotard and his campaign are working on getting out the White racist sucker vote. Suckers who do what they're told, when they're told.

    Quote: An informal coalition of influential conservative leaders and groups, some with close connections to the White House, has been quietly working to nurture protests and apply political and legal pressure to overturn state and local orders intended to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

    [This when the TRUTH is that] Polls show a majority of Americans are more concerned about reopening the country too quickly than they are about the damage to the economy. [end quote]

    ONE example of how the trump dupes are being manipulated for political gain. Not that manipulating them is hard.

  11. ...and BLM hasn't been rioting all summer? Yes Massah Biden, you say dey be raciss' so we be callin' 'em raciss! lol!

  12. Joe Biden isn't the leader of BLM. He doesn't have anything to do with it. He certainly isn't directing their actions.

  13. No, George Soros is managing THAT for him.

  14. Quote: Black Lives Matter is a largely horizontal, grassroots, global organization. Its co-founders, Opal Tometi, Patrisse Cullors, and Alicia Garza started the movement in 2013, after the death of Trayvon Martin. The co-founders recently told the New Yorker that Black Lives Matter "has always been somewhat decentralized" and operates in a horizontal manner: "We have always said the power goes on in the local chapter because they know what is going on". [end quote]

    Neither George Soros nor Joe Biden are involved in running or directing the actions of BLM. Only in your racist mind do Black people (and their allies) have to have a "master" funding and directing their actions.

  15. That's not what the records exposed at DCLeaks say. But hey, there's nothing like a "global foundation" to foster "independence" amongst local BLM chapters. lol!

  16. Russian Fancy Bear Hackers Tainted Their Huge Leaks With Fake Data. (excerpt) The first evidence that the hacker crew responsible for the breach of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) snuck false information into their leaks has been uncovered by a group of researchers. [end quote]

    Wikipedia on DC Leaks: Cybersecurity research firms say the site is a front for the Russian cyber-espionage group Fancy Bear. On July 13, 2018, an indictment was made against 12 Russian GRU military officers; it alleged that DCLeaks is part of a Russian military operation to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. [end Wikipedia excerpt]

  17. What they are "leaking" is Russian disinformation.

  18. No.

    Quote: ...the GRU... planted the information inside a leak of emails belonging to a journalist and critic of the Putin regime, according to a report from Citizen Lab, a University of Toronto-based organization. [end quote]

  19. PolySci professors are hacking experts? Who knew?

    As Director of the Citizen Lab, Deibert has overseen and been a contributing author to more than 120 reports[11] covering path breaking research on cyber espionage, commercial spyware, Internet censorship, and human rights. These reports include the landmark Tracking Ghostnet[12] report (which uncovered an espionage operation that infiltrated the computer networks of hundreds of government offices, NGOs, and other organizations, including those of the Dalai Lama), China’s Great Cannon[13] (an offensive tool used to hijack digital traffic through Distributed Denial of Service attacks), the Kingdom Came to Canada[14] (an investigation of a Canadian permanent resident, Saudi dissident, and Khashoggi colleague who was targeted with commercial spyware), and the Reckless Series[15] (an investigation into the abuse of commercial spyware to target journalists, anti-corruption advocates, and public health officials in Mexico). These reports have been cited widely in global media, garnering 25 front page exclusives in the New York Times, Washington Post, and other leading outlets, and have been cited by policymakers, academics, and civil society as foundational to the understanding of digital technologies, human rights, and global security. \

    Deibert presently serves on the editorial boards of the journals International Political Sociology,[16] Explorations in Media Ecology,[17] Review of Policy Research,[18] Journal of Global Security Studies,[19] and Astropolitics.[20] He has served on the advisory boards of Access Now, Privacy International, the technical advisory groups of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and is currently on the advisory boards of PEN Canada and the Design4Democracy Coalition,[21] the steering committee of the World Movement for Democracy, the advisory board for the Citizen Clinic at the University of California, Berkeley,[22] and co-chair of the University of Toronto's Information Security Council

  20. Why did you BOLD "New York Times", etc? News organizations covering the news "proves" an "enemiedia" conspiracy? LOL.

  21. The New York time is the leak route of choice for the State Department and the Washington Post is the leak route of choice of the CIA/ IC.

  22. Cool. I'm in favor of leaking. Especially if the leaks concern a less transparent and more corrupt administration like Dotard's.

  23. Obama was transparent? Who knew that it justified his using the NSA to monitor reporters and citizens like Flynn and Trump. You must really hate Edward Snowden for blowing the whistle on him. Oh, that's right, whistleblowing is supposed to blow up in your face...

  24. "You must really hate Edward Snowden for blowing the whistle on him". No. And I said "less transparent". Apparently your illiteracy caused you read that line as "Obama was fully transparent". btw, the IG says Obama did not use "the NSA to monitor... citizens like Flynn and Trump". AKA they weren't spied on.
