Monday, June 15, 2020

Michael Moore Responds to His Critics...

"If man wants to progress, he must create new forms of energy of greater and greater densities."
-Lazare Carnot, "Eloge de Vauban" ("In Praise of Vauban") (1784) and "Memoire sur les Places Fortes" ("Memorandum on Fortifications") (1788).

"Greater densities" = nuclear


  1. So now you're a Michael Moore fan? Isn't this all a bunch of BS in your opinion?

  2. No, he's just expressing the "fake news" that I never believed was "fake". Unlike you, Michael Moore has intellectual integrity. Now I'm sure he's anti-nuke, but that is only because he's an ignorant troll unaware of the difference between an extremely dense energy source, and a diffuse energy source like "solar" (which at it's source is dense but on Earth 1 AU diffuse) and the "wind".

  3. The reason to oppose nuclear energy is because it is extremely dangerous and produces waste that lasts a very very long time. Do we want a Fukushima or Chernobyl here in the US?

    I don't know what the fake news that you never believed was fake is. That humanity will bring about it's own extinction? If so... then I do agree with that. Especially with profit-over-environmental-safety predisents like Dotard and climate change deniers (like you) preventing us from doing anything about the problem.

  4. Oh, so you prefer diffused (into the atmosphere) waste, instead of the concentrated variety. How chic....

  5. I prefer no US Fukushimas or Chernobyls. LIKE I SAID. Your illiteracy seems to be getting worse.

  6. lol! And THAT is why CO2 levels will rise FOREVER! The experts aren't expert enough for ya, Dervy?

  7. You're full of shit. You wouldn't laugh if Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant melted down. btw, YES, I believe the experts.

  8. I live much closer to Peach Bottom, and TMI is less than an hours drive. If you can't trust the experts to contain nuclear waste, you can't trust the with saving the planet, THAT's for sure.

  9. People trusted that there would be no problems with Fukushima or Chernobyl. Otherwise they wouldn't have built those plants. As for "saving the planet", I believe we are completely within mitigation territory now. I'd certainly trust them to TRY, however. So long as the trying doesn't include dangerous nuclear energy.

  10. Then you can bet your booty that coal eill have a long long life...if not here, in India, North Korea, Pakistan and China.

  11. If we built more dangerous nuclear power plants in the United States -- India, North Korea, Pakistan and China would follow suit? If they're going to copy us, then we should go 100% green and (when these other countries do the same) the planet will be in much better shape.

  12. 100% green.... BWAH! Dervish Sanders would suspend the laws of economics to save the environment. Good luck with trying to get North Koreans to pay $20 w/hr energy prices for green energy when brown energy costs them $.05 w/hr.

  13. No, I think humanity is doomed. It's probably too late to do anything, even if everyone was on board.

  14. So stop being such a buzz-kill on the subject.

  15. I didn't say I was in favor of giving up. I might be wrong. And killing your buzz is not a bad reason to keep fighting those who would destroy the planet in exchange for short-term profit.

  16. Yes, AND prevent people like the French from enjoying SAFE, clean nuclear energy...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. LOL. There is no such thing as "safe, clean nuclear energy".

  19. The French are still living in France, aren't they? lol!

  20. Are you implying that France isn't safe or clean? You hate the 'dirty frogs', admit it.

  21. The United States has unsafe/dirty nuclear power plants. I don't hate an entire group/nationality because a small minority made bad decisions. Nuclear power was "safe" in Fukushima and Chernobyl... right up until the point it wasn't.

    As for the French being "dirty frogs", that is obviously how you view them. I was talking about nuclear power being dirty. My comment had absolutely nothing to do with the personal hygiene of French people.

  22. Which US plants are dirty/ unsafe? LOL!

  23. They can't be cleaned up. Only shut down. And no more built.

  24. So they shut them all down. Mission Accomplished! You can stand-down now, Dervy!

  25. So much for Carnot's law of progress.

  26. Does this mean that we can "officially" say that you disavow "progress" and are an anti-progressive troglodyte?

  27. Like trash to steam? It don't burn much dirtier than THAT! lol!
