Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Welcome to the Age of Anthropogenic Media Sh*tstorms


  1. The inciter-in-chief and White Supremacist infiltrators are responsible.

  2. "Racists are responsible..." what an idiot you are.

  3. Far-Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests: Indicators of White Supremacists. (excerpt) State officials said around 80% of those arrested in the Twin Cities on Friday were from outside Minnesota. Former FBI agent and CNN commentator, Josh Campbell wrote, that Minnesota "authorities have been monitoring alleged criminals online, including postings by suspected white supremacists trying to incite violence". [end excerpt]

    Acknowledging the truth doesn't make someone an idiot. Idiots are those who believe in "alternative facts" and debunked conspiracy theories concerning Dotard being "framed" for colluding with Russia (Spygate, Obamagate, et al).

  4. lol! "The white supremacists made me riot!"

  5. Your response is proof of your illiteracy. White Supremacists and other infiltrators are the ones doing the rioting, they aren't making any of the protesters engage in rioting.

  6. lol! Sure they are... they're all agent provocateurs. BWAH!

  7. ...that explains why all those Hollywood celebrities are posting bail for those arrested. The Hollywood KKK strikes AGAIN!

  8. Because peaceful protesters are being arrested. Do you think "Hollywood celebrities" approve of rioting and property destruction? You probably do. btw, the entire point of infiltrating is so the group you're pretending to be a part of gets blamed for what you do. But, given your illiteracy problem, I wouldn't expect you to understand.

  9. Do you have a corporate sponsor in this uprising. If not, you're passing up on some really big bucks.

  10. That's ok. I don't need any imaginary money.

  11. Depending upon your government UBI instead... smart.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm an American citizen. I don't live in a country that has a UBI.


    The FBI Finds "No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement" in Sunday's Violence.

    Yet Dotard wants to designate this non-entity a terrorist organization? Quote: "Antifa isn't one organization but rather an umbrella term for far-left militant anti-fascism groups".

    Dotard is an idiot. And HE is the thug. A fascist thug. As proven by the attack he ordered on peaceful protesters to clear his way for a photo op with him holding a Bible in front of a church.

  14. Okay, maybe ANTIFA wasn't at Lafayette Park, the ONLY city the Washington FBI field office investigated, but you can bet your *ss they were in Portland, Berkeley, et al.

  15. I would bet who was there were members of the Boogaloo movement. Dotard only talks about Antifa because he wants to draw attention away from what the Proud Boys and the Boogaloos are up to (you know, his supporters/fellow White Nationalists).

  16. lol! The Proud boys are a REACTION to Antifa AND therefore the CAUSE of their existance. Get rid of Antifa, and you'll never hear of them, or the other 3%ers again.

  17. It's the other way around. We're hearing so much about Antifa now because a White Nationalist was "elected" president. The Proud Boys are Dotard's brown shirts. As for your 3 percent bullshit, the number is much larger. You did get one of your own installed in the White House. Even if you did require help from Putin.

  18. I don't recall hearing so much about Antifa when Obama was president. It wasn't until we "elected" a fascist that they became more active.

  19. Just because Democrats MSM "reporters" don't report their own riots doesn't mean that they didn't happen... lol!

  20. The media engages in riots... only in your delusions.

  21. ...by allowing Dotard to spew his racism on their channels.
