Friday, June 12, 2020

...They can be Trumpian, too!


  1. "Are you the president to unite all of us?"


    Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis: "Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort".

    I don't know why Mattis agreed to work for Dotard in the first place. Because it was extremely evident from DAY ! of Dotard's campaign that dividing us was his strategy.

  2. He took the job because Obama told him that Trump was Putin's puppet and that the USIC needed to keep an eye/ check on Trump.

  3. Dotard told us he is Putin's puppet ("Russia, if you're listening"). But I doubt Mattis believes that. Or took any instruction from Obama. Did Obama tell Dotard to hire Mattis?

  4. Dotard didn't fire Flynn because Flynn was down with the Russian collusion. But you dodged the question about why Dotard hired Mattis -- if generals are part of the anti-Dotard conspiracy. Because... Dotard wants to end war, defund the military and bring about world peace? That must be why Dotard faked bone spurs to get out of serving. He's so anti-military. LOL!

  5. Your just mad because he did'nt escalte the war in Syria.

  6. You're mad because he hasn't started a war with Iran.

  7. The Indian Air Force is going to war with Iran?

  8. Unlike you, I'm opposed to the US war machine waging war around the globe AND the US waging war by proxy (hundreds of millions for the Israel military). I don't want escalations with Syria or Iran. Whereas Dotard has been trying to provoke Iran ever since he cancelled the JCPOA.

  9. lol! I believe in balancing powers instead of direct US interventions. Let other idiots die for stupid their causes. :)

  10. So we shouldn't be funding Israel's military? I'm pretty sure Dotard is not on board with that. Or with "balancing powers instead of direct US interventions".

  11. That's because the US military, since WWII has focused on hard kill. Soft kill has ALWAYS been the British way.

  12. Containment was the strategy concerning Iraq until gwb lied us into an unnecessary war. A war Dotard supported. Despite later lying and saying he opposed it. Turns out that was just a strategy Dotard used to take out Jeb Bush during the primary.

  13. Sounds like a prediction for the future of Iran if Biden wins...

  14. President Biden will try to get back into the JCPOA and ease tensions with Iran?

  15. lol! If Biden becomes President Iran will declare it's nukes, leaving the mess to Ivanna to clean up in 2024.

  16. Predisent Ivana Junior! LOL!!! Ivana Junior is never going to get near the White House again. Unless she goes on a tour. Hopefully after serving her prison sentence.

  17. Never underestimate the DNC's genius for losing presidential elections.

  18. Dotard is trying VERY hard to lose the upcoming election. Driving farmers to bankruptcy and suicide, crashing the US economy by ignoring the coronavirus threat for months, killing his own constituents by setting benchmarks for reopening state economies (then ignoring those benchmarks), holding super-spreader rallies, etc.

  19. Hey, at least the Police Unions are doing their part to get out the Black vote for Democrats.

  20. Authoritarian lovers (like you) and "law and order" (get tough on "Black crime") fans are probably more motivated to turn out as well.

  21. You seem to be pretty authoritarian when it comes to holding Trump responsible... hypocritical much?

  22. No. We need to establish a precedent of holding authoritarian and criminal presidents responsible. To discourage future abuses of power. As opposed to encouraging them.

  23. Did Obama get held responsible for spying on Trump? Hypocrite.

  24. I'm strongly opposed to holding people responsible for things they didn't do.

  25. ...IG statements are still old news, contradicted by how many active criminal investigations? :)

  26. The Dotard administration has had 3 years. Yet all the "criminal investigations" seem to be ramping up right before the election. I predict they will all magically go away after November. No matter who the next president is.

  27. As Barrack Obama ORDERED James Comey on January 5th, 2017, "Put the right people on it."

    btw - If Biden wins in 2020, how well do you think the transition's going to go this time? BWAH!

  28. You think Dotard is going to have to removed from the White House by force? LOL!

  29. I'd say that any "resistance" experienced during a transition would certainly prove justified. :)

  30. It wouldn't. Obama left the White House and allowed Dotard to move in. Despite not winning legitimately. I don't know that he should have.
