Friday, June 12, 2020

Politics Don't Have to be Divisive....

...Unless you need a divisive issue for your populist "base" to identify with when you run for re-election.


  1. For Dotard to "win", politics absolutely DO Have to be divisive.

    Divide and Conquer the Election. Many presidents spend campaign seasons speaking to their base. Trump never stopped. [re Dotard restarting his rallies, his] first trip will be to... Tulsa – a city with a painful racial history, marked by the 1921 murders of hundreds of African Americans on "Black Wall Street" by a white mob. The visit is scheduled for June 19th, or "Juneteenth", a day marking the end of slavery. [end quote]

    This is ON PURPOSE. It is a dog whistle to his racist base. "Politics don't have to be divisive"... LOL! Hopefully, when Dotard is gone, the republican party will rethink it's strategy of dividing us. MANY of the currently serving republican politicians will have to leave as well, I think. Given that they mostly all support Dotard.

  2. John McWhorter: [Donald Trump is] a man who is tragically unfit to be president.

    On that we are definitely in agreement.

  3. It's actually not scheduled for June 19th because Trump is a Uniter. :)

  4. Conservative president's bending their plans to suit the coincidentally nefarious musings of sick-minded liberals since 1789.

  5. Sure, the date and place is just a "coincidence". Says the White Nationalist who wrote "Happy 8/8" on Lisa's blog.

  6. I'm not familiar with your White Nationalist Nazi codes -- so I don't know what that means. My point was that Nazis like you love communicating in code. You also love getting caught. It allows you the opportunity to deny you were using codes and bash those who called you out ("coincidentally nefarious musings of sick-minded liberals").

  7. The above is an Antifa code. Funny how Antifa and the White Nationalists use the same code. Must have all sprung from the same DNC root.

    1. Antifa has code? Well, I suppose nazi's and white nationalist who used/use code all the time would naturally think everybody uses code.

  8. ...and all my posts are from a language code called 'english'.

    Do liberals like you communicate with visual signs, or do you just grunt to one another in audible codes?

  9. It seems you understand my grunting. btw, your White Nationalist ideology has been around longer than the DNC, so it would be impossible for the DNC to be the root of it. As for "Antifa code", I Googled "161>8" and found nothing Antifa related.

  10. In the image it says 88 not 8 (what you wrote). That explains why Google found nothing. Your illiteracy caused you to get it wrong. btw, it looks like the code is saying there are more antifascists than fascists (Hitler lovers like you). Which is true (why HRC won the popular vote). You may have been able to steal the presidency (with the help of Putin) but you are in the minority. Something to laugh about -- perhaps -- but it won't work in your favor long term. LOL!

  11. btw, you lied. 161>88 is not Antifa code. It's Antifa communicating to you using your Nazi code.

  12. You're the one who said 8/8 was a White Nationalist Code. In whose Codebook then?

  13. YOU use it because it's Nazi code for "Heil Hitler" and you're a Hitler lover.

  14. 8/8 is nazi code? is H/H Nazi code, too? Perhaps a source explaining it all would help you... otherwise as usual, you're just talking out your ass again.

  15. ...and speaking of codes, youre propably a 420 guy.... Hitler's birthday.

  16. 88 is in the ADL hate symbols database. We're not two people with differing political points of view. You're a f*cking liar. In addition to being a racist and a misogynist.

    Quote: A 2016 study of what happens in the brain when you lie found that the more untruths a person tells, the easier and more frequent lying becomes. The results also indicated that self-interest seems to fuel dishonesty. [end quote]

    This explains both Dotard and his magaturd cultists.

  17. Yes 88 is code... but 8/8 is August the 8th or 1 to the rest of us.

  18. It doesn't describe me. I hate Dotard's guts. August 8th is NOT "1 to the rest of us". If it isn't code for "heil Hitler", why did you write "Happy 8/8" on Lisa's blog? At the same time Franco was commenting in Nazi code. As well as straight up praising Hitler (Quote: "Brother we could use a man like Adolf Hitler again").

  19. Did you even watch the video immediately below my 8/8 7:35 am post with the happy face :) link @ 7:41 am making fun of the ridiculous MSNBC 8/8 flag decoding? Of course not, you don't watch my videos. It was a stupid "MSNBC" racism code.

  20. And Franco said the quote, obviously channeling the Archie Bunker theme song, "we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again".

    You're dumber than a stump.

  21. 88 is in the ADL database. And who the f*ck cares what song Franco changed to make about his love for Hitler? (For the record, I've seen Archie Bunker and know the song).

  22. ALL iterations of 88 are White Supremacist code for "heil Hitler".

  23. Is 44+44 White Supremacist code, too? How about 62+26? LOL!

  24. None of those numbers are 8. You're dumber than a stump.

  25. So 8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8=Hitler? Who knew?

  26. Nobody. It's 88. Or 8/8. No matter how you write it, 88 is code for "heil Hitler". Despite your moronic denials.
