Saturday, May 30, 2020

Incontravertable Proof that the DNC Does NOT Represent African-Americans

People with a hope for an eventual redress of their grievances have no need to Riot.

Corn Pops' Great White Hope... ?


  1. Gropey Joe Biden describing his ONLY real life encounter with a black person...

  2. You must have missed it, but the "Central Park Five Dude" is Donald Trump. Incontrovertible proof the RNC does not represent African-Americans. btw, it is African American voters who chose Biden. IMO they should have went with Bernie Sanders, but I'm not an African American. And, unlike Krystal Ball, I'm not a condescending White person who thinks they know what's best for African Americans.

    Also, I haven't heard that Biden is on the verge of selecting Amy Klobuchar. Is this an assumption Krystal decided was fact because it serves her narrative?

    Lastaly, invading personal space, rubbing shoulders and smelling hair isn't groping. Dotard gropes. Dotard has many accusers who say he groped them. Dotard admitted on tape that he grabs women by their privates. "Gropey Dotard" is accurate. Biden never groped anyone as far as I know.

  3. ...only Tara Reade and a million 8 year old's...

  4. So, you're confirming that Joe Biden has groped nobody. Got it.

  5. Only If you consider finger banging to be outside the category of groping. I doubt that many feminists would agre with you, though.

  6. Tara Reade lacks credibility and nobody else has accused Joe Biden (no pattern which is usually the case, as with Dotard). I seriously doubt it happened. Pending any more evidence, I say Joe Biden groped nobody. Unlike Dotard, who groped more than 25 women and raped 3. And has admitted on tape that he gropes.

  7. In regards to sexual assault and Joe Biden, 8 women have NOT come forward. Tara Reade is the only one making such allegations. 1, not 8. And she accuses him of what Dotard has admitted on tape is something he does.

    btw, as per Valerie Jarrett, "I saw him be extraordinarily demonstrative to both men and women alike... and never did I take it as a sexual advance in any way".

    Aside from Reade's allegations, all the evidence says Joe Biden is overly touchy-feely with men and women. There is ONE sexual assaulter running for president and it isn't Joe Biden.

  8. Inappropriate touching and kissing IS sexual assault.

  9. Quote: Sexual assault is an act in which a person intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent,

    Valerie Jarrett: "I saw him [Joe Biden] be extraordinarily demonstrative to both men and women alike... and never did I take it as a sexual advance in any way".

    Friendliness is not sexual assault. Obviously your bar for sexual assault is dramatically lower when the "perpetrator" is a Democrat. When it's a republican much worse is only a "failed pass".

  10. Okay, simple assault in a minority of cases.

  11. According to you grabbing a woman's genitals is a "failed pass" when a republican man does it and an unwanted shoulder rub is assault when a Democratic man does it. Or should Angela Merkel have had George bush arrested?

  12. I only am applying YOUR standards when I make comments like that. The idea of categorical imperatives with single standards for Democrats and Republicans doesn't appeal to you.

  13. You aren't. There should be ONE standard. Which is to listen to a woman when she comes forward with an allegation. But then investigate it. Trust but verify. You're the one with differing standards for republicans and democrats.

  14. They verified the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh before going public? Who knew?

  15. You are the king of special pleading, Dervy. To this very day, you still excuse Hillary's private SoS server.

  16. The FBI, on orders from Dotard, refused to investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh. And I've never "excused" HRC's server. I only pointed out there was nothing illegal about it.

  17. New reporting details how FBI limited investigation of Kavanaugh allegations. (excerpt) As Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh prepares for his second year on the Supreme Court, new reporting has detailed how the limits ordered by the White House and Senate Republicans last year constrained the FBI investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct when he was a college freshman.

    The FBI was informed of allegations that Kavanaugh, while drunk during his freshman year at Yale, exposed himself to two heavily intoxicated female classmates on separate occasions. The bureau did not interview more than a dozen people who said they could provide information about the incidents. [end excerpt]

  18. Why aren't you trying to Impeach him instead of trying to add 2 seats to SCOTUS?
