Friday, May 15, 2020

The Trump Coup 'Small Group' Just Lost Their Grand Protector...


  1. The dotard administration doesn't care if Burr broke the law. They're only going after him because he isn't a Dotard boot licking protector. Burr isn't a "protector" of the imaginary coup against Dotard. You can't "protect" something that never existed.

  2. That's not what the Page Strozk texts revealed.

  3. Having personal opinions but doing your job impartially isn't a "coup".

  4. What was "impartial" about pardoning Hillary and illegally spying on Trump?

  5. Neither happened. Even if they had, those (imaginary) decisions weren't made by either of the people you referenced.

  6. Quote: Clinton broke no laws according to the FBI itself. ... Given Powell's conduct, Clinton wasn't even breaking with an informal precedent. The very worst you can say is that, faced with an annoying government IT policy, she used her stature to find a personal workaround rather than a systemic fix that would work for everyone. To spend so much time on such a trivial matter would be absurd in a city council race, much less a presidential election. [end quote]

    Quote: FBI Director Chris Wray said... he does not consider court-approved FBI surveillance to be "spying" and said he has no evidence the FBI illegally monitored President Donald Trump's campaign during the 2016 election. [end quote]

    Quote: ...the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General... report into whether the Trump campaign was working with Russia to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election... found that the investigation was properly opened under the law and the FBI's guidelines, and that there was no evidence of that political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions. [end quote]

  7. Your "bwah" does not convince me. Hillary Clinton was railroaded by the media. They love a horse race, so they had to attack her and help Dotard. Remember that Les Moonves admitted this when he said that the Dotard candidacy "may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS".

  8. You mean Hillary got a lot of pushback from the media when she claimed to have "scrubbed her hard drive with a cloth?"

    Double "BWAH!"

  9. That response (wiping, not scrubbing) was because she was asked about her server. A non-issue she was asked about ad-nauseam. When REAL issues could have been addressed they instead decided to waste time (and harm HRC's campaign) focusing on bullshit.

  10. A government employee with their own e-mail server and no official government e-mail address wasn't a problem? Who knew? Did Powell have a server?

  11. If by "problem" you mean illegal, then no. And HRC turned over everything she was required to comply with record keeping laws. If (like was done during the bush II and Dotard administrations) you're using private email to evade record keeping laws, that absolutely is a "problem".

  12. You keep saying that, but the reality is new batches of Hillary e-mails that weren't turned over are being discovered all the time. Judicial Watch has thousands.

  13. Sure. Dotard's State department "found" HRC emails. As reported by the Conservative Judicial Watch. I guess Barr will be charging her with heinous crimes soon. "Lock her up"?

    Quote (from your link)...

    With each passing round of discovery, the Court is left with more questions than answers. What’s more, during the December 19, 2019, status conference, Judicial Watch disclosed that the FBI recently produced approximately thirty previously undisclosed Clinton emails. State failed to fully explain the new emails' origins when the Court directly questioned where they came from.

  14. The FBI found the e-mails, NOT the State Department...because Hillary didn't turn them over to the State Department like she claimed to have done.

  15. No, Chris Wray is still the FBI Director. And he only outs corrupt agents after other actors like the DNI declassifies his Deep State paper trail and needs to pretend to be acting against Hillary created corruption

  16. Leaving a paper trail isn't a good way to cover things up.
