Friday, May 15, 2020



  1. Government Pseudo-experts to the unemployment line!

  2. If Fauci is fired (and he hasn't been yet) it will be by a pseudo-president. And (if he is fired) I'm sure, given his high level of expertise, he'll get a another job easily. He could probably have a higher paying job now if he had not decided to dedicate himself to public service.

  3. Fauci is a fraud. He'd be good at selling used cars to suckers like you.

  4. Dotard is the fraud. He was a fraud as a businessman and a fraud as president. But you've praised him highly for failing at both -- making you the sucker.

  5. DJT has skin in the game, not like phoney Fauci.

  6. That Dotard retained his business is a conflict of interest. Why past presidents have sold their businesses and put their assets in blind trusts.

    Quote: ...every president since Lyndon Johnson has chosen to either sell off all their investments before taking office or seal them in a blind trust to avoid even the appearance of profiting from the presidency. [end quote]

    Dotard using the powers of the presidency to protect his "skin" and increase the value of his "skin" is what the rest of us call CORRUPTION.

  7. The original founders sold their business' and farms to move to DC? Who knew?

    Motto on the Continental Dollar- "Mind Your Business"

  8. I see to recall the day when "politics" wasn't a full-time, life-time, dynastic "job". People served 1-2 terms and like the Cincinnati, WENT HOME!

  9. The founders (those who later served as president) came after Lyndon Johnson? Who knew? btw, time passes and things change. Hopefully more often for the better. Even if some think things like greater equality (for gay people and those we used to enslave) are BAD.

    Hatred for professional politicians is in line with your hate for experts. Meanwhile, I count myself among those who value expertise.

    As for your "dynastic" comment, you're the one who has suggested that Dotard Jr or Ivana Jr should be our next president. I'm strongly opposed.

    Regarding the presidency being a part time job -- Dotard agrees (so that should make you happy). Tweeting, watching TV and golfing are clearly his priorities.

  10. Lyndon Johnson, the disgraced President who lost Vietnam at Tet? lol!

  11. He didn't run for re-election in '68. Was he making too much cattle herding money down on the old LBJ Ranch?

  12. The "every president since Lyndon Johnson" quote was only to point out WHEN the precedent started. Every president since him (both parties) followed the precedent of selling their businesses and putting assets in a blind trust. Your opinions on Johnson are irrelevant regarding this precedent (you should have used your "red herring" ID to make the comment).
