Friday, May 22, 2020

Media Bias Masks Slip Again...


  1. This proves it. Krystal and her co-host are in the bag for Dotard. Whoopi Goldberg isn't a journalist. How stupid.

  2. Obviously Krystal doesn't care that Fox and OAN (etc) aren't even wearing masks. btw, I'm sure that the jettison of the Fairness Doctrine and the resulting requirement by the owners that the news divisions of their networks be profit centers isn't a factor at all (aka this is what you wanted).

  3. By "you" I mean the Right.

    Krystal Ball = the only non biased journalist on teevee (is she on teevee?). LOL!

  4. Krystal proves that the Right isn't the only political ideology getting sick of the daily neoliberal bias' expressed in the MSM.

  5. btw, is the Dotard administration's sale of arms to Saudi Arabia (which Congress bipartisanly said NO to) an example of how Dotard is the anti-neoliberal? LOL.

  6. No, that would best be represented by his attack upon the Depp State. :)

  7. LOL! I'll agree with you on that. An attack on something that doesn't exist represents something Dotard isn't.

  8. Dotard: "a person, especially an old person, exhibiting a decline in mental faculties; a weak-minded or foolish old person".

    An accurate description of Donald Trump. Kim Jong Un gave his lover a very fitting nickname. Why I use it. Although DONALD TRUMP has always been weak minded and foolish. But he is getting worse in his old age. The cognitive decline is obvious.

  9. So you include Joe Biden in your Dotard remarks. I get it now...ha, ha, ha!

  10. Joe Biden didn't fall in love with Kim Jong Un.

  11. He was already in love with China's Xi, Kim's "mentor". Didn't Joe take a billion $ from Xi's Bank of China for Hunter to play with for a promise to keep American jobs in China?...

  12. Oh that's tight. The money was run through Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC so as to better cut in the Kerry family on the bribe.

  13. There is no money. Hunter Biden's attorney says "that was an unpaid position, that he did not create the company and has not yet received any money, let alone millions".

  14. ...yet. Like stock, the dividends are small but the appreciation upon sale HUGE. What's Rosemont Seneca Partners valuation?

  15. So you admit no "money was run through Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC". NONE. Now (that your lie has been exposed) you say the value of his company went up. Because he did a good job, I guess. How much did Jared get for selling his stake in Cadre?

    Quote: ...Jared Kushner is selling his stake in Cadre, a New York-based real estate start-up that has sought to profit from a special tax break included in the package Mr. Trump signed into law in late 2017. ... As of last year, the venture had moved in at least four cities — including Los Angeles and Nashville — to invest in real estate projects in so-called opportunity zones, which were created by the Treasury Department in 2018 under a provision of the 2017 tax law that was intended to encourage new investment in low-income neighborhoods. [end quote]

    "between $25 million and $50 million" according to the article quoted above. Not to shabby for work (clearly NOT on behalf of the America people) advising your FIL to create a tax break you can take advantage of.

  16. btw -2hen is Hunter supposed to resign? Before or AFTER the election?

  17. I've got a feeling it'll be much like his Burisma resignation... all announcement with no follow throgh.

  18. Paid? Nope. Gave to invest.

    When is Hunter going to register as a foreign agent working for China?

  19. My guess would be never. Given that he never worked for China. When will the Barr DOJ charge him?
