Thursday, May 21, 2020

Covid-19 Facts for Dummies/ Democrats


  1. US could have prevented majority of deaths and cases if it shut down sooner, new model finds. (excerpt) If the United States had implemented social distancing policies just a week sooner, it could have prevented more than half the number of coronavirus deaths and infections, according to new research from Columbia University. And if the country had locked down two weeks earlier than it did, it could have prevented 84% of deaths and 82% of cases, said the the research team, led by epidemiologist Jeffrey Shaman. [end excerpt]

  2. Sweden is still nowhere near herd immunity. (article excerpt) Sweden has revealed that... only 7.3% of people in Stockholm had developed the antibodies needed to fight the disease by late April. The figure, which Sweden's Public Health Authority confirmed to CNN, is roughly similar to other countries that have data and well below the 70-90% needed to create "herd immunity" in a population. [end excerpt]

    Also (as of 5/14/2020)...

    Sweden's per capita coronavirus death toll is among the highest in the world — a sign its decision to avoid a lockdown may not be working. (excerpt) Last week, the epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, who is leading Sweden's coronavirus response, said... that the country's high death toll was unexpected. "We never really calculated with a high death toll initially, I must say... We calculated on more people being sick, but the death toll really came as a surprise to us". [end except]

  3. Ignore Farr's Law all you want to. The virus is going to do its work regardless of how many shelter-in-place exercises you pull over the next 10 years until ultimately "herd immunity" is achieved. All you're doing by sheltering in place is extending the period of exposure for the vulnerable, thereby exposing a greater number of vulnerable/ immune system compromised people to the virus (because of the greater period of time that the virus remains active).

  4. So congratulations. You have a nice flat death curve that will now continue on for years until herd immunity is achieved.

  5. If "herd immunity" is the only way to go, then why are the experts advising Dotard not recommending it? Is their goal "extending the period of exposure for the vulnerable"? I listen to experts, not non-experts who seek out advice they like from fake news sources like OAN and quack doctors (like the one in the video Lisa posted).

    btw, we don't know what all the lasting effects of covid are (permanent lung damage, etc) so setting a GOAL of a certain percentage of the population getting infected is pretty stupid (and should be avoided). And what about operation "warp speed" (Dotard promising a vaccine by the end of the year)?

  6. The country's opening up again. The experts had their turn. Their "15 days to slow the spread" x3 are up.

  7. The rich owners demand the workers get sick and die! And you, of course. Proof that when you INSISTED that Dotard supports (and signed into law) a UBI, you were totally full of shit. Expect more infections and deaths. This (Dotard enhanced) disaster will be good for Biden at least.

    NOT that this is what any Democrats wants (destruction of the economy and mass death). President Biden is has a HUGE task ahead of him -- fixing the devastation the criminally inept Dotard has wrought. It's going to be work for more than one Democratic president over more than one administration, for sure.

  8. The workers demand to stay at home and starve. lol!

  9. If they refuse to buy food using the Dotard UBI they're starving by choice. You can't fix stupid.

  10. ...and if they refuse to vote "Biden", they're not real workers.

  11. According to you? So you admit Dotard is anti-worker?

  12. No, that was an ironic statement making fun of a Democratic Party that ignores workers in favor of non-citizens and welfare cheats.

  13. It no longer represents workers as an "identity" in their RACE/SEX BASED identity politics game.

  14. Workers have become the new Kulaks in the eyes of the Democratic Party.

  15. LOL. That explains why Democrats are fighting hard for workers while the republican priority is bailing our large corporations and the wealthy. And forcing workers to produce for the owners under unsafe conditions.

  16. LOL! "Fighting hard for workers"...

    International ones? LOL!

  17. ...and UNEMPLOYED is a safe condition for a worker?

  18. The Democrats are fighting hard for American workers. Why they wanted a (real) UBI. But that was shot down by the republicans who "conceded" to a paltry $1200. What you insisted (several times) was a UBI. Now you admit that was a lie. Income to provide for the necessities of life is what is important. Not specifically where that income comes from.

  19. A UBI replaces a wage in the definition of a worker? I'd have thought it transformed him from a "worker" into a "welfare queen".

    So how does that make the Democratic Party a "workers" party?


  20. The purpose of a UBI is to ensure nobody lives in extreme poverty, not replace wages. People will still want to work so they can have more than what is basic. No surprise you don't know what a UBI is, given your prior BS about Dotard being for one.

  21. So you agree, UBI's do nothing to benefit workers, they got along fine without them. Thanks for the admission.

  22. If they are getting along "just fine", why have food banks been doing so much "business" recently? And why is it that Most Americans can't afford an unexpected $1,000 expense?

    FYI, I made no "admission", but you did admit your hate for "breathers" (aka MOST Americans).

  23. I don't hate breathers. I simply noted that breathers aren't necessarily "workers" and that the Democrats no longer represent the interests of workers. They've become strict "humanitarians."

    And perhaps if more people worked and not merely "breathed", they could afford a $1,000 unexpected expense.

  24. Ayn Rand: Life or death is man's only fundamental alternative. To live is his basic act of choice. If he chooses to live, a rational ethics will tell him what principles of action are required to implement his choice. If he does not choose to live, nature will take its course. [end quote].

    Ayn Rand also claimed not to hate poor people (aka breathers). I don't believe you or Rand. I also do not believe you have never heard of the working poor. You simply prefer to believe such people have CHOSEN not to live (and would die if not for "Democrat handouts").

    For the record I consider Rand to have been an extremely evil person. Given that, you can draw your own conclusions re what I think about you.

  25. lol! I hate Randian "Objectivists" too. :)

  26. Why? You share a hatred for the poor and you both believe selfishness is a virtue. Dotard recognizes this, explaining why: ...Trump himself has said that he's a "fan" of Rand and "identifies" with Howard Roark, the protagonist of Rand's novel, "The Fountainhead"...
