Friday, April 17, 2020

The Main Stream Media Paradigm in 60 Seconds

...and why it fails so miserably


  1. unoriginal Krystal Ball reporting = stay home progressives. Jimmy Dore does the same shtick. Who would you say loves Dotard more?

  2. Funny, Ball & Dore, et al, BASH Trump. Could it be that normal people, even Progressives, don't have TDS as badly as you and are capable of acting in their own interest, instead of DNC interests?

    I know, INCRDEDIBLE!

  3. I have TES, not TDS. My enragement is 100% justified. If you aren't enraged by Dotard on a daily basis you can't possibly be a Progressive. Ball and Dore and PINOs. "Progressives" who are working HARD to ensure that no Progressive policies are enacted. It is in the country's interest to remove Dotard. And I am NOT a fan of the DNC and would prefer to see their "interests" change (what Bernie Sanders is working hard to accomplish).

  4. Bernie sold out. There's no moving paast it. He smokes pure unadulerated Establishmnt pole-cock, now.

  5. Bernie is a realist. Why he ran in the Democratic primary instead of declaring as an Independent. He's working from the inside to change the system. Progressives who bash Bernie are the sell-outs. They foolishly demand ALL or nothing.

  6. ...and Bernie got them exactly that. Nothing.

  7. No, nothing is what they will get if Dotard (the worst president in American history) remains in office.

    Quote: Sanders and his fellow progressives are attempting to extract policy concessions from Biden on a host of key issues, including healthcare, student debt, and climate change. Since becoming the presumptive nominee, Biden has tried to make policy overtures to Sanders' supporters. Last week, he introduced a proposal to lower the eligibility for Medicare to age 60 from 65 and expand student-loan forgiveness to some low-income and middle-class people. [end quote]

  8. Why should Biden give anything to idiots who will vote for him as the "lesser of 2 evils" regardless? Bernie isn't going to get jack for concessions except empty promises that he can't deliver with a Republican changes to Social Security and student loan forgiveness for stupid people.

  9. Bernie would have been able to get a republican senate to vote for his priorities? And Biden doesn't want Sanders supporters to vote for him (all those progressives you are enthusiastic about staying home)?

    Why would Dotard give anything to the idiots who vote for him because they love his White Nationalism? Why the rich have made out so well under Dotard. Remember when he said he was going to give everyone better health care for a much lower cost? LOL.

    btw, it isn't a certainty that the "GOP" will retain the Senate. Quote: "in recent history, there's been a strong correlation between the party that becomes the upper chamber's majority and the party that wins the White House". If Biden is elected president the chances are we will also get a Democratic Senate. Making it easier for Biden to get some of Bernie's priorities enacted into law.

  10. Will yours be forever obliterated if Dotard isn't able to steal a second term?

  11. I survived 8 years of affirmative action presidents in which Biden played the great white hope for Democratic Klansmen.

  12. So what you're saying is that your delusions will sustain you... got it.

  13. I don't have TDS. I have TES. You're the one who is deranged.

  14. TES is just a resistance socialists euphemism for TDS.

  15. It isn't. It would be deranged NOT to be enraged by Dotard's incompetence.

  16. ...said "enragements" origins being an ideological desire for socialism. ONLY socialists become "enraged". Normal people couldn't gaf.

  17. Nope. All normal sane people are enraged by Dotard's massive incompetence. Explaining the large "never trump" movement. And why Dotard lost the popular vote.

  18. You keep insisting that people who have been spoon fed Madison Ave. propaganda their entire lives are "sane". They could as easily been spoon-fed Islamic fundamentalism in a Saudi-funded madrasah. Would you consider Those people "sane"?

  19. You're the one being spoon-fed propaganda. And no, I don't consider you sane.

  20. You watch ad-less television? Who edits them out for you?
