Friday, April 17, 2020

Have We Been Hoaxed?

from American Thinker
Is it not possible to assume that the Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) seen in American hospitals since January -- illnesses that weren't positive for flu but acted like the flu -- could have been untested SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and thus remained unknown? This has been recorded as one of the largest flu seasons in the U.S. since 2009 with hundreds of thousands of cases of ILI collected by CDC surveillance.
When CDC COVID-19 testing data are overlaid on a graph with reported influenza-like-illness data (because ILI numbers were at least two orders of magnitude higher, CDC COVID-19 testing numbers were multiplied by 100 to make a graphic comparison easier to see.), the data curves are strikingly similar. This could indicate that as people exhibiting flulike illnesses (110,554 in week 6) were seen by U.S. physicians unable to diagnose them with a known influenza, physicians with the ability, had ILI patients tested for COVID-19, sending those tests to the CDC for verification.
SARS Ig immunity appears (from non-peer reviewed research) to last for 12 years and continued comparison studies with SARS and SARS-CoV-2 indicates that CoV-2 response will mirror SARS.

So, though an increase in testing will inevitably capture more cases, if SARS-CoV-2 has been circulating in the population since November and has conferred immunity on surviving patients similar to SARS, the number of cases and COVID-19 deaths should stay relatively low -- and isn’t that what’s being reported in real time?

It’s important to analyze and remember this scenario as the U.S. emerges from its quarantine cocoon to the inevitable cries from politicians of “But we had to act to keep people safe,” and “If we hadn’t shut everything down the death rate would have been so much worse.”

It’s understandable when situations involving human life elicit emotional responses over the rational. Christian hearts especially are geared to Jesus’ new and most important of all commandments. But it appears that many more lives will be affected by hardships invoked through the current economic freefall than the virus itself. Now is the time to practice appropriate risk assessment for our nation and allow its citizens to get back to work. One day, a pandemic of real consequence will sweep across the globe. People will need to be able to listen to adept and accurate warnings without wondering if they’re hearing the Boy Who Cried Wolf.


  1. The fringe Right (your peeps) absolutely is trying to hoax us. Their (your) motivation? They know this looks very bad for Dotard and are therefore trying (but failing) to portray this as another "deep state" conspiracy to take down Dotard. It's pretty pathetic when you consider that people who listen to this BS can (and have) died. #TrustExperts

  2. The Left has been trying to bankrupt this country since Lenin's Russian Revolution. This attempt, like all the others (AGW, Green New Deal) is just another in an unending line.

  3. The Right uses government to enrich the already wealthy. The Green New Deal is an attempt to save the planet and make life better for the bulk of Americans. Why republicans oppose it. In their opinion the wealthy should have (slightly less than) ALL the money -- and the rest of us should be their serfs.

    Who Can Afford a Green New Deal? We Can! (excerpt) Let's drop the false narrative of "unaffordability". A Green New Deal will pay for itself in the long run and bring short-term benefits as well—to our nation's health, ecosystems and beyond. Not only can a Green New Deal mitigate further climate-caused economic losses, but it can generate economic growth through harnessing clean energy, with wind and solar already substantively cheaper than many fossil fuels.

    [Re paying for the Green New Deal] Sixty-six percent of us believe corporations pay too little in taxes, and over 80 percent want corporations to pay as much on foreign profits as they do domestically. Once we listen to the American people and take seriously proposals like Sen. Sanders' Corporate Tax Fairness Act -- which would end the loophole allowing U.S. corporations to defer taxes on overseas income -- investing in a Green New Deal is do-able. [end excerpt]

  4. Dotard is going to bankrupt us -- just like he did with multiple casinos. He has called himself the "king of debt" and he certainly is living up to that title!

  5. ...but Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are reducing spending, right? lol!

  6. Because Dotard ignored the virus for so long they have no choice. If we had acted quickly the price tag would have been SIGNIFICANTLY smaller. This is ALL on Dotard. He is the most incompetent president EVER!

  7. lol! Name a budget (other than the wall) that THEY wish to see cut?

  8. Other than Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and safety net programs that help poor people, name a budget republicans would cut.

  9. In other words, Republican will cut some budgets, but Democrats are suckers for spending on EVERYTHING. And people who value EVERYTHIng protect and preserve NOTHING!

  10. Progressives want to cut the extremely bloated military budget. While conservadem Obama increased it republicans complained that he was "gutting" the military. Why Dotard had to massively increase it. Did you believe Dotard when he lied (during the campaign) about being opposed to the Iraq war and getting us out of Afghanistan?

  11. As per the page you linked to "President Trump walked away from those talks ... Only the U.S., led by its chief representative, [U.S. Special Representative Zalmay] Khalilzad, and the Taliban have taken part in the negotiations, an arrangement that New York University's Barnett Rubin says was designed by the Taliban and resisted until recently by the U.S".

    Sounds like there is a possibility we might eventually get out (although probably leaving some forces behind permanently) in spite of Dotard. If successful president Biden should take credit. Similar to how Dotard takes credit for everything Obama accomplished.

  12. You certainly are a careless reader. The deal was SIGNED.

  13. The JCPOA was also a signed deal. Dotard threw it in the garbage and escalated tensions with Iran because he's a f*cking moron. You'd say it was because Iran was violating the agreement. But I guess the Taliban are 100 percent trustworthy. Every last Taliban (to a man) would rather die than violate a signed agreement.

    I'll wait to see if the Taliban adhere to the deal and (if they do) I'll be very appreciative to President Biden for overseeing our withdrawal from Afghanistan.

  14. If the Senate doesn't ratify a deal in a Treaty and get the President's John Henry, the President is free to conduct and modify foreign policy as he wishes. Read the Constitution.

    As for Biden modifying the deal... I refuse to delve into improbable conjectures, like if the South had won the Civil War.

  15. I never said Biden would modify anything. I said he'll be overseeing our withdraw.

  16. 0-0 is still = 0.

    I know, you have trouble with maths.

  17. The time frame for a complete withdraw of US troops means the end of the Afghanistan war will take place under the Biden administration. US troop presence in Afghanistan will NOT be zero by the end of 2020. Or even by the end of January 2021 (Dotard's remaining days in office).

    btw, in the US it's math, not "maths".

  18. You assume that Joe has a snowballs chance of winning.... BWAH!

  19. The fix is in. Even so, Dotard has had a full term to show the world how massively incompetent he is. You hope to eek out an electoral college "win". I say the odds are way down. Especially given the state of the economy (which Dotard had planned on running on). Worst president ever!

  20. Given all his challenger's competencies, I'd say he's "a shoe-in"!

  21. Given all Dotard's incompetencies, Biden should be a shoe-in.

  22. No, he's already demonstrated his incompetence in two terms. He even promised to cure cancer. How'd that turn out>
