Saturday, February 8, 2020

Trump 2020!


  1. Vanquish tyranny and fascism by sending Dotard packing in 2020!

    America is a place where anyone can rise... says an idiot born into wealth.

  2. Even the wealthy can keep their money! What a country...

  3. Would you want to live in a country where they couldn't?

  4. What country would that be? You missed my point, in any case. WTF does Dotard know about being self made? Nothing. He'd be nothing if he not been born into wealth.

  5. Venezuela.

    He'd be nothing if he not been born into wealth. Prove it.

  6. "Came back" = bailed out by Putin. And your claims concerning Venezuela are false.

  7. Tell that to the stockholders of the companies that Chavez nationalized (like Bernie wants to do in the energy sector/// think CANTV or Electricidad de Caracas.

  8. Wikipedia: Electricidad de Caracas "was acquired by AES Corporation in 2000 and sold to the state-owned oil company PDVSA in 2007, which now owns 93.62%".

    SOLD. Meaning stockholders were compensated.

  9. $0.10 on the dollar of value isn't compensation. It's a pretense at propriety.

  10. SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- AES Corp. late Thursday said it has signed a memorandum of understanding with Venezuela to sell the company's 82% stake in Electricidad de Caracas to the government for $739.3 million.

    The sale is contingent on the negotiation of a "mutually satisfactory" definitive agreement, the Arlington, Va.-based power company said. The understanding is in effect through March 31.

    AES AES, +1.32% bought its EDC stake in 2000 for about $1.6 billion and analysts estimate it accounts for 8% to 12% of the company's annual earnings.

  11. What angers you is that rich people were prevented from "keeping" other people's money (the captive customers).

  12. A Series Of Suspicious Money Transfers Followed The Trump Tower Meeting (excerpt) ...secret documents reviewed by BuzzFeed News reveal a previously undisclosed aspect of the meeting: a complex web of financial transactions among some of the planners and participants who moved money from Russia and Switzerland to the British Virgin Islands, Bangkok, and a small office park in New Jersey.

    The documents show Aras Agalarov, a billionaire real estate developer close to both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, at the center of this vast network and how he used accounts overseas to filter money to himself, his son, and at least two people who attended the Trump Tower meeting.

    By most accounts, the 40-minute meeting... didn't result in usable information on Trump's rival. In fact, the Kremlin-connected attorney, Natalia Veselnitskaya, pivoted off Clinton and spoke at length about overturning US laws meant to stop Russian financial misconduct. "Look", Trump Jr. reportedly told the group, "we're not in power. When we win, come back and see us again". [end quote]

    Is Dotard American's Chavez? Who knows what the Trump Crimes Commission will uncover. Why we HAVE to deny Dotard a second term. There is going to be a lot of hard work in uncovering the Dotard crime syndicate crimes and prosecuting those involved. The sooner we get going the better.

    Remember that Dotard said, "to the victor goes the spoils".

  13. Trump had his billions BEFORE entering government service. Chavez had them AFTER. See the difference?

  14. I do see the difference. Dotard OWES billions in Deutsche Bank loans underwritten by Putin. Subtract what Dotard owes from his real wealth and I think he was probably underwater prior to his current gig (grifting the American people). Especially given the fact that he assigns several billion in value to this "brand". LOL.

    Dotard = fake billionaire.

  15. ...then add back in the current (vs. purchase)value of his real estate holdings = billionaire
