Saturday, February 8, 2020

Exposing the Deep State IC Roots of Political Influence & Manipulation in Iowa...

h/t- Gert

Where's the Church Committee when you need it? The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (created by the Church Commission to act on its' behalf) has become the beating heart AND grand protector of the Deep State. Which just goes to prove the lifecycle of the Myth of the Administrators is still pertinent:

"Indeed, the process has been so widely commented upon that one writer postulated a common life cycle for all of the attempts to develop regulatory policies. The life cycle is launched by an outcry so widespread and demanding that it generates enough political force to bring about establishment of a regulatory agency to insure the equitable, just, and rational distribution of the advantages among all holders of interest in the commons. This phase is followed by the symbolic reassurance of the offended as the agency goes into operation, developing a period of political quiescence among the great majority of those who hold a general but unorganized interest in the commons. Once this political quiescence has developed, the highly organized and specifically interested groups who wish to make incursions into the commons bring sufficient pressure to bear through other political processes to convert the agency to the protection and furthering of their interests. In the last phase even staffing of the regulating agency is accomplished by drawing the agency administrators from the ranks of the regulated."

Who is AnotherAcronym...


  1. Excerpted from "Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories"... Quote: They are prejudiced against "enemy" groups they perceive as powerful. Such findings suggest that conspiracy belief might arise as a sort of defense mechanism. When people feel disadvantaged, they are motivated to find ways to boost their own self-perceptions. Blaming others by linking them to malevolent plots provides a scapegoat on which to lay blame, thus improving how conspiracy believers view themselves.

    The belief in conspiracies is also rooted in what is referred to as collective narcissism . This is the belief that your own social group is better, yet less appreciated, by other people. People who feel that they or their social group have been victimized are also less likely to believe in government institutions and more likely to believe in conspiracies. [end quote]

  2. Russia, Russia! It's "why" you believe.

  3. It was a conspiracy, but not a theory. It was proven. By the Mueller report, by our intelligence agencies and by Dotard's actions and words. So many contacts between the campaign and Russians. The Dotard tower meeting. "Russia, if you're listening". "Russia, Russia" (as you call it) is a fact, not a theory.

  4. Is it, when the FBI's OCONUS lures arrange all the so-called Russian contacts? lol!

  5. Dotard was set up? When the FBI warned the Dotard campaign and told them to let the FBI know if Russians contacted them? Bullplop.

  6. Your Washington Examiner (a Conservative organization) claim that "The FBI never briefed Trump's campaign about its fear that Russians might be attempting to infiltrate his campaign" is false (fake news).

    Quote In the weeks after he became the Republican nominee on July 19, 2016, Donald Trump was warned that foreign adversaries, including Russia, would probably try to spy on and infiltrate his campaign... [FBI] briefings, which are commonly provided to presidential nominees, were designed to educate the candidates and their top aides about potential threats from foreign spies. ... The candidates were urged to alert the FBI about any suspicious overtures to their campaigns... [end quote]

    If the "FBI used intelligence briefing as [a] pretext to investigate Trump and Flynn", it was because of the collusion. People breaking the law might be investigated? Who knew?

  7. ...and those FBI Agents who visited General Flynn at the Whitehouse were there to simply advise talk with him, too. BWAH!

  8. John Durham is coming, hurray, HURRAY!
