Friday, February 21, 2020

The Prosecutor's File - Burisma and the Bidens

Ukrainian Collusion in the 2016 Election
After claiming throughout the Trump impeachment that Ukraine was certified to receive the US foreign aid and wasn't corrupt... Democrats now claim that Ukraine is "institutionally corrupt" and that any information vis the Biden investigation received has been falsified to help get re-elected in 2020. Which is it Democrats?


  1. Zelensky is cooperating because the "GOP" said he had to. After they failed to hold Dotard accountable the signal was sent loud and clear. It's the US that is institutionally corrupt. Corrupted by Russia and his puppet, Dotard. Zelensky has to play for the pay.

  2. Rudy is Putin's paid employee. If Toady Barr prevents him from being prosecuted the Trump Crimes Commission should definitely take a look at him. I'm rooting for him to receive some significant time behind bars.

  3. Rudy Giuliani's Favorable Ratings Hit New Low (excerpt from a 6/13/2018 article) 32% in U.S. have a favorable view, 45% unfavorable opinion of Giuliani. First time he has had more negative than positive ratings. [end excerpt].

    This poll was conducted before Rudy decided to become a stooge for Putin and Dotard. His reputation now is shot. What with his insane bug-eyed, drunk Fox Nooz appearances. I'd bet a lot of people in NY see him as a total joke. Dotard fled NY because he is hated there. NY is a Blue state that HRC won in the last election.

    Quote: New York State remained a solidly blue state, with Hillary Clinton winning with 59.01% of the vote, while Donald Trump received 36.52% of the vote, a 22.49% Democratic victory margin.

  4. Rudy will run for President in 2024 and WIN!

  5. you're not voting for Ivana Junior any longer?

    In 2024 President Sanders will be running for a second term.

    Rudy may or may not have completed his prison sentence. All of Dotard's prosecuted and convicted co-conspirators seem to have gotten off a little light. Still he should get at least a few years.

    Rudy already ran for president... and lost. He dropped out pretty quickly, as I recall.


    Bernie is the Hindenberg of the 2020 Presidential Race. He's all full of gas and careening towards the docking tower now...

  7. Bernie Sanders is in it to win it. Worried? Bernie is ready for Dotard's "Commie" lies. He'll counter then with the truth about Dotard being a fascist.


  8. He was programmed in Moscow over his honeymoon.

  9. Snopes: MOSTLY FALSE. This trip was not a "honeymoon" in the traditional sense... The purpose of this trip was to establish a sister city in Russia, not for the newlyweds to enjoy a romantic getaway. Bernie and Jane Sanders took their real honeymoon in St. Lucia in the Caribbean the following year.

  10. You take honeymoons right after weddings... not "years later".

  11. You included quote marks around "years later", yet the Snopes article I quote says "the following year". You lie with your quote marks. And a newly married couple can take a honeymoon whenever they want and are not obligated to follow instructions from you. Not that it matters, as non-Russian citizens can visit Russia without being communist (or converting to communism). If that were the case, Dotard is a lot more communist than Bernie (having traveled there more times).

  12. A year after the wedding comes the 2nd honeymoon. :)

  13. It's proof Dotard is a misogynist and a sexual assaulter.

  14. The only difference between a successful and unsuccessful seduction is that the failed pass gets criminalized as a sexual assault.
