Friday, February 14, 2020

Promises KEPT!


  1. I haven't heard of any eminent domain cases being heard and resolved (with land being seized) or of Mexico agreeing to pay. "Promises kept"... LOL.

  2. “The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.”

    -Robert Frost

  3. Quote: Customs and Border Protection, which is part of Homeland Security, doesn't yet own most of the land where it plans to build the wall. ... since January 2017 the administration has only taken three miles from private owners in the Rio Grande Valley, according to a CBP spokesperson [end quote].

    The article is dated 12/20/2019. So that is 3 miles seized by eminent domain in 3 years. In any case, construction and eminent domain land seizure efforts STOP after Dotard is booted from office January 2021 :)

    Mexico will be relieved they don't have to pay. LOL!

  4. It'll take a few years for the wall to reach Texas… so there plenty of time. :)

  5. Elizabeth Warren has ZERO chance of becoming the nominee. :)

  6. All the other Democrats love Dotard's wall? Who knew?


  7. Is "do" short for republicans? They're the ones who want to keep their corporate masters supplied with cheap labor. It's why they talked up a wall prior to Dotard, then refused to act on wall funding after Dotard was installed as president. Did we get wall funding during Dotard's first 2 years when the republicans controlled the House? LOL.

  8. lol! He says as Bloomberg completes his corporate buy-out of the DNC...

  9. Non sequitur. Obviously you couldn't refute my point, hence the topic change.

  10. Your corporate masters tell you to say that?

  11. If they're willing to pay -- I'd absolutely be willing to say (what I already say for free) in exchange for some cash.

  12. Good to know that, like a "Mainstream journalist," you're open to selling out to the highest corporate bidder.
