Friday, February 14, 2020

Can We Ever Go Back to Laissez-Faire?


  1. Not under Dotard. He loves bankruptcy protections. Without them he'd be in debtors' prison. LOL!

  2. Not under Bernie either. Central planning is anethema to free markets.

  3. Of course not. Laissez faire is anathema to fair markets. Bernie Sanders opposes markets where powerful corporations are free to screw consumers.

  4. Bernie Sanders opposes all markets that aren't determined and run by the Government (& what he decides is "fair").

  5. I don't know what you mean by "run by the government". If you mean regulated by the government, then yes. And I agree with him. FYI, the president isn't king, so what Bernie (as president) thinks is fair will be of minimal consequence. He will need to convince the House and Senate to send him legislation to sign, the same as any other president.

  6. Nationalizing the energy and healthcare sectors isn't "regulating"'s "running".

  7. IF Bernie Sanders wanted to nationalize the entire healthcare industry and the entire energy industry HOW would he do it? Conserva-Dems would be on board with such legislation? Republicans would vote for it?

  8. Mexico announced that it is fully funding Dotard's border wall? Who knew? If true, that's good news. Dotard can stop misappropriating military funds immediately.

    Presidential candidates put forward policy proposals, not policy promises. Governing involves a LOT of compromise. Another reason why Dotard is so bad at his job. He thinks he is king. btw, I'm not aware of any proposal from Bernie Sanders that involves the government taking over the entire energy and healthcare sectors.

  9. Medicaid/ care for all? Green new deal? How would they be "voluntary"?

    Speaking of kings, what do you think Executive Action means?

  10. btw- How do YOU spell FEDERAL ELECTRIC UTILITY? I don't see much room for the private sector in THAT $16.3 trillion dollar government boondogle. Do you?

  11. Medicaid/care for all isn't a takeover of the healthcare sector. It's a takeover of the health care INSURANCE sector. Although people could still buy supplemental insurance from private insurers. This is NOT a radical idea. 32 countries currently offer Universal Health Care. The United States is an outlier among developed nations.

    FYI, Bernie Sanders Energy Plan makes no mention of a "Federal Electric Utility" or of Nationalization. What Bernie's plan does say is that he likes Municipal and cooperative electric utilities and that "The renewable energy generated by the Green New Deal will be publicly owned".

    btw, I don't subscribe to the Washington Post. I went to your link and it said I needed to pay to read the article.

  12. That's not what the WaPo says:

    The independent Vermont senator, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president, published a nearly 14,000-word “Green New Deal” on Thursday that aims to eliminate the use of fossil fuels from power plants and cars by the end of the next decade and to completely decarbonize the rest of the U.S. economy by the middle of the century.
    It is also distinguished from the plans of his 2020 rivals by the fact that it would attempt to empower Sanders, if he were to be in the White House, to impose many of its components through executive action, a popular tool during the Trump and Obama administrations to enact environmental change.

    So much for Democracy...

    The high cost of Sanders's plan is due in part to eschewing partnership with the private businesses to erect the wind turbines and solar panels needed to hit his goal of 100 percent renewable energy in the power sector by 2030. Instead Sanders wants to establish a new federal electric utility to provide power to Northeast and Midwestern states while expanding the four existing federal power administrations that cover most of the rest of the Lower 48.

    So much for capitalism...

  13. Those sound like very good ideas to me.

    Re: "so much for Democracy"... your own quote says Dotard is using executive actions. It's "so much for democracy" ONLY when president Sanders uses executive actions?

    Re: "so much for capitalism"... your own quote says Sanders wants to expand "the four existing federal power administrations that cover most of the rest of the Lower 48". i.e. do more of what we're already doing. I guess capitalism is gone already.

  14. Yep.

    Four federal Power Marketing Administrations (PMAs) - Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA), and Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA) - operate electric systems and sell the electrical output of federally owned and operated hydroelectric dams in 34 states.

  15. ...only after Bernie, there will be no commercial coal, gas, oil, or nuclear plants.

  16. Hurrah for Bernie Sanders! Apparently he is destined to be the most effective president in US history! Even with an army of lawyers to defend their billions in profits (and the entire "GOP" in their pockets as well as many Democrats) the oligarchs won't be able to stop the Sanders agenda!

  17. Perhaps he can declare himself "President for Life", too.

  18. Dotard has already tweeted that he is a king...

    Quote: "Ralph Waldo Emerson seemed to foresee the lesson of the Senate Impeachment Trial of President Trump. "When you strike at the King, Emerson famously said, you must kill him". Mr. Trump's foes struck at him but did not take him down. A triumphant Mr.Trump emerges from the biggest test of his presidency emboldened, ready to claim exoneration, and take his case of grievance, persecution and resentment to the campaign trail". Peter Baker@nytimes The Greatest Witch Hunt In American History! [end quote]

    You did the same thing on your "Farmer's Letters" blog.

    Bernie Sanders is running for president, not king.

  19. Is Trump's crown a blond hairpiece? lol!
