Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hillary, DNC Enforcer

The Queen of the National Security Deep State is Demonizing Potential 3rd Party Candidates to Keep the Corporate Globalism Uniparty Politically Viable


  1. HRC is telling the truth about Tulsi because it *IS* Russia's desire that she run as a spoiler. Because Dotard needs all the help he can get. We'll know for sure if Tulsi is an (unwitting?) Russian asset if she announces a 3rd party run. Bernie Sanders runs as a Democrat because he does not want to be a spoiler and help Dotard "win". You denounce HRC's truthful comment because you want as many spoilers as possible -- on the Democratic side.

    I'm guessing you feel differently about Bill Weld, Mark Sanford, or Joe Walsh running 3rd party. No comments or posts from you denouncing the fact that the RNC cancelled their primaries so none of the other declared candidates could effectively challenge Dotard, in any case.

  2. With Hillary and the DNC doing all they can to undermine Tulsi, I wouldn't fault Tulsi for running third party. :)

  3. Hilly Clinton is a private citizen, btw. Not in government nor a candidate. Also not a "queen" of anything. She is right about Tulsi, however. Putin wants her to run 3rd party as a spoiler to split the Democratic vote and help Dotard "win" a second term. Hopefully Tulsi won't play into his hands. Anymore than she already has.

  4. Hillary is simply signaling to the Deep State IC where their bread is buttered, nothing more.

  5. No. HRC's comment concerned a 3rd party candidate splitting the Democratic vote. Tulsi can ONLY be a spoiler. There is no chance of her winning the Democratic nomination and then the presidency. Note that HRC didn't endorse Biden (who I assume would continue the Obama/Clinton foreign/military policies). She didn't attack Sanders for his opposition to the past and CURRENT policy of a bloated military that acts as the world's police. Try to pay attention.

  6. The Democrats are a third party now? Wow, that's quite an admission.

  7. Last time I checked, Tulsi was running on the Democrat ticket.

  8. She isn't. There is no such thing as "the Democrat ticket". Tulsi thinks she can win the nomination of the Democratic Party. Thus she is running on the Democratic ticket. For now. Putin would love it if she (after dropping out of the Democratic race) runs 3rd party. His orange puppet needs as much help as possible if he is going to "win" a 2nd term.

    Anyway, I hear Tulsi isn't popular in Hawaii and may end up losing her House seat to Kai Kahele.

  9. Contradict yourself much?

    There is no such thing as "the Democrat ticket". Tulsi thinks she can win the nomination of the Democratic Party. Thus she is running on the Democratic ticket.

  10. No. It's the Democratic Party. Not the "Democrat Party". There is no "Democrat party" and there is no "Democrat ticket".

  11. When you cast your ballot for Dotard were you voting for the republic candidate?

  12. Were you voting for the democracy candidate?

  13. If Dotard actually ran 3rd party, why did the RNC allow him into their debates? Why do Congressional republicans consider him the head of their party?

  14. Trump ran on the Republican ticket.

    If Bernie wins the Democratic Party nomination and then heads the Democratic Party, he will no longer be a Democratic Socialist.

  15. No duh. Now you write it correctly. After I corrected you on the fact that there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party".

  16. You corrected nothing. It was never said.

  17. I corrected your claim that Tulsi Gabbard is running on the nonexistent "Democrat ticket".
