Sunday, July 28, 2019

Trump Tries His Hand at Rat Fishing in Baltimore...

... and the Pied Piper Media Pretend that All Vermin in Baltimore have been Dealt With and that the REAL Problem are the Racist Fishermen...

What the Media fails to acknowledge is the President's argument by analogy:
If Elijah Cummings is to be taken seriously as an expert or professional in his Border Patrol criticisms and recommendations, shouldn't the Congressman have some experience in fixing/ solving like problems? And has Cummings fixed his Baltimore District on a restricted budget, or does Cummings blame his lack of success on inadequate funding and instead perpetually seek more money for his own Baltimore District at the expense of the border and other districts?
Is THAT the argument that the Media is attacking? Or is the Media attacking the President on a False-Light Argument by presenting an "implied" analogous argument that the President's criticism is all about the Congressman's race?

What a disservice to the public. Government and media no longer cooperate to fix problems, they just blame all their problems that need fixing on racial animosity and the bad intentions of others... tsk, tsk.
Elijah Cummings casting stones from a glass House Committee Hearing Room


  1. Dotard tRump 4/28/2015 tweet: President Obama, you have a big job to do. Go to Baltimore and bring both sides together. With proper leadership, it can be done! Do it.

    If the problems in Baltimore can be solved "with proper leadership" BY THE PRESIDENT, why doesn't Dotard solve them? When Obama was president it was his problem. Now it's the Black Representative's problem. Conclusion 1: Dotard is a racist. Conclusion 2: Dotard is incapable of providing "proper leadership".

  2. Conclusion - Cummings, like Obama, was no leader.

    And we're tired of cleaning up Democrat messes (like slavery).

  3. ...and don't argue that Baltimore hasn't been a Democratic mess since at least the time when Nancy Pelosi's father was mayor.

  4. I didn't know you can make a link from a happy face, sorry! :-) (no link there!!)

    Ya, this rat mess is disgusting, isn't it?
    As is Cummings....and AOC, of course.

    Yes, Cummings cares VERY much for foreign illegals who'll be voting Lefty but don't let his own people in his city get rid of rats. Unreal, isn't it?

  5. Quote: "It is certainly ironic that the president's own son-in-law was complicit in contributing to some of the neglect that the president purports to be so concerned about", Baltimore County Executive John A. Olszewski Jr. told the Washington Post. [7/29/2019]

    Let me guess... Elijah Cummings is responsible for the rodent problem in apartments owned by Jared? Maybe Elijah Cummings is also responsible for slavery? You did say it was a "Democrat" mess that "we" (as in the modern day republican party) cleaned up. How dumb is Cummings that he is a member of the party that enslaved his ancestors? Him and the 80+ percent of African Americans who vote Democratic.

    As for the Z comment concerning "foreign illegals who'll be voting Lefty"... are you talking about illegals granted amnesty by Reagan? Also, who is a "non-foreign illegal"? Your comment implies they exist. Is a "non-foreign illegal" a US citizen born in the US who Dotard tells to go back to "countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe".

    That is what he told members of the Squad. 3 of 4 who were born in the US. But they aren't White - so they must be "foreign". "Illegal" probably because they criticized the White president. HOW DARE THEY! Clearly that (should) be a crime (for a non-White to criticize a White predisent).

  6. Elijah Cumming's is responsible for making his District so unliveable that anyone leaving it and fleeing the district's gang violence would be more deserving of asylum than a Guatemalen or Salvadorean refugee currently at the US border as Baltimore's murder rate is twice Guatemalas.

  7. ...yet Cummings has the unmitigated gall to criticize border patrol agents doing their jobs with the strained resources they've been given. Perhaps Cummings should cure his own problems before complaining about others.

  8. Of course a slum lord like Jared Kushner bears no responsibility. He isn't Black. I think it is more true that Mitch McConnell are responsible for making their state the opioid-addicted hell hole it is. They certainly did nothing to stop it.

  9. If he bears no responsibility, it's because in FACT, no one holds him responsible. And who's job is it to hold him responsible? Elijah Cummings...

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  10. Elijah Cummings is in charge of policing housing violations? Who knew? Figures that you say that - if criminal activity can be gotten away with - the criminal isn't to blame, but the entity that should be prosecuting them. Although (no doubt) this applies ONLY if the criminal is White. FYI, HUD has cited Kushner for violations. And HUD is under the control of the CORRUPT Dotard administration, currently.

  11. Wow! Jarred Kushner was fined a whole $3,500... what's that, about three month's rent from one apartment?

  12. Where is Dotard's oversight and reform of HUD? It's a executive branch agency. If Dotard is concerned about Baltimore, why doesn't he instruct Ben Carson to do SOMETHING?

  13. Ben Carson fined Jared. That it wasn't more was Elijah Cummings fault.

  14. So shouldn't Elijah the "oversight chairman" close the loopholes that allow Jared to get away with mismanagement of his housing units? Fixing such things is the function of "oversight" isn't it?

  15. No. Ben Carson should close those "loopholes". If it is loopholes, as opposed to insufficient fines that "allow" the predisent's SIL to not address the poor condition of his apartment complexes. Congress had a hard enough time holding Carson accountable when he overspent on office redecorating. You think he'd listen if Elijah Cummings tried to tell him how to run the agency he is the head of? Unbelievable. If this had come up 2 years ago you'd be insisting Julian Castro (HUD secretary under Obama) was definitely responsible.

  16. Cummings writes the rules that Carson enforces. All Carson does, every day he's at work, is "listen to Elijah". Carson can't close loopholes. Only Cummings can.

  17. Elijah Cummings writes every single regulation for every single Executive branch agency? Who knew? That's a LOT of work for one man. OMG, what a STUPID comment.

  18. Cummings certainly has oversight of every single regulation's implementation by the Executive Branch. And if he's not the one chartered to fix them, then no one is. What good is an "Oversight Committee" that conducts no oversight?

  19. Why believe Dotard-appointed Ben Carson should do his job unless he is forced to? Apparently that would be a ridiculous expectation according to you. When the truth is that the Dotard administration is not cooperating with House oversight.
