Thursday, July 25, 2019

The "Science" Behind the Mueller Report

...or, "On Using a Razor Blade of Half-Truths" to make visibles out of invisibles"

Where there's smoke, there's GOT to be FIRE!


  1. The Russia-colluding, racist, misogynist Dotard tRump will go down as the most corrupt president in US history. trumpers will go down in the history books as some of the most deluded and duped supporters of a politician of all time. Kekistan = metaphorical Jonestown. You should drink the poisoned Kool-Aid already. But obviously we (the sane portion of the population that voted for HRC) will have to wait until Dotard has clearly failed. A time which will come eventually. Hopefully not to late for the rest of us to repair the damage he has done.

  2. The Russia-Russia HOAX was ALL smoke and mirrors.

  3. Go back to smoking your dope alone at home, Dervy.

  4. The "no collusion, no obstruction, total vindication" HOAX is nothing but transparent and debunked lies. The insane rantings of a paranoid, senile old man on Twitter. Backed up and enforced by far Right, sycophantic, boot licking purveyors of FAKE news.

    tRump willingly allowed himself to become a Russian asset and GOT CAUGHT by Mueller. When Nixon got caught Republicans had the decency to admit it and force Nixon to resign. There will be a price to pay for the party as a whole for the mass sell-out your politicians are engaging in today. btw, I don't use drugs and have never used drugs.

  5. All Mueller ever caught was a bad case of stage fright for yesterday's grand collusion reveal. lol!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Such inanity isn't even worthy of an LOL. Mueller has testified many times previously before Congress. Why would he have "caught" stage fright this time? BTW, collusion was "revealed" when the Mueller report was released. Although much of what's in there is public knowledge. People who were paying attention already knew Dotard colluded. "Russia, if you're listening", "If it's what you say it is, I love it", etc.

  8. For a self-declared political sophisticate, your comprehension of satire displays a certain "wanting".

  9. Colluding with hostile foreign powers to steal a US elected office isn't "satire".

  10. Then why aren't Hillary and her legal team and their employee, Michael Steele in jail?

  11. Because tRump and his associates committed the crimes.

  12. That is EXACTLY what Mueller said and you know it. You rely on the fact that OLC Guidance says a sitting president can't be indicted to spin your lie. Or is it that you are stupid and honestly don't understand why (the rule following) Mueller believed he couldn't charge Dotard? BTW, ZERO "thoughtful" progressives are lying about what Mueller wrote in his report.

  13. I heard it. The rules-following republican Mueller "corrected" the earlier truth he told in order to keep his testimony in line with the idiotic OLC "guidance". You quote him to support your lie that his report "totally vindicated" (LOL) tRump, yet he still is a "deep stater" who "fabricated evidence" and would be charged for lying under oath. When is that going to happen (as you predicted)?

  14. The OLC guidance that Mueller REQUESTED? lol!

  15. The OLC guidance was put in place during the Nixon administration. Mueller is a rules follower, but he did not write the rule. You can shove your "requested" and "lol" where the sun doesn't shine.

  16. So much for your "deep state" theory. If Mueller were a "deep stater" he would't have requested that letter. Given that he no longer works for the DOJ, he could have said what he wanted to say. This was clearly a time for the rules to be broken (even though they didn't really apply). Mueller, I think, failed the American people. On the other hand, he might not have wanted the responsibility to fall on his shoulders. He did his job and what SHOULD come next (impeachment) is the job of Congress.

  17. Mueller requested the letter so that he didn't have to answer any Republican questions pertaining to the illegal "origins/predicates" of the investigation.

  18. Bob Barr isn't a part of your (imaginary) "deep state", so why would help Mueller cover up the oranges? And the investigation was totally legal. Republican judges approved the FISA warrants (multiple times). tRump was warned by the FBI that Russians might contact his campaign and that he should notify them if that happened. He didn't and that indicated to them that something was up (collusion) and they needed to DO THEIR JOB and investigate.

  19. The warrants were obtained upon KNOWN false assertions by the investigators. That makes the investigation both improper and ILLEGAL.

    As for contacting the FBI, was Trump supposed to contact them every time he spoke to a Russian national? Bid the Clinton campaign notify the FBI every time they spoke with Chris Steels (A British national)? lol!

  20. The tRump tower meeting was set up via an email that explicitly stated the Russian government supported his campaign. Chris Steel did (legal under US law) work for hire. You keep trying to conflate the two but they aren't the same. And the FISA warrants contained no known false assertions. They were also signed off on multiple times by republican appointed judges.

  21. The NSA monitors and algorithmically reads all emails from foreign nationals. Therefore, technically, the meeting had been reported. Perhaps if they had given Trump's campaign team the same defensive briefing as the Clinton Campaign's defensive briefing, instead of surveilling them, the campaign might have reported it.

    And the FISA warrants contained no known false assertions.

    Sure they did. They contained many lies by "omission." Like the fact that the dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton and The Democratic National Committee, that the FBI terminated Steele as a source for “what the FBI defines as the most serious of violations.” The dossier had also not been independently verified (but it was certified as having been verified). How about disclosing the fact that a news story purporting to corroborate the dossier in the FISA application actually came directly from the dossier. And what about the fact that some of the information provided to the court came from a senior DOJ official’s wife, who was getting paid by the Clinton campaign’s opposition research firm and had been obtained through illegal searches of classified NSA databases. Asserting by omission, lack of exculpatory information violates the spirit of every FISA warrant application.

  22. Not the same defensive briefing? Trey Gowdy does not even explain wtf he's talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. Not that a "better briefing" would have helped. Dotard just said recently (during his Stephanapolis interview) that there is nothing wrong with taking info from foreign nationals. And Chris Wray (who says otherwise) is wrong. btw, ignorance of the law is not a defense. Neither is delusion concerning the law.
