Thursday, July 18, 2019

Trump on the International Trade Front


  1. Dotard tRump on Twitter: The Fed's reckless policies of low interest and flooding the market with dollars needs to be stopped or we will face record inflation. 9/29/2011.

    But that was when Obama was president. Now that tRump is predisent he wants the Fed to engage in reckless polices that will cause record inflation... all because it will make the economy look good (and help his re-election changes) in the short term. HOW can you support this, Minus? tRump is a hypocritical FRAUD!

  2. The Fed needs to decide whether to remain America's bankers, or the world's. It needs to change from a Pazzi bank, into a de' Medici one.

  3. There are problems with the Fed. Though what Dotard is pressuring the Fed chair to do doesn't address those problems. He simply wants to inflate the bubble as much as possible prior to the 2020 election.

  4. ...for American or Chinese business interests?

  5. Do the Chinese want to see tRump "win" a second term?

  6. "Chump" is a good word to describe someone who voted for Dotard. Given that President Bernie Sanders would address the trade issue correctly, I doubt the Chinese want him in that position.

  7. What does Bernie know about trade, other that it's something "other people" do?

  8. Bernie knows more about trade treaties than the moron currently occupying the White House. Significantly more.

  9. ...and as. lifetime candy shop owner, he'd have gone broke his first year if his Uncle Sam and the US taxpayer wasn't paying his candy bills.

  10. Bernie Sanders has never owned a candy shop. Government provides services. People pay (via their taxes) for those services. Also, the essentials needed to live are not "candy". FYI, republican corporate welfare represents a MUCH larger portion of the budget than assistance to poor people. i.e. republicans give out a TON more "candy". Especially when you count all the "candy" they hand out (in dump trucks) to the military industrial complex.

  11. Reparations aren't voter candy? Free colleges aren't voter candy? Free health care isn't voter candy? Government doesn't provide health care services (unless you're in the uniformed services or merchant marine). Private enterprises do. Corporate welfare what? lol! All your comments, even those about Republicans describe the Government candy shop.

    Tell Bernie to give away his OWN sh*t.

  12. You are only concerned about "candy" that HELPS Americans that need it. Candy that enriches people who don't need help does not seem to concern you very much at all. FYI, government is SUPPOSED to serve the needs of it's citizens. My answer to ALL of your questions is NO. I doubt reparations will go anywhere. Educating workers is an investment. Making sure the population is healthy is an economic and public good. Government (excepting the VA) has NEVER provided health care and never will.

    That you are unaware of the MASSIVE amounts of welfare corporations receive is PROOF that you aren't that concerned about republican-provided candy.

  13. 5% of the national budget vs 95% of the budget....hmmmm... which should I focus on?

  14. ...and of course, that 5% that so concerns you keeps 85% of the American population out of the "needy" category.

  15. Let's look at the biggest corporate welfare queen, Boeing... Boeing — $13.18 Billion in received welfare, paid $1.3 Billion in federal taxes, is the nations largest exporter with 153,000 employees and annual revenues of $101 Billion, most spent on it's employee's and domestic suppliers (who also pay taxes)... with an $8.1 trillion dollar 10-year market and a %500 billion order backlog.

    Yeah, spending 140 Billion over ten years to gain $8.1 trillion worth of labor and related taxes... such a BAD DEAL for the American people!

    That's about a 8:1 ROI for the American taxpayer.

  16. ...assuming a corp tax rate of 15% on $8.1 trillion, that's $1.215 trillion in federal taxes gained for $140 Billion in welfare subsidies spent over the next 10 years.

  17. How much tax revenue does the American citizen earn from all their welfare subsidies to individuals?

  18. Wilbur Ross even said yesterday that Boeings problems with the 737Max reduced US GDP Growth this last quarter from 2.5% to 2.1...0.4%

  19. It is HORRIBLE deal. The government isn't getting taxes in exchange for corporate welfare. The tax would be collected/due regardless and isn't dependent on a gift. NOT an "investment" or the US taxpayer would be due a share of the profit. IN ADDITION to taxes collected.

  20. No, the tax revenues would be collected in Europe by Airbus.

  21. If they're the superior company. Isn't that what the "free market" is all about? Companies compete and the one that can do the job the best for the lowest price wins... guess you don't believe in it.

  22. In June of 2010 the WTO ruled in favor of the United States on 80% of the total alleged subsidy amounts, and in May of 2011 a WTO appellate panel upheld all of the key findings of the earlier panel. The WTO ruled that Airbus had received $18 billion of illegal subsidies, including $15 billion of launch aid. Airbus-sponsor governments were given until December of 2011 to remove the harmful effects of all illegal subsidies. On September 22, 2016, the WTO confirmed the European governments not only failed to meet the compliance deadline to remedy $17 billion worth of past subsidies provided to Airbus, but that an additional $5 billion in illegal launch aid has since been provided to support the A350. In a last ditch effort, the EU appealed that ruling. The WTO rejected the appeal in May 2018, opening the door for the U.S. Government to initiate the WTO process for imposing tariffs on European exports to the United States to mitigate these violations. source

  23. I'm not a WTO fan. Has tRump made any moves to get us out of it? To reform it? No, nothing??
