Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Bernie Bro Alternatives...

$15 an Hour or...
NEET is a acronym that stands for (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) the term NEET refers to a person who is unemployed not in school or vocational training.


  1. So, you're talking about children not yet in preschool and retired elderly persons? Why are these people considered by you to be neat? And what does your racist frog mascot have to do with it (I ask not having watched the video)?

  2. Oh, another uninformed comment...

  3. Perhaps I don't wish to be "informed" by hate? I mean, clearly this video concerns people you hate.

  4. If you never watched it, clearly, how could you know?

  5. There is an ancient Sufi parable about coffee: "He who tastes, knows; he who tastes not, knows not."

  6. Watched your video. SHOCKINGLY it concerns people you hate. Like I said, the primary clue (beside it being a trumper that posted it) is the frog (a symbol of hate, just like the maga hat). Similar to how, with coffee, the clue that it tastes bad is the horrible smell.

    Not sure wtf "neet" people (surely a very small number of individuals) have to do with "Bernie Bros". Do you think ALL "Bernie Bros" are "neet"?

  7. I hate Kekistani's??? Who knew?

    ...and I don't think that ALL Bernie Bros ARE NEETs. Just that if they are politically successful, they will ALL soon BECOME NEETs.

  8. Kekistanis are not real. They do not exist. As for these neat Bernie Bros... some of them voted for tRump. Will they vote for tRump a second time? I assume not, given that tRump is trying to kill the ACA. That is a big "free" thing I assume the hated NEETs all would greatly prefer to keep. Russia will have to up their cheating game significantly to make up for Dotard's continually shrinking base.

  9. lol! NEETS qualify for Medicaid. They don't need the ACA.

  10. republican states refused the Medicaid expansion. Poor people only qualify if they are on disability or have one or more kids. Talk about uninformed comments...

  11. There are no NEETS in those states. Republicans work. They got off the Democrat plantation.

  12. LOL! You refer to the Taker states. It's the Blue Maker states that pay in more to the Federal coffers than they get back. Red Taker states pay in LESS than they get back. BTW, there are ZERO states where republicans "win" 100 percent of the electorate. There are a lot of Democrats living in red states, just as there are a lot of republicans living in Blue states. Not that what you said about the republican work ethic being superior to the Democratic work ethic is true.

  13. lol! Coastal globalist trading "Blue" states aren't "Maker" States, they're National Debt "Grower" States.

  14. AG is America's go-to "maker" product.

  15. Red state conservative voters demand a "strong" (i.e. bloated and wasteful) military. Red state conservative voters demand a belligerent foreign policy that gets us into expensive wars - in lives and treasure (i.e. believing absurd lies concerning WMD Iraq did not have and "fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here"). That's what is growing the debt. Remember when gwb conducted his war "off books" and corporations ripped off the US taxpayer providing "services" (Halliburton)? That and MASSIVE conservative-demanded corporate welfare. Big Oil, Big Health Care Insurers, Big Pharma, and the MIC (Halliburton and fellow ripoff artists).

  16. I guess that you don't need much of a defense budget if your go-to plan for the next war is to hide in Canada until its' over like most Democrats.

  17. Dotard is going to be starting a war and people will be drafted to fight it? Who knew? You have some inside info, or is this just a wet dream? BTW, the problems we are having currently with Iran are due to the moron in the White House pulling out of the deal we entered into with them under the sage leadership of President Obama. But Dotard HAD to pull out simply because he wanted to undo all that Obama had accomplished. And we can CUT the defense budget massively and still be spending than any other nation on earth.

  18. As for hiding in Canada... young men with rich republican daddies can simply arrange for their (future chicken hawk) sons to get into the Texas Air National Guard. Or have a doctor concoct a lie concerning "bone spurs". FYI, I signed up for selective service - as required by law. But they wouldn't want me any more (for reasons that are none of your business). There would be no reason for me to hide anywhere.

    Apparently Dotard said, "Do you think I'm stupid. I wasn't going to Vietnam". You think he WOULDN'T have hid out in Canada if didn't have a rich daddy? Or one willing to get a doctor to lie about a condition his son never had? And, if it was stupid to go to Vietnam (as per Dotard) doesn't that mean that all the men who fled to Canada were smart?

  19. You are right about one thing. The only way to get a Democrat to fight is to draft him. :)

  20. Chicken hawk war criminal gwb wasn't a Democrat.

  21. Are you saying gwb wasn't a republican when he was in the Air NG? Maybe he was a Democrat and THAT explains why he went AWOL? I doubt it.

  22. He learned to fly a F-102 fighter jet whilst going AWOL? I wish I could learn cool things like that. Didn't he receive an "Honorable Discharge"? How is that possible?

  23. It's possible because his daddy was rich. And he wasn't AWOL for the ENTIRE duration of his "service". Only the last bit.

  24. The last bit after August of 1972 when the last US ground troops stationed in Vietnam had been pulled out?


  25. Or are you talking about January of 1973 after the US and Vietnam signed a Paris Peace Agreement or March of '73 when the POWs came home?

  26. Yep, when a war is over there usually ain't much hue and cry for Reservists to drill...

  27. I guess that makes it OK to leave without permission. That, and he came from a rich family. Which means different rules apply than for normal folks.

  28. Especially when the bird you fly is being withdrawn from service and converted to a target drone. Last known service for the F-102A in Vietnam was '68.

  29. I guess that makes it OK to leave without permission.

    lol! You've never been in the Reserves, have you?

    ...permission... BWAH!

  30. ...unless you're gunning for a pension or real-time pay, nobody cares, and nobody tracks you. But at the end of a war? They don't want you to show up.

  31. I've had this same discussion concerning gwb going AWOL while in the Texas ANG before with other rightwingers. And NEVER has anyone actually DEFENDED him going AWOL. They've all said it didn't happen. You (apparently) acknowledge it happened. And DEFEND it. That's a first. BTW, YES, the military is all about following the RULES. Absent Without Official Leave AKA without PERMISSION!

  32. Reservist who haven't been issued "orders to report" for "active duty for training (ACDUTRA)" can't go AWOL.

    In September 2004, Lawrence Korb, an Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan, after reviewing the payroll records for Bush's last two years of service, concluded that they indicated that Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result.

    No "orders" no "foul".

  33. You can't get paid in the Reserves unless you have "orders". You can't be reimbursed for travel and expenses and make-up pay (from your civilian employer) without "orders" to report for active duty for training either.

    Trust me. I was in the reserves for 10 years.

  34. ps - The military's "rules" only exist so that higher ups/ brass (not the lowly ordered about peons) can break them when THEY want to break them. Take it from an Academy graduate who was often subjected to extra-official punishments.

  35. pps - When I used to go ACDUTRA, I had to "request" orders to be issued. I doubt George W. felt like requesting any if he didn't need the job, or the money, and when the chances of his being called up for Active Duty (permanently) at the end of a war when the military is DOWNSIZING, were "zero".

  36. Quote: On this day [8/1] in 1972, George W. Bush, the nation's 43rd president, was permanently suspended from flying with the Texas Air National Guard for having missed an annual medical examination. [end quote].

    Military service isn't a normal job you can quit when you feel like it. Orders or no, he wasn't officially discharged from his obligation when he decided to not show up WHEN HE WAS EXPECTED TO.

  37. In August of 1972 the last ground troops left Vietnam. The Guard's "uses" for Bush were officially over. Had they needed him, they would have called him up to active duty, not "suspended" his flight status. Discharging Bush was a win-win for both Bush and the country.

    The last draft call was on December 7, 1972, and the authority to induct expired on June 30, 1973. The date of the last drawing for the lottery was on March 12, 1975. Registration with the Selective Service System was suspended on April 1, 1975, and registrant processing was suspended on January 27, 1976.

  38. August[edit]
    5–11 August
    Task Force Gimlet, Delta Company, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry undertook the last patrol by American troops in the Vietnam War to seek out communist forces shooting rockets at the city of Da Nang. Two U.S. soldiers were wounded by booby traps. The unit was relieved by ARVN soldiers. Task Force Gimlet departed Vietnam on 11 August.[50]

  39. If that is what bush decided - he wasn't needed and would therefore not show up for his medical examination - that wasn't his call. bush signed up for a contracted amount of time and left (went AWOL) before that contracted amount of time had expired. End of discussion. Being from a rich family got him out of the repercussions, but that doesn't mean what he did was not against the rules.

  40. Contract or not, you can't go AWOL from the Reserves if you aren't under Active Duty service orders.

  41. The President can call me up as a Retire Reservist at his pleasure. I'm not AWOL. But is he ever did, I probably would be.

    Same goes for Bush. So call him up.
