Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Santorum Folds

It's time for the Tea Party to register Democratic... there's no place in the RNC for non-monied non-corporate interests.


  1. I think that Santorum suspended his campaign for the proper reasons. Family first.

  2. I disagree. His daughter was fine. He only just recently officially acknowledged his role as a Romney "stalking horse" in the 2012 campaign. I'm not saying the HE saw himself that way.... but his financial backers sure did;

    Foster Friess, the retired investor who spent nearly $1.7 million boosting Rick Santorum’s presidential run, is ready to help Mitt Romney.

    “I’m obviously going to be of help in whatever way I can,” Friess told POLITICO Tuesday afternoon, hours after Santorum suspended his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination, cementing Romney’s status as the party’s presumptive nominee."

    He was given "enough" money to remain "credible", but not enough to seriously contend for the nomination. Just like Newt.

    I'm done with the RNC. DONE. The big money decides everything. There's no room for independent thought.
