Sunday, April 8, 2012

Is Corporatism Good for America? Or has it Transformed the Economy Into a Night of the Living Dead?

h/t - Paleocon Command Center

In 1886, the U.S. Supreme Court legally recognized corporations as “persons” entitled under the Fourteenth Amendment to the same protections as living citizens.

Unlike average citizens, corporations have large flows of money at their disposal. With this money they hire lobbyists, donate abundantly to politicians, and sway public opinion with marketing and advertising ideas that increase their profit.

A corporation never sleeps or slows down. They are immortal. Zombies? Fast and slow zombies... but mostly slow ones since 2000.

Publicly traded stock corporations are explicitly designed to maximize return to an elite minority of stockowners. The "head" zombies who now control the zombie politicians in both major parties.

Corporations externalize as many costs as possible and never reach an upper limit of profitability, because no such limit has yet been established. As a result, corporations keep getting larger and more powerful and continuously less liable. Some are even now considered, "too big to fail" by the US government, and must be kept alive at taxpayer expense.

International agreements, promoted by the United States, not only lowered taxes but extended corporate property rights and reduced the ability of other nations to regulate corporations differently. Turning their economies into zombie clones of the American economy.

In 1955, sales of the Fortune 500 accounted for one-third of U.S. gross domestic product. By 2004 they commanded two-thirds. This means that a few hundred corporations enveloped not only the commons but also millions of smaller firms organized as partnerships or proprietorships. Resulting in a zombie economy.

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