Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What do Virginians Think of Maryland's Governance?

from the Republican Party of Virginia
For Virginia Democrats, A Time for Choosing Contrasts don't come much clearer than this. From National Review:
"... Just days after Virginia governor Bob McDonnell announced a $544 million surplus, Maryland governor Martin O'Malley told county leaders Saturday that Maryland may need to increase taxes to solve a $1 billion budget gap next year.

What makes the contrast even more striking is the fact that McDonnell previously balanced an inherited $4.2 billion budget deficit that Gov. Tim Kaine had said could only be closed with a $2 billion tax increase, while O'Malley has already signed the largest tax increase in Maryland history during his first term."

So of all those Virginia Democrats who might be considering a run for governor in 2013 - like Terry McAuliffe, Mark Warner and Ward Armstrong - we ask a simple question:

Do you support the O'Malley model of governance, or the McDonnell model of governance?

Virginia taxpayers will be very interested in your answer.

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