Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Patriot Action Alert!

From The Dagger and the Harford Campaign for Liberty:
Join us for our Monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 23, then join us for the fight at the redistricting hearing this Saturday!

Saturday, Aug. 27th at 11:00am at the Amoss Center.
200 Thomas Run Rd, across from Harford Community College, near corner of Rt 22

Senate President Mike Miller, House of Delegates Speaker Mike Busch and others will be at the hearing to.

Even if you do not want to speak, please attend and show your support for fair districts in Maryland.

The redistricting process is carried out every 10 years after the census to redraw maps based on the new census population data.

Prior to 2002 the eight districts in Maryland were made up of 4 Democrat held districts and 4 Republican districts. After the redistricting in 2002 the districts were changed to 6 Democrat and 2 Republican districts.

They now plan to redraw the districts to 7 Democrat and 1 Republican or possibly 8-0.

Our Founding Fathers rebelled because of a tax on Stamps and Tea.


1. This redistricting represents Politicians picking their voters instead of voters picking their Representatives. We should be choosing our representatives and not the other way around.

2. The party in power will further reduce our ability to resist their hold on power.

3. Voting districts should be compact and comprised of communities with similar interests and goals.

4. This is an attempt at single party rule in Maryland.

5. The recent success of the petition to bring to referendum SB167 shows how out of touch the current state delegation has become. This is the petition that stops Illegal Aliens from getting In-State tuition at Maryland colleges until it is voted on by all Marylanders in November 2012 at the ballot box.

6. The current state assembly is more responsive to special interests than constituents.

Join us at Campaign for Liberty Meeting on Tuesday the 23rd at 7PM, then on Saturday, Aug. 27th at 11:00am at the Amoss Center.

200 Thomas Run Rd, across from Harford Community College, near corner of Rt 22

In Liberty,
Your Harford Campaign for Liberty Team


  1. I admire your activism SO much, Joe, and wish you all luck there in the great state of Maryland.
    I also wish you'd talk more national politics here because YOU ARE SO GOOD AT IT on blogs like mine and Silverfiddle's! YOU REALLY ARE!!!

  2. Thank you Ms. Z. That's quite a compliment coming from a veteran blogger like yourself.

  3. I'm only 3 1/2 years at this, but I do thank you for the nice compliment!
