Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Dreams and Nightmares


Opinionated and Right said...

So what happened?

Liberals voted for her mainly because she was a woman, a Black women and a POS
She had no qualifications or experience to recommend her.
No idea about the rest of the World .
She had no realistic policy plans.
She was unable to articulate the few ideas that she did have.
She was asking America to buy "a pig in a poke" (no insult intended).
She was not charismatic, and barely likeable.
And worst of all A Big Liar.

Opinionated and Right said...

Were are ALL the excuses from the POS PROGRESSIVE PARTY? CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE??

Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT nobody saw this coming…Heads are sure to explode. All the Dems had to do was not do REALLY stupid shit and they couldn’t get out of their own way….LETS GO!!!!
Make America American Again1
This country has never had so Many Illegitimate, Crime Seeking, Bottom Feeding, Taxpayer Draining, No Pride Having, Un-American low life's on it's soil.
Does this mean men and boys will no longer be allowed to ruin womens' and girls' sports? Does this mean that our TaxPayers won’t have to pay for Criminal’s Transformation surgery? Hallelujah And Does this mean that our Open Borders will be Closed? Well Hallelujah!

Joe Conservative said...

Voter turnout was much lower than 2020... most of the fraudulent voting center votes in Atlanta and Philly went away...

Joe Conservative said...


Opinionated and Right said...

Make America American Again1
This country has never had so Many Illegitimate, Crime Seeking, Bottom Feeding, Taxpayer Draining, No Pride Having, Un-American low life's on it's soil.
Does this mean men and boys will no longer be allowed to ruin womens' and girls' sports? Does this mean that our Taxoyers won’t have to pay for Criminal’s Transformation surgery? Hallelujah And Does this mean that our Open Borders will be Closed? Well Hallelujah!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What about all the massive cheating you said was occurring? Why didn't it work as planned? Unless it did work exactly as planned...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The Deep State stayed out of the rigging. They're putting their money on JD Vance and "replacing Trump" this time.

Now that we know the basic 2024 raw vote total, we are able to put a scale on the number of fraudulent mail-in ballots from the 2020 election.

Based on 2024 vote/ballot data, 18 million ballots are missing when compared to 2020.

In 2024 there are 18 million fewer votes. That’s the approximate scale of ballot fraud from 2020.

Joe Conservative said...

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: In 2024 there are 18 million fewer votes. That’s the approximate scale of ballot fraud from 2020.

What about the series of posts from you about all the massive fraud that was for sure occurring? You were wrong about that? All BS? People not voting when they did vote in 2020 doesn't indicate fraud.

Question: "Based on 2024 vote/ballot data, 18 million ballots are missing when compared to 2020. In 2024 there are 18 million fewer votes. That's the approximate scale of ballot fraud from 2020". That's a comment I read on a blog. As per this comment, there could have been 18 million fraudulent ballots cast in 2020. I doubt fraud on this scale could be possible under our voting system. Do the facts support my assumption, or is it possible that many fraudulent votes were counted?

Perplexity: ...there is no evidence to support the claim of 18 million fraudulent ballots in the 2020 election. Your skepticism about the possibility of fraud on such a massive scale is well-founded. Here's why...

1. No evidence of widespread fraud: Multiple investigations, audits, and court cases following the 2020 election found no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, declared the 2020 election "the most secure in American history".

2. Rigorous election security measures -- The U.S. employs numerous security measures to prevent large-scale fraud, including: Voter registration verification. Signature matching. Secure ballot handling and chain of custody procedures. Post-election audits and canvassing.

3. Decentralized election system: The U.S. has a highly decentralized election system, with each state and often individual counties managing their own elections. This makes it extremely difficult to coordinate fraud on a massive scale across multiple jurisdictions.

4. Paper trail and audits: Most states use voting systems that produce a paper record, allowing for post-election audits to verify results. Many states conduct risk-limiting audits to ensure the accuracy of machine-counted votes.

5. Bipartisan oversight: Elections are typically overseen by bipartisan teams of poll workers and observers, making it difficult to manipulate results without detection.

6. Lack of credible evidence: Despite numerous claims, no credible evidence has been presented to support allegations of fraud on the scale of millions of votes. Courts have dismissed multiple lawsuits alleging widespread fraud due to lack of evidence.

7. Voter turnout fluctuations: It's normal for voter turnout to vary between elections. Differences in turnout don't necessarily indicate fraud but can be attributed to factors like candidate enthusiasm, voter engagement, and current events.

8. Official investigations: Extensive investigations by federal and state authorities, including those led by officials from both major political parties, have consistently found no evidence of significant fraud that could have altered the outcome of the 2020 election. While no system is perfect, the U.S. election system has multiple layers of security and verification that make large-scale fraud extremely difficult to execute without detection. The claim of 18 million fraudulent votes is not supported by any credible evidence and contradicts the findings of numerous election officials, courts, and independent observers.

It's important to be critical of such claims and seek information from authoritative sources, such as state and local election offices, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, and nonpartisan election security experts.

Joe Conservative said...

You don't get it. The National Security State didn't push the button in 2024. They built the fraud infrastructure (all the fake registrations and harvested ballots) but weren't given the okay to pull the trigger like they did in 2020. Why? I suspect is that they've enough JD Vance USIC advocates inside the new administration that make them feel comfortable that they won't ALL lose their jobs. I, for one, hope they're wrong. It's either that or Joe Biden made them stand down. Somehow, I don't think that happened. He's non compos mentis, and his staff wouldn't likely listen to him.

Joe Conservative said...


Joe Conservative said...

Freudian slip? Maybe. But then we have the NED, NDI and IRI as well. We just flipped Pakistan. We just failed to flip Georgia. "Flipping" governments is what they do.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

By the way, your claim that 18 million fewer votes were cast in 2024 compared to 2020 is false. The actual difference is closer to 3 million. Although the final figures aren't available yet.

Rattrapper said...

MEOW, MEOW!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: You don't get it. The National Security State didn't push the button in 2024.

Nope. I don't get it. I don't suffer from the same delusions as you do. Did some rightturd liar feed you that delusion, or did your mentally ill brain come up with it?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus (prior to the election): fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud...

Minus (after the election): d0n0ld's win was legit. They decided not to do the fraud.

Rattrapper said...

Yep, they thought they had it in the bag! 💰💰💰💰💰

Rattrapper said...

Funny how the bonfire turned into the backfire. Dervy got blackfaced!

Rattrapper said...

Poor Dervish! Crying Bigly?

Joe Conservative said...

Let me know when you've got the numbers.

Joe Conservative said...

Ever read Plato's laws? Ever hear of the Nocturnal Council?

Joe Conservative said...

No, there was plenty of voter registration fraud (good for future elections, too). My point is that we need to fraud-proof future elections. But you keep pretending there isn't any. Remember when Trump won in 2016 and asked to start an investigation? Pooh-pooh, there's no need, said you.

Joe Conservative said...

The National Security State is in charge of elections now... and you're fine with it so long as they swing them for Democrats. I say that we take them completely OUT of the equation.

Joe Conservative said...

The Federal Election Commission reports that 158,429,631 people voted in the 2020 presidential election

So far 140,710,223 are showing up at Google by my count...

So yeah, about 18 million short.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

d0n0ld back in the White House is definitely something to cry about. Millions will die as a result. The economic consequences will likely be quite severe. But you'll be cheering the suffering and death. Unless it personally effects you. If it only effects people you hate -- you will be very happy. Because you are an evil Turd.

And no response in regards to where the 18 million fewer votes claim comes from? Why not? Are you admitting it's BS? I questioned Perplexity. The real number is around 3 million. That's given the fact that the estimated turnout decrease for this cycle is 1.8 percent. 158.4 million people voted in 2020. 1.8 percent of 158.4 million is 2.85 million. We won't know the actual numbers until later, however. But it will probably be close. Where did your 18 million come from? A mistake, or are you standing by it?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"you're fine with it so long as they swing them for Democrats" = no.

"I say that we take them completely OUT of the equation" = They are. That the the National Security State swings elections is your delusion.

Joe Conservative said...

That just verifies the steal. The real number should be 3 million, not the actual 18.

Joe Conservative said...

lol! Explain the censorship then. Explain the PsyOp!

Joe Conservative said...

Explain the disappearing Jack Smith Lawfare against Trump.

Joe Conservative said...

Explain the FEAR of the classified documents trial.

Joe Conservative said... the presence of President-elect Trump's declassification power.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Explanation: These are your delusions.

Joe Conservative said...

lol! Jack Smith needs to get out of town before he gets called to testify against himself and identify his collaborators.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The 5th amendment is going to be repealed quickly? It wouldn't matter, given that, if Jack Smith does testify in a sham retribution trial/hearing, there is nothing self-incriminating he could testify to. A prosecutor making a case against a bigly lawbreaker isn't itself criminal.

Joe Conservative said...

Making up crimes that have never in history been prosecuted is.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

That didn't happen. d0n0ld's crimes were not "made up". He committed them. We've never had such a lawless president before, so there wasn't a need to prosecute.

Joe Conservative said...

All novel legal theories with no trial histories.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

There never is a history of something happening until it happens.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

We've never had a president that tried to retain power via a coup. Your argument is that, because that never happened before, d0n0ld could not be prosecuted. Which is BS. The corrupt scotus has decreed (by overturning Roe) that precedent doesn't matter anyway. There was bigly history of Roe being upheld as the "law of the land" many times, yet the corrupt scotus overturned it anyway.

Joe Conservative said...

No, up until it happens the first time, it's a legal theory, not a legal precedent.

Joe Conservative said...

The word is "insurrection" and it has a very precise definition (and no one got charged with it).

Joe Conservative said...

...and that's not a theory.

Joe Conservative said...

Insurrection has a precedent.