Monday, September 25, 2023

Guess Who's Rigging the 2024 Election Already?

The Democrats of course, per usual!

DNC Pulls ‘Hidden Ball Trick’ on Sept. 14 Rules Meeting
WASHINGTON, DC—SEPT. 12, 2023—With the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Rules and Bylaws Committee scheduled to meet in Washington, DC, this Thursday, Sept. 14, a shroud of secrecy enveloped the process and cloaked the actual date.

On Monday, news agencies reached out to the Kennedy campaign to verify the Sept. 14 meeting as they were not aware of it.

The campaign shared this YouTube link to the DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting from July 28 where they discussed the date of Sept. 14 for its next meeting, and this link to a blog post by DNC Member Frank Leone confirming the meeting.

The DNC has kept silent about the meeting where a series of controversial resolutions dealing with Iowa, Georgia, New Hampshire, and other states are expected to be presented. These are crucial decisions that can impact ballot access and delegate selection and alter the calendar for the 2024 Democratic Presidential Primaries.

“This is the DNC's version of the ‘hidden ball trick,’” said Kennedy Campaign Manager Dennis J. Kucinich, the former eight-term Democratic Congressman from Ohio and twice a candidate for the Democratic nomination.

“The DNC wants to carry on without public and media attention."

Kucinich has made two requests in the past week to meet with the DNC but has yet to receive a response.

Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. challenged the structure of the DNC’s delegate selection plan as being a “rigged game.”

Kennedy has pointed out that Party Leaders and Elected Officials (PLEOs) represent a class of superdelegates that, based on 2017 so-called reforms, was supposed to be prohibited from influencing the first ballot at the Convention. PLEOs plus state delegates beholden to the party, can effectively lock out any Democratic challenger to President Biden.

On Monday, Kennedy reported that at least 10 states have missed deadlines to begin to publicize the 2024 primaries in their states.

On Wednesday, the Kennedy campaign will reveal even more details about the peculiarities of the DNC management of the primaries, which will cause an undermining of voter confidence and participation, according to Kucinich.

Learn more at Visit our press page here.

Who's cloak of secrecy "cloaked the REAL date?"  Was it Frank Leone?  Or was it Gyges', Chief Spinner for the DNC Party Elite?  Regardless, it's no "mystery" what is happening.  It's Business per Usual Political Corruption.

2024.  The MOST CROOKED Election in American History (after 2020).


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

How Trump is rewriting the GOP's rules to win in 2024. While state parties traditionally set their own standards for apportioning delegates — and most candidates just follow them — the Trump orbit has been quietly reaching out to allies to make tweaks either aimed at locking down the nomination or beating back proposals that could help his rivals. ... "He who controls the rules controls the process. You control process, you win", said Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita, a longtime political operative steeped in convention and party procedures. [Politico 8/04/2023].

Republicans Unveil Sweeping Bill to Massively Suppress Voters Ahead of 2024. The [American Confidence in Elections] ACE Act would encourage what is already one of the most dangerous threats to American democracy: money in elections. The bill would loosen rules regarding political party committees’ expenditures and would raise contribution limits for political party committees, which advocates say would give corporations and the wealthy even more influence over elections via dark money operations. [Truthout 7/11/2023].

Guess who's rigging the 2024 election? The republicans of course, per usual! Joe Biden won't sign the ACE Act (if it passed in the Senate, which it won't). But state legislatures controlled by republicans are passing (and have passed) legislation to disenfranchise more voters in 2024. Got to stop people from voting. Based on the lie that cheating is rampant.

It is really sad to see Dennis Kucinich turn Putin puppet and donald tRump supporter.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

lol! Money. BOO!

Dervish Sanders said...

LOL! What is tRump going to do with his NY properties? Without a license to do business in NY how can he collect rents?

Joe Conservative said...

The judge will be overturned/ stayed.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

...Judge Arthur Engoron found that they had overvalued several of Trump's properties and exaggerated his net worth to secure loans and business deals. He ordered that some of Trump's business licenses in New York be rescinded and that the companies that own some of his properties be handed over to independent receivers in what some have described as a "corporate death penalty" ... "It means you are no longer a company, and the judge is appointing someone to take over the assets and distribute them as the court sees fit"... Among the properties mentioned in the 35-page ruling was Trump's Florida residence and club resort in Palm Beach... :P


Joe Conservative said...

Trump overvalued his properties cuz he really loved paying taxes. Democrats tried to pin tax evasion charges on him for years. And now we discovered why they couldn't. He was OVER-paying them so that he could OVER-value them. Who knew?

Joe Conservative said...


Dervish Sanders said...

He overvalued them for purposes of getting loans (and also to feed his ego). He undervalued them for tax purposes. Hence the fraud charges. donald tRump never overpaid taxes he owed. He is a bigly tax cheat.

Dervish Sanders said...

You keep defending tRump, even though you clearly have no clue. tRump bragged about not paying taxes when he debated Hillary Clinton. You forgot?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Exactly. So how could he OVER-value them, too? Banks don't check? The IRS doesn't check? Appraisers for banks don't check?

Buy a clue, derv.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Learn "The Art of the Deal". Trump isn't responsible for your due diligence (or lack thereof). What Trump has done was NEVER "fraud". Any bank that accepted HIS valuation of the property was deliberately "leaning forward" to make money. THAT is on "them".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Ever try and "over-value" your property at a Pawn Shop? Should you get arrested for "fraud" if you do?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

If any thing was ever "OVER-valued" on a Trump property, it was the TAX ASSESSMENT.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Should the tax assessors been arrested for "fraud"?

Dervish Sanders said...

So there is no case here? Then why have tRump's NY business certificates been cancelled? Clearly Minus needs to buy a clue.

"What Trump has done was NEVER fraud".

The judge disagreed. tRump will appeal, but he will lose.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

the judge needs to be IMPEACHED for judicial over reach.

Anonymous said...

\\He overvalued them for purposes of getting loans (and also to feed his ego). He undervalued them for tax purposes. Hence the fraud charges. donald tRump never overpaid taxes he owed. He is a bigly tax cheat.

And what is the role of taxes in Economy?

ah, derp?

Or you was never thinking about such things? Because your DEMN (slave?anal?sadomazo?)masters told you that that is THAT thing you DO NOT need to think about -- as they'll think about it IN YOUR STEAD, and much better then you? ;-P

\\So there is no case here? Then why have tRump's NY business certificates been cancelled? Clearly Minus needs to buy a clue.

Corrupt politically agitated court?

\\Among the properties mentioned in the 35-page ruling was Trump's Florida residence and club resort in Palm Beach... :P


That's even better than screaming to Rep-aligned "Vote Bi-den!.. and commies will ROB you off your money and house... and even your underpants. Bu-ga-gah!"

Do DEMNs really want to win against dRump???

Or they want to hand him Crown of POTUS... on golden plate? :-))))))

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard asks why donald tRump hasn't been charged and put on trial already. That it has not happened must mean he is being protected by corrupt Democrats. Now Qtard says tRump is being prosecuted because the judge is corrupt. Which is it Qtard?

Nobody wants tRump's used underpants, dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Yep, what is this "persecute dRump" travesty is?

If not a dirty-dirty-wrong political technology -- "if you cannot win from your opponent in a fair play, try to sting him to death with your suckers punches", yes De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

By the way, NOW I have my own separate confirmation that CNN it's really DEMN media. In and out.

Just by it reaction to "dRumnp's trials"... and now to Bi-dens

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Yep, what is this "persecute dRump" travesty is? ... Just by it reaction to "dRumnp's trials"... and now to Bi-dens.

There is no "persecute dRump travesty". There is justice through the prosecution of the lawless donald tRump.

There are no "Bi-den trials". There are phony "impeach Biden" hearings in the House. That isn't a trial. Not even a impeachment trial. Qtard is delusional. But that isn't anything new. It has been spooting its delusions from the first day it showed up here.

Joe Conservative said...

No, there is "process" through the prosecution of DJT. And it's a corrupt one. Justice is "Divine", which really sucks for Atheists.

Anonymous said...

\\There is no "persecute dRump travesty". There is justice through the prosecution of the lawless donald tRump.

Or that is what your DEMN propaganda TOLD you. ;-P

Or... you think that I am idiot, and would be bought with this?

YOU are HIS political opponent.

YOU even call him "enemy".

So... when you call him "lawless donald tRump" -- I, as separate and individual, not involved in your inner political quarrels, foreigner from far-far-away, and a smart ace... SHOULD assess it as "objective description"??? :-)))))

As "Truth"??? :-))))))))))))))

\\There are phony "impeach Biden" hearings in the House.


When there was such hearings about dRump... they ALSO was called phony, by your opponents -- Reps, isn't it?

And... was they NOT right? Given with ZERO rezult of it. ;-P

YOU. Your naughty DEMNs started it. Weaponised impeachment procedure.

And NOW your political "enemies" using it AGAINST you.


Eye for an eye. ;-P

And isn't that fair??? ;-)

\\ Qtard is delusional. But that isn't anything new. It has been spooting its delusions from the first day it showed up here.

From IT... which habitually LYING about its OWN DEMN WORDS being its... very "truthful", very "demning"... :-)))))))) (ad infinitum)


Little Squirt. ;-P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Little Squirt decided to reduce its presence to that little NewSpeak confirmation? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

pulling his head back into his shell*

Anonymous said...


Joe Conservative said...

"pulling his head and feet back into his shell"

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
