Thursday, August 10, 2023

Welcome to the United State (of Nations) & the Beginning of WWIII



The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Victoria Nyland is a bush administration person. idk why she is still in government. Obama should have fired her.

Joe Conservative said...

The UniParty/Deep state doesn't care.

Dervish Sanders said...

dotard donald could have fired her but did not. dotard donald is "uniparty/deep state"?

Joe Conservative said...

Trump didn't get to pick all his partners in government and ALL of his partners for any replacements were subject to deep state vetoes.

Joe Conservative said...

"The People" hired Trump. The deep state COULDN'T veto him (although they're STILL trying).

Joe Conservative said...

How else can you explain two failed impeachments to remove him, and four indictments to prevent his re-election?

Joe Conservative said...

Deep State Czars.

Dervish Sanders said...

Minus: "The People" hired Trump.

The People hired Hillary Clinton. The Electoral College overrode the will of the People and installed Putin's puppet, dotard donald.

Minus: How else can you explain two failed impeachments to remove him, and four indictments to prevent his re-election?

Failed because republiturds are totally corrupt and don't care that dotard donald is the most corrupt president in US history. Tried to extort a foreign leader to open a fake investigation into his 2020 opponent. Tried to illegally retain the presidency via a coup.

Indictments are in regards to lawbreaking, not to stop reelection. As Mitch McConnell said (after cowardly voting to acquit re the second impeachment), "President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office as an ordinary citizen. He didn't get away with anything yet".