Monday, April 3, 2023

Censor More Speech, Censor More Speech!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Fake right wing extremist tRumper propaganda.

Anonymous said...

∆Fake Mystere comment∆

Joe Conservative said...

30 more comments in the SPAM box today. The Blogger algorithm really hates free speech.

Dervish Sanders said...

Are they all Mystere comments that say "No" but have my name attached to them? Are they links to ED treatments for purchase? Either way, where are these alleged 30 comments? Did you delete them? I don't see 30 comments.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

As for the video, the issue here isn't the false characterization of the Biden administration's fight against vaccine misinformation as "soviet-chinese style censorship". The issue is saving lives. The Biden administration is trying to save lives while the pro-covid crowd wants more death.

Dore takes this position gets him clicks. You, because you think this misframing benefits you politically. Neither of you give a shit that lives are being lost due to the proliferation of vaccine misinformation. The lives of tRump voters! PROOF that trumpism is a death-cult.

Listing known side effects of a drug in adverts is NOT the same as people posting their anecdotal "the vaccine made me sick" videos on YouTube. Anyway, I was only able to watch about a minute of the video. The constant waiting while buffering caused me to give up watching it all.

Q said...

\\The issue is saving lives.

"soviet-chinese style censorship" says exactly the same -- that they doing it for the sake of "saving life".

So? How we can distinguish???

Joe Conservative said...

The constant waiting while buffering caused me to give up watching it all.

Get a decent internet connection you cheap f*ck.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: So? How we can distinguish???

By the fact that republicans are dying in greater numbers from covid.

Rattrapper said...

🔺Dervish hiding as Anonymous to attack Mystere and to baselessly accuse him of faking a comment.🔺

Rattrapper said...

🔺Dervish confesses to writing 30 comments saying "NO" and spamming the Spam box.🔺

Derpy must have gone on a drinking binge and passed out in front of his computer.😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

Q said...

\\By the fact that republicans are dying in greater numbers from covid.

Go provide your theory, which would show mechanism how it could happening. ;-P

Or... just show that you are dumb stupid deliriopus religious idioticus vulgaris... who do know a zilch about Science, Logic and EVEN WHAT FACTS is. :-))))))))))))))

And I bet that you'll make me laugh again. ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Quote (article previously linked to): While the research doesn't definitively prove that low vaccine uptake among Republicans explains the mortality gap, "it points to this as a potential mechanism".

The fates of Republicans and Democrats began to diverge markedly after the introduction of vaccines in April of 2021. Between March 2020 and March 2021, excess death rates for Republicans were 1.6 percentage points higher than for Democrats. After April 2021, the gap widened to 10.6 percentage points.

Does this mean that differing vaccine uptake levels between Republicans and Democrats caused the mortality gap? [Researcher] Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham says this study alone doesn't prove that's the case. However, he believes it does offer "pretty good evidence" that vaccines are at least an important part of the story.

Anonymous said...

...Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham says this study alone doesn't prove that's the case. However, he believes...

Dervish Sanders said...

Unlike Qtard, I can put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4. Qtard says "as a foreigner I have no way of knowing if 2 plus 2 equals 4".

Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham's research proves that republicans, due to disinformation, aren't taking the vaccine. And dying in greater numbers as a result.

Why the Biden Administration is fighting vaccine misinformation. To save lives. The lives of republicans. And they get attacked for it with bullshit about "Soviet-Chinese style censorship".

Q said...

\\Unlike Qtard, I can put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4.

Renovned scientist you cited -- cannot, and are sincere and truthful enough to admit it...

...Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham says this study alone doesn't prove that's the case. However, he believes...

...but you -- can.

Well, I am NOT surprised. :-)))))))))))))))))

\\Qtard says "as a foreigner I have no way of knowing if 2 plus 2 equals 4".

If that 2 is in the Pacific, and other 2 in Atlantic... and addition happens somewhere in between ;-P AGAIN, far-far-away, and not in my direct sight... or even inaccessible to me through any other means.

That is the same... like if you'd propose for me to play "how many finger I hold?"... here... HOW I could play it, EVEN???

That is like dice throwing game... through mail. :-))))))

\\Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham's research proves that republicans, due to disinformation, aren't taking the vaccine. And dying in greater numbers as a result.

Just 10% more??? :-))))))))))))))))

\\Why the Biden Administration is fighting vaccine misinformation. To save lives. The lives of republicans. And they get attacked for it with bullshit about "Soviet-Chinese style censorship".

That is... destiny of any politician. Bleh. ;-P

Would you, for example, admit that dRump did something, anything good???
Because he is your opponent. Your political sworn enemy even.

So??? Why Reps need to venerate your Biden, then?

Dervish Sanders said...

Yes, I can. Because I am a "renovned" reseacher. Which is better than being renowned. I went to my local grocery store, approached some people, and asked if they got vaccinated. Those who answered NO said the reason was because they read online that the vaccines are poison. A couple of people told me they didn't want the Bill Gates tracking microchip. Next I walked the streets and found more people who said they were unvaccinated. Many of them were convinced that the vaccines cause cancer and infertility.

Qtard isn't sure if 2 plus 2 is 4 because he is a moron. A fact he admits with his "how many fingers am I holding up" remark. Citing published research is nothing like a dice throwing game.

FYI, George W Bush got vaccinated and made a PSA encouraging others to get vaccinated. Because saving lives should be nonpartisan. The evil orange turd made vaccines partisan. GWB was not venerating Biden by telling people to get vaccinated, dipshit.

Dervish Sanders said...

FYI, I live in a red state and the people who told me they aren't vaccinated also proudly proclaimed their devotion to donald tRump.

Q said...

\\Yes, I can. Because I am a "renovned" reseacher. Which is better than being renowned. I went to my local grocery store, approached some people, and asked if they got vaccinated. Those who answered NO said the reason was because they read online that the vaccines are poison. A couple of people told me they didn't want the Bill Gates tracking microchip. Next I walked the streets and found more people who said they were unvaccinated. Many of them were convinced that the vaccines cause cancer and infertility.

Yes, my little "renowned researcher". ;-P
You are i.v. who do not understand what Statistic is about. :-)))
Not sutprising, given with that that you dunno about Logic. Not surprising AT ALL. :-))))))))))

\\FYI, I live in a red state and the people who told me they aren't vaccinated also proudly proclaimed their devotion to donald tRump.

And they said that... from grave? ;-)
To be from that illusive 10% -- who died because they was not vaccinated?

Because... for now... that only DISPROVE your claim -- that being not vaccinated mean inevitable death. ;-P

\\Qtard isn't sure if 2 plus 2 is 4 because he is a moron.

No. Because I know Math and Phisics, and little by little from other sciences.
And I know that way -- that 2+2=4 "works" only in kindergarden.
Real Life... somewhat MORE complex than that.

Like 2 cows + 2 wolfs = ??? exactly. ;-P

\\Citing published research is nothing like a dice throwing game.

And how it relates to your claim -- that AUTHOR of THAT research admitted that there "no proof"...
but for you -- there is NO problem to elevate it to IT IS proof?

Well. That is not dice throwing even. Even with rigged dices.
That is direct and shameless scamming.

Akin to religious one. Like "that chalise is one Jesus slurped from, HIMSELF... believe me!!!"

\\FYI, George W Bush got vaccinated and made a PSA encouraging others to get vaccinated. Because saving lives should be nonpartisan. The evil orange turd made vaccines partisan. GWB was not venerating Biden by telling people to get vaccinated, dipshit.

And why you telling that to me?

That is NOT my problem.

So? What's the point???

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: that only DISPROVE your claim -- that being not vaccinated mean inevitable death.

I made no such claim, liar.

Qtard: I know Math and Phisics...

LOL. You can't even spell physics.

Qtard: that AUTHOR of THAT research admitted that there "no proof"..
You lie, liar. He most certainly did not. The study is proof.

Qtard: Akin to religious one. Like "that chalise is one Jesus slurped from, HIMSELF... believe me!!!"

Another lie. Verifiable data from peer-reviewed research isn't "trust me".

Qtard: So? What's the point???

It is proof that your claim that support for getting vaccinated is "venerating Biden" is bullshit. As is your "not my problem" dodge.

Dervish Sanders said...

FYI, gwb doing a vaccine PSA is not a "problem". It was a good thing. So you writing "not my problem" is moronic. In any case, I don't f*cking give a shit about what Qtard views as not his problem. We primarily discuss American politics here, so most of what comes up is not Qtard's "problem" (as an alleged foreigner). "NMP" is just another of Qtard's lame dodges.

Q said...

\\I made no such claim, liar.

Then... ot disproves your other claim -- that not vaccinating mean inevitable death.
For Biden to "save people from death" thruough mandatory vaccination. ;-P

\\LOL. You can't even spell physics.

I do such a mistypings for a dwibs like you.
Whoi have nothing to respond with... so they are so dumn happy to see such misspellings to concide with their victorious "you cannot spell it right even". :-))))))

Works like that charm.

\\You lie, liar. He most certainly did not. The study is proof.

So... when he said his "doesn't prove" -- he didn't meaned??? :-)))))))))))

And I must BELIVE you??? :-)))))))))))))
And not that author himself.

Well... clearly religious approach toward written text.

When "renovned" preachers demand from followers that words directly from Bible mean nothing. Only his own explanation -- that is, TRUE MEANING of "god's word". :-))))))))))))

\\Another lie. Verifiable data from peer-reviewed research isn't "trust me".

Then... WHAT it is? :-)))

\\It is proof that your claim that support for getting vaccinated is "venerating Biden" is bullshit. As is your "not my problem" dodge.

Do that sentence even meaningful??? :-)))

\\FYI, gwb doing a vaccine PSA is not a "problem". It was a good thing. So you writing "not my problem" is moronic.

You do not know? Do not understand?

Coloquial meaning of words "not my problem"?

Basicly... that I have no relation to it.
And therefore -- that cannot be "my problem".

\\We primarily discuss American politics here,

Aha... so that is what we are doing. :-)))

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: disproves your other claim -- that not vaccinating mean inevitable death.

Again, I never made such a claim. You are lying.

Qtard: Works like that charm.

Yeah. Works in proving you are a dumbass.

Qtard: when he said his "doesn't prove" -- he didn't meaned??

Someone can't mean or not mean something they never said. He said his study ALONE doesn't (definitively) prove that's the case. The study absolutely is, however, proof that supports the hypothesis that vaccine misinformation (and fewer republicans getting vaccinated as a result it) has resulted in more republicans dying from covid.

Qtard: And I must BELIVE you??? And not that author himself.

YOU are the one not believing the author himself. He never said "my study is bullshit. Ignore it".

Qtard: "verifiable data from peer-reviewed research isn't trust me". Then... WHAT it is?

Proof that supports the study author's hypothesis.

Qtard: When "renovned" preachers demand from followers that words directly from Bible...

We are discussing sciencetifc research, not religion or the Bible. You can't tell the difference because you are a magical thinker. You believe what you want to be true. As opposed to what facts prove to be true.

Qtard: Do that sentence even meaningful???

Yes. You claimed support for vaccines is "venerating Biden". I pointed out that you are full of shit. And I gave an example of gwb's support for getting vaccinated. You then utilized your NMP dodge. To get around a fact inconvenient to your moronic argument.

Qtard: Basicly... that I have no relation to it. And therefore -- that cannot be "my problem".

So what? I don't give a shit if it is your "problem" or not. It not being your problem has absolutely nothing to do with the point I was making. Which was that supporting getting vaccinated is not "venerating Biden".

Q said...

\\Qtard: disproves your other claim -- that not vaccinating mean inevitable death.

\\Again, I never made such a claim. You are lying.

You just made baseless Demn-Hypocritical claim that "Biden saved lives"... while, simultneously, that "dRump sentenced non-vaccinated people to death". :-))))

You always use such a hypocritical ambigious formulations. And always crying "that's a lie". Because U R Demn-Junky Hypocrite. :-))))))

\\Yeah. Works in proving you are a dumbass.

Like anybody HERE care about such your baseless laugable self-proclaimed "see, I proved it". :-))))))))))))

In which EVEN YOU yourself do not believe. When showing that when repeating my words and MY formulations. :-))))))))))))))))

You are... such a funny thing. To observe. ;-P

\\Qtard: "verifiable data from peer-reviewed research isn't trust me". Then... WHAT it is?

\\Proof that supports the study author's hypothesis.

Isn't it like "trust me, I'm renovned researcher"??? ;-)

\\We are discussing sciencetifc research, not religion or the Bible.

Well. Still. You provided nothing that could count as "discussing sciencetifc research". ;-P

Well, except, maybe, some material for reasearching of idiocy... for dumb-ass-o-logy. :-)))))))

\\You can't tell the difference because you are a magical thinker. You believe what you want to be true. As opposed to what facts prove to be true.

Well-well-well... but... if that'll be true -- it would be too damn easy for you -- to demonstrate it. With citations of my precise words.

But... too bad... that is only *I* who demonstrate it, each time, with proper citations. ;-P
Every damn time.
In every post, practicly.
And that is only your i.v. idea that you can "turn the table", by turning MY words against me.
Based on your damaged brain of magical thinker and religious twerp. ;-P

\\To get around a fact inconvenient to your moronic argument.

Go demonstatrate how that "fact" are REAL FACT.
AKA open, obvious, self-evidant ref to Relity itself.
And maybe, just maybe, you'd b able to make your FIRST sound argument in your futile brawl against me. :-)))))))))))))

\\So what? I don't give a shit if it is your "problem" or not.

Well... for at least you seems like understand, and even can spell correctrly... idea of "not caring". :-))))))))))))))

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: ...baseless Demn-Hypocritical claim that "Biden saved lives"...

In regards to covid, that Joe Biden saved lives and tRump caused deaths are proven claims. The total opposite of "baseless".

Qtard: In which EVEN YOU yourself do not believe...

I do not write things I don't believe. That is clearly what you do -- write obvious lies in an effort to anger me. Efforts your delusions tell you have been successful (re the "primal scream" you imagined).

Qtard: Go demonstatrate how that "fact" are REAL FACT.

Easy. There is video evidence.

Qtard: ...just maybe, you'd b able to make your FIRST sound argument in your futile brawl against me.

Your damaged brain makes it impossible for you to recognize a sound argument.

Q said...

\\In regards to covid, that Joe Biden saved lives and tRump caused deaths are proven claims. The total opposite of "baseless".

All in the eyes of a believer. ;-P

\\I do not write things I don't believe.

And you admitted it yourself.
Being believer.
That's it.

\\That is clearly what you do -- write obvious lies in an effort to anger me.

That is just a natural and obvious cognitve bias of a believer -- anything that do not fall into frame of its faith -- looks like a "lie"... to it.

\\Efforts your delusions tell you have been successful (re the "primal scream" you imagined).


You are thousand years too early even to begine to imagene what it "tells" me. :-))))))))))))

\\Easy. There is video evidence.

Yap. Propaganda.

\\Your damaged brain makes it impossible for you to recognize a sound argument.

That would be seen as "sound argumant" for a such brain-damaged religious i.v. as you? :-)))))))))

Well, I admit -- I freakingly UNABLE to devise such an argument.
Because... such a religious i.v.s DO NOT and CANNOT understand anything that is factual and logical.

And I... not interested into making up "arguments" they would like.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: All in the eyes of a believer. And you admitted it yourself. Being believer.

Yap. I admit it. I believe in facts. Unlike Qtard.

Qtard: That is just a natural and obvious cognitve bias of a believer -- anything that do not fall into frame of its faith -- looks like a "lie".

My belief is in facts and not of a religious nature (faith-based). Qtard attacks my belief in facts because (to him) facts he does not like are "garbage" and "bullshit".

Qtard: Yap. Propaganda.

Your opinion of the video is beside the point. You claimed republicans would not "venerate Biden" by encouraging people to get vaccinated. Video proves you wrong. Your opinion of it as "propaganda" is yet another dodge.

Qtard: a religious i.v.s DO NOT and CANNOT understand anything that is factual and logical.

You MUST be talking about yourself. "CANNOT understand anything that is factual and logical" definitely describes YOU.

Q said...

\\Yap. I admit it. I believe in facts. Unlike Qtard.

I'm glad that we came to a mutual agreement and understanding, in that regard, am I right?

Yes, I do not "believe in facts".


I cited that defintion many-many times already.


that facts are self-evidant

they are ref to Reality itself.

Reality -- do not need to be "believed in". ;-P

Because. It EXISTS beyond and ABSOLUTELY independednt to anybody's beliefs. :-)))))

But yeah.

For i.v.s like you.

Who drawning in propaganda of political crooks, who teach such gullible people with poor brain condition that "there is Truth ONLY WE have access to... and ONLY WE can provide you access to... so YOU NEED to believe US, and ONLY US".

Your words and reaction are ALL in accordance with that reconstruction of mine. ;-P

\\My belief is in facts and not of a religious nature (faith-based).


Funny as hell claim. After you admitted yourself that you "believe in" something that DO NOT NEED believing. ;-P

\\Qtard attacks my belief in facts because (to him) facts he does not like are "garbage" and "bullshit".

Little correction here. ;-)

Your non-facts.

'Cause, no matter how many times I provided simple and true definition of what facts is. No matter how many times I tryed to explain and poke it into your dumb head.

You. Still. In the state of denial. Of it. :-))))))))))

\\You claimed republicans would not "venerate Biden" by encouraging people to get vaccinated. Video proves you wrong.

And WHERE *I* claimed that BS??? Citation please. ;-P
(but there'd be none... as always)

\\You MUST be talking about yourself. "CANNOT understand anything that is factual and logical" definitely describes YOU.

Yep. :-)))
And you can prove that "MUST BE" with logic and facts... Naah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Hah? No comments from De-Ru-Pi???

Might it be it grown ashamed of its stupidity?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"De-Ru-Pi"? Who the f*ck is that? Is "De-Ru-Pi" the "it" you say might be ashamed for alleged stupidity?

As for your reply... thank you for explaining. You have narcissistic personality disorder. Qtard does not believe in facts, facts conform to what Qtard believes. Whatever Qtard believes is a fact IS A FACT (in his delusions).

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: And WHERE *I* claimed that BS??? Citation please.

You wrote, "So??? Why Reps need to venerate your Biden, then?".

We were talking about promotion of the vaccine by politicians. That was your reply. You are correct about it being BS. Yet you wrote it. I don't know why the f*ck you keep asking me to cite back to you YOUR OWN WORDS. You know (or can re-read) what you wrote.

Q said...

\\You wrote, "So??? Why Reps need to venerate your Biden, then?".

And what you found hard to understand???

Same like among fans of baseball/football -- each favours and venerate OWN commands. And that would be weird, to demand fans of one command to venerate other, rival command, isn't it?
On constant base.
They would not be fans of that *their* command then.
Well, admitting that opponent made some good strike -- occasionally, still possible and fairly normal.
But doesn't change all setup.


You making incorrect citations. Out of context.
And then trying to excavate something damning for shaming me.

Here is my CORRECT citation:

Would you, for example, admit that dRump did something, anything good???
Because he is your opponent. Your political sworn enemy even.

So??? Why Reps need to venerate your Biden, then?

Go try to demonstrate HOW it corresponds with your baseless, dripping of shit from your mouth accusations, I'll remind you, promptly, with correct and to the point citation: "That was your reply. You are correct about it being BS. Yet you wrote it."

So-o-o??? Where is that "You are correct about it being BS."? ONLY one which from your own mouth... well, dripping from your fingers while you was typing all that shitty baseless accusations. :-))))))))))))))))

\\I don't know why the f*ck you keep asking me to cite back to you YOUR OWN WORDS. You know (or can re-read) what you wrote.

But it seems... YOU -- CAN'T.

Either by the reason of being brain-demaged i.v.
Because of being brain-demaged i.v., and unable to withstand in a fair discussion with more brainy opponent, trying to devise some "smart moves" -- which only reveal you being i.v. more thoroughly and completely. ;-P

Q said...

\\ thank you for explaining. You have narcissistic personality disorder. Qtard does not believe in facts, facts conform to what Qtard believes. Whatever Qtard believes is a fact IS A FACT (in his delusions).

Thank you.

But I dunno, why you typed in this excerpt from your diagnosis. ;-P

What for?

Q said...


Derpy Derpy Do... Where R U???!!! :-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Why Reps need to venerate your Biden, then?

Reps should venerate human life. Instead they say and do things that cause more death. They "need" to do it (encourage vaccination) because saving the lives of their constituents should be their priority. But clearly it is not. And YOU AGREE it should not be. This is NOT "dripping of shit from your mouth accusations". This is a FACTUAL accusation.

Q said...

\\Reps should venerate human life


\\Instead they say and do things that cause more death.

Then go into the court... if you can prove a cause-action link -- between their words and somebody's death.

And if you will not -- you are their accomplice. ;-P

You know about their heinous deeds -- but do not report em.

\\They "need" to do it (encourage vaccination) because saving the lives of their constituents should be their priority.

That is... just your baseles unhindered opinion. Yawn.

\\And YOU AGREE it should not be.

That is not of my business. As I cannot vote for or against them.
And stating my opinon --- would be involvment in your inner political process.
That can be even criminal act, depending on the level.

Why you keep trying to demand of me to be involved in your USA dirty business???

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: "Reps should venerate human life"... Why?

Because they are in Congress to represent their constituents. You think their constituents don't like living? My guess is that most of them do. And want to continue living.

Qtard: Then go into the court... if you can prove a cause-action link -- between their words and somebody's death. And if you will not -- you are their accomplice.

tRump should be charged. Members of Congress who conspired with tRump are accomplices, not me. This will never end up in court though.

Qtard: You know about their heinous deeds -- but do not report em.

i.v. comment. Many others know of these heinous deeds. The heinous deeds aren't unknown because I won't report them.

Qtard: That is... just your baseles unhindered opinion.

Once again the i.v. Qtard proves he does not know what "baseless" means. Not sure you know what "unhindered" means either. That my opinion is "not restrained or held back" is bad?

Qtard: I cannot vote for or against them. And stating my opinon --- would be involvment in your inner political process.

Then f*cking go away. AGAIN you SAY you want no involvement, yet you REFUSE to accomplish this goal (one you say YOU say you want) by going away. Because you are an i.v.

Qtard: Why you keep trying to demand of me to be involved in your USA dirty business???

I've never done this. I don't care. YOU keep demanding involvement. And lie about me demanding otherwise. In violation of your "human rights"... you moronically claim.

Q said...

\\Because they are in Congress to represent their constituents. You think their constituents don't like living? My guess is that most of them do. And want to continue living.

Well... it's up to them to decide.

Besides... THEIR concept of "venerating human life" can be and MOST SURELY ARE different from yours.

And... under democracy -- you cannot demand of them to change their ideals.

Well, if it's REAL democracy, and not just some of your Demonrats ad hok REdefinition of what "democracy" should mean.

NOBODY can have such a power, such right to prescribe what OTHER people could and should and would think.

Under democracy.

But you are free to oppose it... and demonstrate your totlitarian colors yet again. Be my guest. ;-P

\\Many others know of these heinous deeds. The heinous deeds aren't unknown because I won't report them.

Thank you for showin that in addition to being hypocrite.
You have no consciousness too.

Well, suiting. ;-P

\\That my opinion is "not restrained or held back" is bad?

Polite people DO restrain their opinions.

\\Then f*cking go away.

See. Primal screaming. Again. ;-P

\\AGAIN you SAY you want no involvement, yet you REFUSE to accomplish this goal (one you say YOU say you want) by going away.

Well. You can do that too. To not talk with me -- go away. ;-P
Why wouldn't you?

\\I've never done this. I don't care.

Oh... that is RICH FAT SLIMY BS. :-))))
Directly from your mouth.

Just a sentence away from your OWN claim that I should "go away", because YOU YOURSELF proclaimed that I involving myself here (politically).

While I refuse to see anything like that. Cause it contre-factual. Against all visible facts. And basic logic.

And while you KEEP NAGGING ME that I SHOULD involve myself -- with making some apparent claims, stating oponion -- about your inner politic.

\\YOU keep demanding involvement.

And you can show it with quotes? ;-P

\\In violation of your "human rights"... you moronically claim.

Yet one totalitarian claim. ;-P
Placing Human Rights in "". Dismissing and displacing it as INEVITABLE and DEMANDING.
That is what every first totalitarian DO.

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: Well, if it's REAL democracy, and not just some of your Demonrats ad hok REdefinition of what "democracy" should mean.

There is no "Demonrat" redefinition of what democracy should mean. Or Democrat redefinition of what democracy should mean. Only republican redefinition. One that includes preventing as many people as possible from voting via voter suppression laws. Or tossing out as many votes as possible after they are cast. This is what republicans do, not Democrats.

Qtard: But you are free to oppose it... and demonstrate your totlitarian colors yet again.

Impossible. I can't do something "yet again" that I have never done. I'd have to do it once first. To be able to do it "yet again".

Qtard: You have no consciousness too.

Only when I'm asleep.

Qtard: Polite people DO restrain their opinions.

What do you know about politeness? I see no evidence that you practice it.

Qtard: See. Primal screaming. Again.

Given that I have not screamed even once, you have GOT to be talking about yourself.

Qtard: ...your OWN claim that I should "go away"...

To not be involved you should go away. Obviously you crave involvement. So don't go away. I DO NOT CARE.

Qtard: And you can show it with quotes?

Yes. You wrote (above) "Why Reps need to venerate your Biden, then?". Why, as someone who isn't involved (you claim), would you care about Reps "venerating Biden"?

If you wanted no involvement, I'd think you'd leave of your own volition. Go and post many comments to a Trekkie fan forum. As opposed to writing many comments here.

Qtard: Placing Human Rights in "".

Only because your claim that I am trying to deny you your human rights is preposterous. Also total dumbshitery. A claim completely unsupported by any facts.

Q said...

\\Or Democrat redefinition of what democracy should mean. Only republican redefinition.

Why you using Rep's redefinition of word "democracy" then?

As your own. ;-P

\\Qtard: But you are free to oppose it... and demonstrate your totlitarian colors yet again.

\\Impossible. I can't do something "yet again" that I have never done. I'd have to do it once first. To be able to do it "yet again".

Yeah. That is sounds logically. Your ability to sound logical confirmed. Hurray!

From this time. You can refer to this moment -- if I'd ever start claiming that you cannot.

But well, it is logical... but not factual, Naah.

There was for at least one time.

Exactly when you started to accuse me -- that I "involve myself politically", because I talking with you here, on the topics YOU choose and keep demending for me to know and respond and give my opionion about, most importantly. Even though I keep pointedly suggesting that that is not interesting for me. To discuss your inner politics.

And even trying to "persuade" my, that I MUST self-punish myself, with quiting commenting here (with your "go away"ing) -- which IS perfectly in TOTALITARIAN, ANTI-freespeech logic.

Like, recently, just a week ago -- one dude in Moscow was judged for 25 years, just because court infridged him "talking foul things about Holy Mother Rasha".

Yeah... I see how you, your Demns, would like to have SUCH POWER too.
To excess on your political opponents.

To put dRump in jail, for good, just because of his foul mouth. Isn't it'll be exciting, ah, De-Ru-Pi? :-))))))))))

No need to talk with em. No need to go into continuous discussions. To try to find a facts and arguments to persuade. In which you are VERY WEAK.

Just scream "Burn the witch!!!". And fire starts itself. :-)))))))))))))))))

\\Qtard: You have no consciousness too.

\\Only when I'm asleep.

Apparently. You are dodging. (See... I am able to use YOUR tricks TOO... and much more wisely)

That other meaning of that word.

Dirty conscience? ;-P

\\To not be involved you should go away.

I am NOT involved. So, why I "should go away"???

Isn't that claim logically flawed? ;-P

That is YOU think and keep claiming (contre-factually) that I "involved".

And trying to persuade me to "go away" on that base -- YOU OWN ideas. Not mine.


There is OTHER ways of how to avoid "involvment". Like talking about some other things.

But you keep claiming (contre-factually) that there ONLY ONE way. And ONLY that way, that is benefitial for you, and punitive for me.

Why I should be punished? By punishing myself, to boot. Ahh???? :-)))))))))))
Am I an idiot to do such thing to myself???

Or, that is just your foul desire for everyone to be idiots like you?

\\If you wanted no involvement


Why I need to want NOT DOING something I do not do in the first place??? And even did not knew about EXISTING... before you started claiming that it IS???

Isn't that is EXACTLY like with that religious people.

At first they claim that there is God... well, whatever.

But then, immediately, they start claiming that that you are guilty before him, and that's need to bend your knees before him???????????????

Q said...

\\Or Democrat redefinition of what democracy should mean. Only republican redefinition.

Why you using Rep's redefinition of word "democracy" then?

As your own. ;-P

\\Qtard: But you are free to oppose it... and demonstrate your totlitarian colors yet again.

\\Impossible. I can't do something "yet again" that I have never done. I'd have to do it once first. To be able to do it "yet again".

Yeah. That is sounds logically. Your ability to sound logical confirmed. Hurray!

From this time. You can refer to this moment -- if I'd ever start claiming that you cannot.

But well, it is logical... but not factual, Naah.

There was for at least one time.

Exactly when you started to accuse me -- that I "involve myself politically", because I talking with you here, on the topics YOU choose and keep demending for me to know and respond and give my opionion about, most importantly. Even though I keep pointedly suggesting that that is not interesting for me. To discuss your inner politics.

And even trying to "persuade" my, that I MUST self-punish myself, with quiting commenting here (with your "go away"ing) -- which IS perfectly in TOTALITARIAN, ANTI-freespeech logic.

Like, recently, just a week ago -- one dude in Moscow was judged for 25 years, just because court infridged him "talking foul things about Holy Mother Rasha".

Yeah... I see how you, your Demns, would like to have SUCH POWER too.
To excess on your political opponents.

To put dRump in jail, for good, just because of his foul mouth. Isn't it'll be exciting, ah, De-Ru-Pi? :-))))))))))

No need to talk with em. No need to go into continuous discussions. To try to find a facts and arguments to persuade. In which you are VERY WEAK.

Just scream "Burn the witch!!!". And fire starts itself. :-)))))))))))))))))

\\Qtard: You have no consciousness too.

\\Only when I'm asleep.

Apparently. You are dodging. (See... I am able to use YOUR tricks TOO... and much more wisely)

That other meaning of that word.

Dirty conscience? ;-P

\\To not be involved you should go away.

I am NOT involved. So, why I "should go away"???

Isn't that claim logically flawed? ;-P

That is YOU think and keep claiming (contre-factually) that I "involved".

And trying to persuade me to "go away" on that base -- YOU OWN ideas. Not mine.


There is OTHER ways of how to avoid "involvment". Like talking about some other things.

But you keep claiming (contre-factually) that there ONLY ONE way. And ONLY that way, that is benefitial for you, and punitive for me.

Why I should be punished? By punishing myself, to boot. Ahh???? :-)))))))))))
Am I an idiot to do such thing to myself???

Or, that is just your foul desire for everyone to be idiots like you?

\\If you wanted no involvement


Why I need to want NOT DOING something I do not do in the first place??? And even did not knew about EXISTING... before you started claiming that it IS???

Isn't that is EXACTLY like with that religious people.

At first they claim that there is God... well, whatever.

But then, immediately, they start claiming that that you are guilty before him, and that's need to bend your knees before him???????????????

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: when you started to accuse me -- that I "involve myself politically".

I never wrote that. Those are your words.

Qtard: And even trying to "persuade" my, that I MUST self-punish myself, with quiting commenting here.

This never happened. I suggested you go away. Because it would make your claim of no involvement true. I did not think you would listen. You did not. I don't care. Do whatever the f*ck you like.

Qtard: Just scream "Burn the witch!!!".

Fake quote. I never wrote that.

Qtard: At first they claim that there is God...

More false claims about things I never said. Quote me. You can't. I have made zero claims about the existence of any God.

btw, there is no such country as "Rasha". You keep derping about this imaginary country. As if your derping magically bring "Rasha" into existence. Is it like Kekistan?

Q said...

\\Qtard: when you started to accuse me -- that I "involve myself politically".

\\I never wrote that. Those are your words.

Here we go again.

That is YOU are one who to my words that I am "uninvolved in your pollitical affairs foreigner"... started pounding "NO, you are *involved*!!!".

And just keep doing it.

Despite even your own admission -- that there is NOTHING, that in your power or in your rights -- to claim such "involvment".

But you, as true r.b., keep saying it, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again... like it would change that FACT -- that there is NOTHING, that in your power or in your rights -- to claim such "involvment".


\\Qtard: And even trying to "persuade" my, that I MUST self-punish myself, with quiting commenting here.

\\This never happened. I suggested you go away.

And HOW it is not THE SAME as what I said???

It would be "suggestion" -- if you'd do that ONE time... maybe.

But you keep pounding that bullshit... for a month already. In numerous comments.

\\Because it would make your claim of no involvement true

And I keep pointing to you.
That your claim of MY "involvment" -- would have any legal, or moral might... only in countries like Rusha or China.


And keep asking you -- are you totalitarian? You might be, as you KEEP POUNDING that same things ONLY totalitarians would do.

\\I did not think you would listen. You did not. I don't care. Do whatever the f*ck you like.

This is CORRECT.
As we are NOT in a totalitarian ountry. And I have my rights.
And can give a flying duck to all your tryes to talk to me from position of totalitarian wannabe. ;-P

\\Qtard: Just scream "Burn the witch!!!".

\\Fake quote. I never wrote that.

And WHERE I have said that YOU wrote that???

That was re-enactment -- how it heppens in TOTALITARIAN countries.
How it was in times of Inquisition amd etc...

\\Qtard: At first they claim that there is God...

\\More false claims about things I never said. Quote me. You can't. I have made zero claims about the existence of any God.

That's puzzling.
Maybe you really have that cognitive problems??? Problems to understand written English?
Or... I write it somehow in a wrong way... but why only you react that way to my (not that perfect, yeah) foreigner's screeds???

Of course that was not about any "God".

That was TWO this sentence that need to be read together:
Isn't that is EXACTLY like with that religious people.

At first they claim that there is God... well, whatever.

Isn't that what religious people do??? Claim that "there is God"?

Just to start demanding to "bend your knees" before him... and kiss Hank's ass. ;-P

There even that LINK to YouTube flick to explain it in all details.

But you cutting that one INCORRECT quote.

Out of context.

And start accusing me that I did something wrong.

HOW COME?????? :-)))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Derpy Derpy Doo, whereRu??? :-))))))))))

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: "NO, you are *involved*!!!". And just keep doing it.

You are. This is a fact. Proven by your comments here. No involvement would equal no comments. Qtard will never convince me it's all a delusion and that he never commented at all.

Qtard: But you cutting that one INCORRECT quote. Out of context.

The quote is accurate. You have been going on for awhile now, falsely claiming I am a "religious bomker".

Qtard: Maybe you really have that cognitive problems??? Problems to understand written English?

That doesn't describe me at all. Qtard is obviously talking about himself again.

Q said...

\\You are. This is a fact. Proven by your comments here. No involvement would equal no comments. Qtard will never convince me it's all a delusion and that he never commented at all.

Strawmaning. Yawn.

And hypocritical redefinition of "political involvment" that was stated from very beginning, into some bogus "involvment". Just to "prove the point" of some religious bonker -- that I "should" stop commenting. To give him feeling of being victorious. And to shoke my freedom of speech.

Totally totalitarian behavior. ;-P

\\The quote is accurate. You have been going on for awhile now, falsely claiming I am a "religious bomker".

Totally obviously ANTI-factual claim.

As I gave CORRECT quite. Again:
Isn't that is EXACTLY like with that religious people.

At first they claim that there is God... well, whatever.

TWO sentences. Not ONE. As you did. To make YOUR false claim that I said it about miserable (with brains) YOU.

While that was general statement about religious people.
Statement, you cannot oppose. As it damn too obvious.
That's why you used such a bonker's trick of strawmaning.
Because you (with your miserable brain capabilities) COULD NOT come up with something smarter. :-)))))))))))))))))

\\Qtard: Maybe you really have that cognitive problems??? Problems to understand written English?

\\That doesn't describe me at all. Qtard is obviously talking about himself again.

That was questions, dude.

With that. You confirmed -- you really have problems with understanding written English.
With recognizing question marks for at least. ;-P