Matthew Boose, "It’s Trump vs. the Establishment All Over Again"
Seven years after his historic escalator ride, Trump remains the only man who the establishment truly fears, the only one with the capability of crashing this rigged system called Our Democracy™.
Since the “red wave” fizzled out, a consensus has quickly emerged in the media that Donald Trump is no longer a viable political force. The newly anointed prince of the Right, according to the tastemakers, is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Trump’s more palatable, less chaotic protégé. But DeSantis and Trump offer two very different things. DeSantis is a conventional politician with Trump-like qualities, who can, at least according to his fan base, build a popular majority that is beyond Trump’s reach. Trump is a radical outsider to a rigged, illegitimate political system with which he has been at war for seven years, and which his supporters see as an existential threat to their way of life.
Those inclined to dismiss Trump for a smooth imitation are taking a facile view of the political terrain. “Anyone,” Trump said in his 2024 campaign announcement at Mar-a-Lago last Tuesday night, “who truly seeks to take on this rigged and corrupt system will be faced with a storm of fire that only a few could understand.”
Of course, Trump was speaking about himself, as well as his allies who have been censored, imprisoned, bankrupted, and defamed since he entered the arena. There is now a very real chance that Trump will become a political prisoner at the hands of his past, and future, electoral rival.
Thanks to Trump, we now know how Our Democracy™ really functions. The Right isn’t going to win by being less “extreme,” ignoring election integrity (if anything, this would embolden cheating), or by trying to coax elusive “independents” in elusive “free and fair” elections. America does not have free and fair elections. The “Blame Trump” narrative overlooks this harsh reality in a lame attempt to sell Trump short. Trump did not “lose” the 2020 election, no matter how many times Biden or the state-run media say it: it was stolen, if not through outright ballot fraud, then through media censorship and election regulation shenanigans that tipped the scales in his opponent’s favor.
How would DeSantis respond to having an election blatantly stolen from him in 2024? Would he fight, or meekly congratulate Joe Biden and shuffle back home to Florida? And if DeSantis were somehow to win, would he, like Trump, be able to withstand the backlash from the media and the administrative state? DeSantis’ accomplishments should not be discounted, but he has yet to show the capability or inclination to push the envelope as Trump has done. This is not surprising: DeSantis got his start within the Republican Party, and owes his current position in no small part to Trump’s favor.
Some deference is owed to Trump, who has energized the Right as no man in generations has done. Only time will tell if Trump is as diminished as his detractors appear to think he is, but it is tempting to think that 2016 is repeating itself
The media meltdown over Trump’s announcement was instantaneous: “Donald Trump, who tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election and inspired a deadly riot at the Capitol in a desperate attempt to keep himself in power, has filed to run for president again in 2024,” ran a representative headline from NPR. Bill Kristol admitted he was “alarmed.” Meanwhile, there are signs DeSantis is being co-opted by the Republican establishment to coopt and destroy the MAGA movement. Whether or not DeSantis is a willing participant, it’s sure going to look like it when Trump is campaigning against the Florida governor, CNN, and Fox News all at once.
Prediction: “DeSanctimonious” will stick.
Seven years after his historic escalator ride at Trump Tower, Trump remains the only man who the establishment truly fears, the only one with the capability of crashing this rigged system called Our Democracy™. The talking heads know this truth deep down in their bones: Four years in Washington failed to make Trump into a boring politician.
Let’s face it: the man is an enigma. He is unpredictable, possesses extraordinary willpower, and, like all great men, brims with a sense of fate: In his campaign announcement, he spoke of his time in exile as “The Pause.” What the authoritarians dread most of all is Trump’s unique power to rouse the American spirit, even under the gloomiest of conditions. As Trump put it to his supporters last week: “This is not just a campaign. This is a quest to save our country.”
The insurrectionist donald tRump is barred (as per the Fourteenth Amendment, section 3) from running for president again.
Good luck with your lawsuit.
btw - Barrack Obama was born in Kenya. That didn't stop him from running.
Wise men of the mountain of Kenya did it? ;-P Such a cunning, half-century long plan? And what they won of it... for Kenya exactly? ;-P
You tell me.
NMP, remember? ;-P
When DC turns off the money spigot to Ukraine you'll sing a different tune.
Hawaii is part of the United States, not Kenya.
Why that question is so important anyway?
\\When DC turns off the money spigot to Ukraine...
Are you ally of Putin? ;-P
And enemy of free people of USA? ;-)
Hawaii, Land of Fake Birth Certificates. :(
\When DC turns off the money spigot to Ukraine...
Are you ally of Putin? ;-P
And enemy of free people of USA? ;-)
No, I'm the US taxpayer.
\\No, I'm the US taxpayer.
Times of WW2. Pearl Harbor.
And what was in that time with "honest and inquiring US taxpayer"... who even tryed to blurt it out... about "turning off the money spigot"... to a Land-Lease, for example?
Oh... I will not even start about Post-WW2 times here. ;-P
Another word.
You are deeply, deeply at err... if you think that THIS WAR is not your, USA war.
While YOUR SWORN ENEMNIES -- Rusha and China, conspiring a plan to make you "go out of Afganistan"... from each of your hard earned standing points in a World. ALL of them.
Times of WW2. Pearl Harbor.
Simple, let Congress declare "war!" They haven't. So, until they do, there is no war with Russia.
"Boo-boo-boo, I don't hear you... boo-boo-boo, I don't lisen to you."(c)
Well... playing this childish game... with a Nuke. Is beyond foolishness. But for not that long. Not that long at all.
YAP! :-)))))))
It seems Cold Age needed... to make us monkeys to leave our trees and to go our into wilderness of open space of savannah... with lions, crocodiles and... hienas. ;-P
PolitiFact: We rate the claim about Obama's birth certificate being a fake Pants on Fire!
No, Barack Obama's birth certificate isn't a fake.
Claims that Barack Obama is not a US citizen or that his birth certificate was forged have been thoroughly debunked for more than a decade.
Fact checking sites like Politifact (Lean Left bias) promise to help. But sometimes, instead of giving you the facts and letting you interpret them for yourself, fact-checking sites actually provide subjective analysis — drawing conclusions, interpreting and analyzing the facts for you — all under the banner of an objective “fact check.”
So how's that 14th Amendment suit progressing?
And where that finger was before? Go ask Nigero. 'Cause that is usual place he taking out his "genious thoughts". ;-P
\\Claims that Barack Obama is not a US citizen or that his birth certificate was forged have been thoroughly debunked for more than a decade.
Like anybody care. ;-P
\\It seems Cold Age needed... to make us monkeys to leave our trees and to go our into wilderness of open space of savannah... with lions, crocodiles and... hienas. ;-P
Well... some of them. Most "clever". Can postpone that voyage. And only seclude themself into deeper forest.
But they will be caught by ancestor who was more brave/foolish.
And placed in zoo. Or... their brains served as delicacy on their dianing table. ;-P
Did you watched that re-make of "Planet of Apes"? ;-P
Facts have a left bias.
"giving you the [info] and letting you interpret them for yourself" isn't fact checking. Fact checking websites usually attach a verdict to the facts they check. WHY they are called fact checkers.
Though I understand your confusion. Given that you think a "fact" is spin that fits the narrative you like. Or a lie that fits the narrative you like. You believe that is also a "fact".
Minus: So how's that 14th Amendment suit progressing?
Trump's 2024 bid hit with immediate challenge from group behind 'disqualification clause' lawsuits. Free Speech For People and Mi Familia Vota are launching a campaign via TrumpIsDisqualified.org to urge secretaries of state and other chief elections officials to bar the former president from running for office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, known as the disqualification clause.
\\Though I understand your confusion. Given that you think a "fact" is spin that fits the narrative you like. Or a lie that fits the narrative you like. You believe that is also a "fact".
Dervy-Dervy, didn't you know that facts exist... only inside framework of a theory (or ideology) inside which they have meaning.
There is NO standalone. Persuasive by itself. Facts.
Like, that is bullshit and idiocy -- trying to talk with a blind from birth... about colors. ;-)
That's hilarious, Dervy. Like trying to get someone disqualified as a murderer w/o ever charging them with murder or defining the term 'murder'.
I agree. donald tRump should be charged re the deaths he caused as predisent.
All libtards following policy of their libtard "most competent administration": hide your head in sand, and show your back to enemny... and wait. Till the chiken will be roasted. With atomic fire. :-))))))))))))))))
donald tRump should be charged re the deaths he caused as predisent.
Will Joe Biden, who caused more deaths than Trump, be named a co-defendant?
Joe Biden saved lives. You're erroneously (though purposefully) comparing an incompetent response causing deaths to a competent response saving lives. People continue to die due to the incompetence of the prior administration. Guess you haven't heard that republicans have died (and continue to die) in greater numbers.
Joe Biden killed 2x the number of people.
When Joe Biden took oath as the President on January 20th, 2021, USA had 396,837 confirmed COVID deaths. Now we're over a million.
ps - They're STILL dying.
It doesn't get "more" incompetent.
\\People continue to die due to the incompetence of the prior administration.
God Anubis was detroned? And new shine god Horus awenged his father Osiris... and now people have no need to die.
Or that is wrong comic I citing. :-))))
So now you're criticizing Joe Biden for not making getting vaccinated mandatory? That wasn't the case previously. Joe Biden can only save people who wish to be saved. Joe Biden isn't responsible for deaths caused by conservative covid disinformation. The Biden administration has done it's best to counter covid misinformation. Again, you criticized them for this. With lies about the administration setting up a "ministry of truth" and censoring conservatives and "free speech". Nobody has ever claimed tRump (or Biden) is responsible for the deaths of people from covid simply because either tRump or Biden was/is president.
"Q" stupidity ignored.
What's Sleepy Joe doing to reduce the numbers of young people dying from vaccine induct myocarditis (deaths up 13,200%)?
Oh that's right, pushing young people who'll never get Covid to get a vaccine which increases their likely death from myocarditis by 13,200%
\\Joe Biden can only save people who wish to be saved.
Jesus Christ can only save people who wish to be saved?
Are Biden new reincanation of Jesus chist? :-)))
\\"Q" stupidity ignored.
That just mean that you stupidly do not know how to back-bite even. Ba-a-a-aka.
To Joe.
Now I see your reasons.
But naah, they not "commies". They just one another christian sect -- libtards. ;-P
Well, one can claim that religions of all of the world is essentially and inherently leftists... but that way that one only will make that snake bite own tail. ;-P
Leftism certainly is a religion...
Well... but what is not?
Principles of Evolution say -- that everything new built on the base of previous buildups. ;-P
Principles of capitalism, too. ;)
Not exactly... actually.
Where is gene of capitalism? Where is its DNA???
Principles of capitalism its:
Ad Hok usefulness... of pretty much anything.
Plus... well, money.
But money can be anything.
So to say... Capitalism is sub-process of Evolution.
As it happen among and with help of those who are part of evolution.
But... it looks like it have traits of its own.
idk where you're getting 13,200% from. According to what I've read the myocarditis went away. The risk is significantly lower than that.
"Bite back"? Stupidity isn't "bite".
\\"Bite back"? Stupidity isn't "bite".
Yap. You got it. Your stupidity do not bite. ;P
So? What is your "most competent administration" decided to do with apparent death threats?
To your allies.
To your world order.
To your very heartland.
Wait till they'll fall actual H-bomb at Washongton DC?
...coupled with this direct evidence
Still under illusion that libtards it's about evidances... and not counter-factual faith? ;-P
Three concentric walls of a psychological defence of a libtards.
1. "You do NOT KNOW facts!!!", because you are magat, deplorable, (place your own version here).
2. "Your 'facts' is FAKE FACTS".
3. "Yeah... seems like you have facts, BUT... your interpretation of it, is wrong-WronG-WRONG!!!"
If you'd breakthrough all three of this walls... you'd see true core of a Libtard.
And that is -- Nothingness. They disappear. Ban you out. Stop to respond.
Well... the same as *any* other religious believer out there. ;-P
"their likely death from myocarditis by 13,200%".
100% false. The title of the article you linked to is "CDC study: COVID-19 mRNA shots increase risk of myocarditis by 13,200%".
The phrase "likely death" isn't present. Does "likely death" mean zero deaths? What's your source saying even one person died?
Also, Dr. Peter McCullough (in the article you link to) falsely equates inflammation to permanent damage. Like I said previously, what I have heard is that those affected recover. I don't know that anyone has died.
\\100% false.
And what did I said higher? ;-)
Qtard: And what did I said higher? ;-)
I quoted the article title. The article title doesn't say anyone's likely death from myocarditis increased by 13,200%. Qtard's reading comprehension abilities are clearly low.
fyi, the risk of myocarditis is higher after covid infection that after covid vaccination.
Minus: Leftism certainly is a religion.
LOL. What about the rightturd claim that Democrats are "Godless Communists"?
Qtard: Are Biden new reincanation of Jesus chist? :-)))
LOL. No, donald tRump is. Or he's "second only to Jesus".
That was a post tRump shared on "Truth" Social. Did he admit he came in second in the election to Biden/Jesus? What about his prior (and ongoing) claims that the election was "stolen"?
No, dervy, the CDC left the math (13,200%) to people willing to do the math (not them, as they were unwilling to admit as to the extent of their incompetence AND malfeasance).
The risk of myocarditis is higher after covid infection that after covid vaccination. There was no incompetence or malfeasance to admit.
\\I quoted the article title. The article title doesn't say anyone's likely death from myocarditis increased by 13,200%. Qtard's reading comprehension abilities are clearly low.
And what do you protest against here, Dervy?
That your behavior DO NOT fit into described by me above schema? :-)))
That at first
...you ignore uncomfortable to you facts
...you trying to throw it aside as "fake facts"
and in the end
...you trying to dissued em as "wrongly interpreted".
And when you see that neither of it is successful -- you will just shuddup and flea.
YOU, as mere libtard (aka religious believer), freakingly UNABLE to admit... that some uncomfortable to you facts... they exist, and by the matter of being factual -- true. ;-P
\\LOL. What about the rightturd claim that Democrats are "Godless Communists"?
And what is the problem for "Godless Communists" to be religious???
Folowers of EACH and every religion sees their counterparts as "godless", so what???
\\Qtard: Are Biden new reincanation of Jesus chist? :-)))
\\LOL. No, donald tRump is. Or he's "second only to Jesus".
Thank you, Dervy.
For such a definite demonstration of that fact that you do not know what Logic is. ;-P
Well, your this lame back-bites -- just increas veraibility of hypothesis that you are mere religious freak -- that is PRECISELY how follower of one's religion reacts to "holy beliefs" of some other religion. ;-P
I won't "shuddup and flea". If I stop responding it is because I am finished replying to your stupidity. Eventually I will exit this discussion. Not flee. Or flea (however that is accomplished).
Nobody's "likely death" from myocarditis increased by 13,200%. That remains a false statement. The risk of myocarditis is higher after covid infection that after covid vaccination.
That Qtard claims I believe these facts because I'm a "Libtard" and a "Libtard" is a "religious believer" proves Qtard doesn't know what logic is. My views on the coronavirus vaccine have nothing to do with religion.
Re "when you see that neither of it is successful"... I never expected success in convincing you of anything.
So what was the rate before and after the vaccine, Dervy? The author crunched his numbers. Show us yours.
Watch the first minute or so to get the source of the number.
\\I won't "shuddup and flea".
You are not only libtard but also an idiot then. 'Cause, that is idiots who do not know when to shuddup and flee. ;-P
\\If I stop responding it is because I am finished replying to your stupidity. Eventually I will exit this discussion. Not flee. Or flea (however that is accomplished).
Of course, your psychological defence will told you that. "It is not I who layed shit in my pants... that is smell from elsewhere". :-)))
\\Nobody's "likely death" from myocarditis increased by 13,200%. That remains a false statement.
"Your facts is fake. Fake-FAKE-FAKE!!!!" :-)))
Isn't that's EXACTLY how MAGAts react to a scientifically proved facts? ;-P
\\The risk of myocarditis is higher after covid infection that after covid vaccination.
Please. Explain, what word "vactination" really mean? Isn't it a way to infect prematurely, so recipient's immune system would "learn" how to respond.
Or what definition do you have in mind? ;-P
\\That Qtard claims I believe these facts because I'm a "Libtard" and a "Libtard" is a "religious believer" proves Qtard doesn't know what logic is.
Hah. You just demonstrated that you not only do not know what Logic is about. But that you have severe problem with cognition. With mere reading.
Because there was no such "Qtard claims" as you trying to answer too... illogically. ;-P
There was your sentence.
Remind you.
"\\Joe Biden can only save people who wish to be saved."
And I cleverly pointed out that there is people who say
"Jesus Christ can only save people who wish to be saved?"
And you showed that you do know zilch about Logic right away.
Well, you can repent and correct yourself -- for that you'd need to read someting around word "syllogism", but... in your idiotic self-absorbed proudness -- you will not do that. ;-P
\\My views on the coronavirus vaccine have nothing to do with religion.
Another name for "religious believing" is "magical thinking".
That have no need to have connection with any religion.
Actually, it precludes (every?) one. ;-P
\\Re "when you see that neither of it is successful"... I never expected success in convincing you of anything.
And where there was written something about "being convincing", ahh?
Only about USUAL PATTERN of behavior of certain type of people.
Similarity to which you keep showing, more and more convincingly. ;-P
I never said the covid vaccines will cause people to find Jesus. Yet Qtard keeps conflating "saved" (as in not dying) with "saved" (in a religious context). STUPIDITY Qtard believes is clever. LOL! I'm not proud of being smarter than Qtard. That is a very low bar. Many people can step over it with ease.
...and people who can't recognize analogies are...???
Don't make me laugh, Joe.
He sees analogie PERFECTLY... that's why he tryes to defect and derail it. ;-P
"Yet Qtard keeps conflating "saved" (as in not dying) with "saved" (in a religious context)."
But... Jesus promiced EXACTLY that -- NOT DYING. ;-P
That's why your words "\\Joe Biden can only save people who wish to be saved." is so blatantly funny.
And you know it.
\\STUPIDITY Qtard believes is clever. LOL! I'm not proud of being smarter than Qtard. That is a very low bar.
Ou-yeah... YET one trait of that certain type of people -- they sure that they ARE smarter than other... you know who they are? Or not, Dervy.
Qtard: "Joe Biden can only save people who wish to be saved". is so blatantly funny.
And you know it.
I don't because it isn't. Joe Biden never promised the vaccines would grant eternal life. Only prevent premature death in this life.
Qtard: But... Jesus promiced EXACTLY that -- NOT DYING. ;-P
Bullshit. If that is true why do Churches often have cemeteries adjoining them? FYI, "Eternal life traditionally refers to continued life AFTER DEATH".
Minus: So what was the rate before and after the vaccine, Dervy? The author crunched his numbers. Show us yours.
"The majority of myocarditis is mild and indeed reversible", said Dr. Eric Adler, professor at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine who specializes in advanced heart failure. He said a majority of individuals with myocarditis — about 70% — have no symptoms or mild symptoms that resolve completely. (11/18/2021 AP Article).
Minus claimed that "their likely death from myocarditis by 13,200%". Then he linked to an article to "prove" what he said was accurate. "CDC study: COVID-19 mRNA shots increase risk of myocarditis by 13,200%" was the title of the article. Notice that it says nothing about likely death. Clearly both Minus and Qtard are not able to comprehend what they read.
\\I don't because it isn't. Joe Biden never promised the vaccines would grant eternal life. Only prevent premature death in this life.
Hah... but that is EXACT:Y what later preasts did -- added more preconditions .;-P
No "preasts" were involved. Or priests. Just scientists.
And what subtle difference between priests and scientists you know? ;-P
That they dressed differently?
That they use differ lexic?
\\Bullshit. If that is true why do Churches often have cemeteries adjoining them? FYI, "Eternal life traditionally refers to continued life AFTER DEATH".
Go consult with sources.
Was Jesus resurrected IN THIS WORLD?
Of course, priests of christianity blatantly was not able to fulfill such a promice. ;-P
That's why they devised that "afterlife" scam.
And providing burial places -- it's just good business scheme. ;-)
The same as you and Biden. ;-P
\\Notice that it says nothing about likely death. Clearly both Minus and Qtard are not able to comprehend what they read.
I... don't care.
Because, as I have told to Joe many times -- NMP(Not My Problem). About what keep happening on your turf.
But your reaction -- that is interesting stuff. ;-)
Do I too blatant here? :-)))
\\Notice that it says nothing about likely death. Clearly both Minus and Qtard are not able to comprehend what they read.
The same as Trump's twits saying nothing about fascists putch. ;-P
But that doesn't stop you and your kin to call it that?
Exaggerating of claims -- that is usual game among Ams, I just willing to participate in. ;-)
Qtard: I... don't care.
You should care about whether or not you are able to comprehend what you read. Obviously your IQ is too low for this to cause you any concern.
Now... you clearly showing that you of that special type of people, Dervy.
Who feel insecure about their IQ. :-)))))
'Cause of that uneasy feeling... cognitive dissonance.
Between what their momas calling em "oh, you are my sunny flower"
And how all other people do react to their merry clumsiness. ;-)
Dervy believes that people with induced myocarditis will live as long as people without it.
I don't because it isn't. Joe Biden never promised the vaccines would grant eternal life. Only prevent premature death in this life.
And so people artificially given myocarditis won't die "prematurely" (before people w/o it)? lol!
Didn't Biden's CDC also promise that vaccination would prevent the spread of Covid, too? lol
Minus: Dervy believes that people with induced myocarditis will live as long as people without it.
I do.
"The majority of myocarditis is mild and indeed reversible", said Dr. Eric Adler...
Minus: ...vaccination would prevent the spread of Covid, too?
It would had. Had the Right not launched a vaccine disinformation campaign. Not enough people got vaccinated. You killed people. And you want to prosecute Dr. Fauci?
\\I do.
Credo ipso absurdum? ;-P
\\It would had. Had the Right not launched a vaccine disinformation campaign. Not enough people got vaccinated. You killed people. And you want to prosecute Dr. Fauci?
Well. Was Right that mighty... that they "launched a vaccine disinformation campaign" in China too? ;-)
That is called Counter-Example. In Science Thinking.
But... bleh, Dervy will show to us -- how he dislikes Science... when it compromises his delusionsal libtard's beliefs. :-))))
And will prove once again that he proficient in only one -- religious thinking/magical thinking/eine-fuhrer-eine-wahrheit thinking.
That covid rates are higher among republiturds compared to Democrats is proof the disinformation campaign worked and is working.
That isn't a "libtard belief", it is a fact. Qtard denies this because he dislikes Science... when it proves his delusionsal rightturd beliefs are wrong.
\\That covid rates are higher among republiturds compared to Democrats is proof the disinformation campaign worked and is working.
Or... that they are more sociable, amicable and pleasant people. Who like to meet people in-person. And not through personless medeation of modern techs only.
Not like basment dwellers libtards. ;-P
See. You commiting most obvious mistake of pseudo-scientsts -- devising conclusion before analysing ALL facts and possibilities.
\\That isn't a "libtard belief", it is a fact. Qtard denies this because he dislikes Science... when it proves his delusionsal rightturd beliefs are wrong.
Second common mistake of pseudo-scientists and religious fanatics.
Just the moment (or even before that, as in this case) fleamsiness of their "scientific" conclusions revealed -- they start screaming "your nasty Science -- that is Nazi's Obfuscation and Eradication of Truth... ONLY OUR Science is True Science". :-))))
No answer from Dervy here. :-)))
Predictably. Only stupidity from Qtard.
Only stupidity from Qtard here.
(facepalm) :-))))))))))
Aha... I see.
Science it's Stupidity.
Stupidity -- it's SCINCE!!!!
How long ago you started to chant this slogans, Dervy?
Oh... but what I'm asking. "I always was saying that", of course. :-))))))
Dervy isn't Thomas Dolby, Q. Or maybe he is...!
...known for Howard the Duck (1986)...
But. Hardly that's enough for me to understood.
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