Thursday, June 9, 2022

The House Sham January 6th Investigation to Reveal Its' Shammery Tonight @ 8pm!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

It appears that you're afraid. Are the hearings a prelude to dotard donald's arrest for seditious conspiracy?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Please, by all means, arrest him. Martyrs draw much larger crowds.

Les Carpenter said...

Yes, arrest the orange scum. Then try and The hang the SOB. Along with his traitorous co-consirators.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

...if he's found guilty.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Just make sure it's in a DC Court...

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Well, the press isn't and hasn't been using the word "alleged" to describe Trumpworld's coup and insurrection efforts, and it ain't Amber Turd "defaming" Trump. The very real possibility that Methhead Nixon can't skate uphill and his day in court, any court, will go badly for him is looking likely. The "party of law and order" will just have to take the knee on their throats like a man.

Les Carpenter said...

Yup. But we will certainly be aware of the screeching and wailing of the trumpists as their fake man has his fake balls cut off.

As real Americans celebrate justice.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

donald tRump deserves to be hung for attempting an insurrection.

Joe Conservative said...

So much for the "cruel and unusual punishment" clause...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So why did you say (in a prior discussion) that you'd be for thieves having their hands cut off? That isn't cruel and unusual punishment?

Shaw Kenawe said...

20 million people watched and were appalled, again!, at what happened that day! American mobs (not a foreign entity) tried to stop a Constitutional procedure to certify an election.

The American people determined that Donald J. Trump did not deserve another term; but Trump, a malignant narcissist, was unable to accept his loss. He knew he lost. But his malignant narcissism compelled him to repeat the Big Lie to soothe his injured outsized ego. Unfortunately, we found out that there are millions of Americans who are easily fooled and led by a mentally damaged man whose only goal was to keep his hold on power and expunge the idea of LOSER from the minds of his gullible followers.

History will forever record his treachery, as well as those who followed him into the depths of his derangement.

Joe Conservative said...

Were we talking about Saudi Arabia? It's neither, there dervy.

Joe Conservative said...

20 million out of 340 million is... 6%. Who cares?

Joe Conservative said...

The evening newscasts on CBS, NBC & ABC average between 18 and 20 million viewers combined on a typical night (not "prime time"). The Jan 6 Hearings got just over 11+ million on those same three networks during primetime:

8pm ET
ABC - 4.477
NBC - 3.296
CBS - 3.335

9pm ET
ABC - 4.233
NBC - 3.331
CDB - 3.139

The other 9 million viewers? They added up to less viewers than a typical Joe Rogan podcast.

Doesn't sound like a very successful "major event". It's more like a typical Nicholas Maduro "cadena".

Joe Conservative said...

Didn't 38 million watch Biden's SotU address last March? Jes' sayin'...

Les Carpenter said...

For the trumpists of ignrance like yourself were you were absolutely thrilled by the opportunity to once again thrive on your irrelevance?

Joe Conservative said...

That would again be referring to "nobody". :)

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Wow... You got an invasion of dissent, FJ. Makes me almost miss blogging.

As always, I divide every cause into thirds. Those with you, those against you, and those who wonder why cottage cheese has an expiration date.

The battle is always going to be for the attention of those who eat rotten cottage cheese without noticing. This third will further divide into thirds, those that want to overthrow the government because rotten cottage cheese is expensive, those opposed to normalization of "overthrow the government" thought, and those who wonder why critical cheese theory is being pushed in their kids gay sex geology classes. Slivers and slivers split off to either of the original two divisions, resulting in one side or the other winning a 50.1 vs. 49.9 victory, and governing with a noisy coalition that prevents anything serious from happening.

America is awesome.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

20 million out of 340 million is... 6%. Who cares?

20 million out of 247 million old enough to vote (8%)

20 million interested enough to follow politics thus likely to vote (62%, 159.34 million) = 12.5%

The cottage cheese margin is engaged

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

The members of that 12.5% belong to one of the three thirds (pro-Trump / anti-Trump / undecided cottage cheese), and numerically if in one camp or another as a third of a third work out to a 37.7%

One of the pro-Trump / anti-Trump cohorts is winning by 4.4%

I doubt it's the pro-Trump cohort.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I watched on MSNBC.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I'm still watching on YouRube.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Fox News Didn't Air the Jan. 6 Hearing, and It Got Clobbered by MSNBC. MSNBC averaged a whopping (for them) 4.161 million total viewers, trouncing both Fox News (2.957 million total viewers) by 29 percent and CNN (2.617 total million viewers) by 37 percent. CNN finished way ahead of its direct cable news competition in the key demographic for news programming, adults 25-54, with 709,000 viewers from that age range vs. 555,000 on MSNBC and 513,000 on Fox. That's a 22 percent advantage over MSNBC and 28 percent win over Fox News.

Joe Conservative said...

YouRube? I resemble that remark! ;P

Anonymous said...

YouRube, Chik Kok, Farcebook, Twigger, Instaslam, SnatchChat, Dumbler, Troofer Soshal....

Joe Conservative said...

And the $1000 Jeopardy question is, "Where does Dervy spend all his on-line time".

Joe Conservative said...

Got any more, Karnak?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

And the $1000 Jeopardy question is, "Where does Dervy spend all his online time".